In looking at the seemingly endless debate by Creationists (including those hiding behind the facade they call ID or Intelligent design) against the existence of evolution (or macro-evolution for the IDers), I feel that there is a fundamental flaw in the accepted scientific law (I've used law as opposed to theory as "Scientific Theory" is so often miscommunicated by IDers as "Best Guess" or "Something that has not stood up to scrutiny")
The scientific world has seemingly locked itself into the concept of "species" as a classification. The way I see it, what we call a species is simply a snapshot in time of a particular genetic strain. We can also put other constraints such as interbreedability on our definition but this restriction in isolation can also occur due to geography ect.
Think of it this way. Here we are in 2005 (or later, depending on when you read this) we look at a living thing and desribe it scientifically. We then proudly proclaim it to be a species. If for example what we were looking at was not a living thing but a length of string 10 miles long, we are simply describing the very end of the string and naming it. As we look back our fossil record we find a snapshot of the same piece of string 10cm from the end, another 32cm from the end or 3 miles and name each an individual species. I'm sure you get the gist of it.
As a christian myself, I often get frustrated by the pseudo-science which the IDers attempt to put forward to prove their literal interpretation of the bible. One of the key issues they constantly attempt to argue is that the biblical "Kind" means "Species". Why does it have to mean species? Why can't it mean a "dynamic genetic genome"?
The scientific world has seemingly locked itself into the concept of "species" as a classification. The way I see it, what we call a species is simply a snapshot in time of a particular genetic strain. We can also put other constraints such as interbreedability on our definition but this restriction in isolation can also occur due to geography ect.
Think of it this way. Here we are in 2005 (or later, depending on when you read this) we look at a living thing and desribe it scientifically. We then proudly proclaim it to be a species. If for example what we were looking at was not a living thing but a length of string 10 miles long, we are simply describing the very end of the string and naming it. As we look back our fossil record we find a snapshot of the same piece of string 10cm from the end, another 32cm from the end or 3 miles and name each an individual species. I'm sure you get the gist of it.
As a christian myself, I often get frustrated by the pseudo-science which the IDers attempt to put forward to prove their literal interpretation of the bible. One of the key issues they constantly attempt to argue is that the biblical "Kind" means "Species". Why does it have to mean species? Why can't it mean a "dynamic genetic genome"?