Gender Selection is here!


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Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
I was just recently appalled (sp?) to find out that gender selection is being offered to couples in the United States. Couples from all over the globe are coming to the U.S. to make use of this service.

This REALLY freaks me out! I know there are certain things about myself that bother me (darn cowlick and I'll never have wash-board abs, just not in the genes) but they are part of what makes me ME!

I was just reading the thread Brian started regarding when fetuses become human and this whole moral issue came up again. If souls are reincarnated are there male and female souls that require male and female bodies? What will happen in there becomes a shortage of male or female bodies? Is this why transgendered people feel as though they are a male stuck in a female body or vice versa? Are people changing the course of a higher power's plan?

There are so many ramifications that I'm sure I'm not evening getting the tip of the iceberg!:eek:
InquisitiveInHalifax said:
I was just recently appalled (sp?) to find out that gender selection is being offered to couples in the United States. Couples from all over the globe are coming to the U.S. to make use of this service.

This REALLY freaks me out! I know there are certain things about myself that bother me (darn cowlick and I'll never have wash-board abs, just not in the genes) but they are part of what makes me ME!

I was just reading the thread Brian started regarding when fetuses become human and this whole moral issue came up again. If souls are reincarnated are there male and female souls that require male and female bodies? What will happen in there becomes a shortage of male or female bodies? Is this why transgendered people feel as though they are a male stuck in a female body or vice versa? Are people changing the course of a higher power's plan?

There are so many ramifications that I'm sure I'm not evening getting the tip of the iceberg!:eek:

Hi Inquisitive,

I know you've been around here for a while but I think this is the first time I've addressed you, so welcome to CR!

Do you have a reference for the above regarding gender selection service? No, I'm not in the market but I am curious about what, exactly, is being offered. I'm assuming it's some kind of in vitro fertilization plus genetic screening, but would like to know for sure. Perhaps there is a way to screen the sperm prior to fertilization? It might make a difference regarding life ethics as a sperm by itself is not going to become a fetus.

However, even if life ethics are not involved I'm not sure I could agree with spending dollars and resources for gender selection as it puts us firmly on the path to creating a genetic gap between the rich and poor. And that gap is already bad enough without adding genetic manipulation.

'course, in my view the whole genetic preselection strategy could totally backfire on those who seek to enhance their germ lines/offspring. Look what we've done to dogs--sure they are pretty and tailored to different behaviors humans find useful, but it is also often accompanied by serious health problems and weakening of physiology.

We don't know nearly enough to start tweaking the human genome with hopes of "improving" it.

my 2 c,
Thanks for the warm welcome Lunamoth. I originally read the article on a week or so ago and now I can't find it (I'm sure I'll find it when I stop looking for it, lol). However I did find a site for a company that offers the service From my understanding what they do is biopsy an embryo to determine what the sex of the resulting child will be, when they have an embryo with the desired sex they implant it in the mother's womb. I don't know what they do with the unwanted embryos, one can only imagine.

InquisitiveInHalifax said:
Thanks for the warm welcome Lunamoth. I originally read the article on a week or so ago and now I can't find it (I'm sure I'll find it when I stop looking for it, lol). However I did find a site for a company that offers the service From my understanding what they do is biopsy an embryo to determine what the sex of the resulting child will be, when they have an embryo with the desired sex they implant it in the mother's womb. I don't know what they do with the unwanted embryos, one can only imagine.


Hi Inquistive (I spent some time in Halifax on my honeymoon :) ),

The biopsy and discard thing strikes me as...uhgh. :(

I have a friend who has gone into the invitro process over and many couples are evidently having isssues with the fertility and childbirth...

It was eye-opening to say the least and I've wondered why it hasn't made major news.

eggs are extracted...sperm and eggs are introduced in the lab...fertilized eggs are saved...6-8 eggs are they establish themselves they are watched and the biggest, best, healthiest is kept, and the rest are....discarded.

Is this not abortion? And it seems many that have a anti-abortion stance go through this procedure....very few opt to keep all 8 from my understanding..
wil said:
I have a friend who has gone into the invitro process over and many couples are evidently having isssues with the fertility and childbirth...

It was eye-opening to say the least and I've wondered why it hasn't made major news.

eggs are extracted...sperm and eggs are introduced in the lab...fertilized eggs are saved...6-8 eggs are they establish themselves they are watched and the biggest, best, healthiest is kept, and the rest are....discarded.

Is this not abortion? And it seems many that have a anti-abortion stance go through this procedure....very few opt to keep all 8 from my understanding..

Hi wil,

Yes, to me there can be little distinction between in vitro as it is presently done and abortion. But there was a time in my life when I was strongly pro-choice, and I still am but in a much gentler way. Life is just too complex for me to say what should or should not be done by another.

Even after I wrote the above 'uhgh' I thought about how easy it is for me to say this with my family-starting years behind me (I think...). When my husband and I chose adoption over in vitro there were of course many motivations, some 'selfish,' but others I like to think less-so. It did seem like a waste of resources (not referring to just our personal resources as adoption is not an inexpensive option) to go through in vitro just for the hopes of having a biological child when there are so many babies in need of families.

It is a complex issue. I should not be so quick to judge (as is always the case).

I just reread the thread..
Perhaps there is a way to screen the sperm prior to fertilization?
and I suppose that this probably belongs in the thread regarding humor and blasphemy...but....

I pictured a condom screened to allow specific sperms.

with a long tube for those who want long distance runners...

with a maze for those who are looking for puzzle solvers...

one that in order for your swimmer to succeed he/she had to help others

one that the only way out was to go over the soap box to find the politicians..

I probably should have apologized in advance for the way my brain tends to work occasionally...makes me wonder how I found my way to that egg.....