Established Member
I was just recently appalled (sp?) to find out that gender selection is being offered to couples in the United States. Couples from all over the globe are coming to the U.S. to make use of this service.
This REALLY freaks me out! I know there are certain things about myself that bother me (darn cowlick and I'll never have wash-board abs, just not in the genes) but they are part of what makes me ME!
I was just reading the thread Brian started regarding when fetuses become human and this whole moral issue came up again. If souls are reincarnated are there male and female souls that require male and female bodies? What will happen in there becomes a shortage of male or female bodies? Is this why transgendered people feel as though they are a male stuck in a female body or vice versa? Are people changing the course of a higher power's plan?
There are so many ramifications that I'm sure I'm not evening getting the tip of the iceberg!
This REALLY freaks me out! I know there are certain things about myself that bother me (darn cowlick and I'll never have wash-board abs, just not in the genes) but they are part of what makes me ME!
I was just reading the thread Brian started regarding when fetuses become human and this whole moral issue came up again. If souls are reincarnated are there male and female souls that require male and female bodies? What will happen in there becomes a shortage of male or female bodies? Is this why transgendered people feel as though they are a male stuck in a female body or vice versa? Are people changing the course of a higher power's plan?
There are so many ramifications that I'm sure I'm not evening getting the tip of the iceberg!