The end of times


Goal: Orthodox Jew
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Ann Arbor
We are finally here. After a wait that has lasted millennia, the world as we know it is about to change forever. All the necessary pieces are in play. The Jews have returned to their homeland. G.D's eternal promise has been fulfilled. The righteous, once as numerous as stars in the sky, later decimated by war and injustice, are now on the rise. Everything is moving to extremes.

There are those who kill in G.D's sacred and divine name. Do they think he does not see their sins? Do they think he does not hear the cries of the innocent? His rage boils. His infinite power is crossing the celestial gulf of time and space. He is preparing His rebuke. Who can hide when He reveals His Face?

It is not too late to stop this. We can wake up and realize the truth. Humanity has let Him down in the past though, and I for one am hesitant to believe this time will be any different. Make your peace with the world. Do only good for thy fellow man. Let not the evil inclination consume you. G.D's kingdom on earth comes.
God's Kingdom always comes tomorrow and never today. When will this fallacy stop ?
Are we any closer to the end? I don't know anymore. If one reads history he will see that man has survivied countless religious wars, famine, disease etc.

What about the Crusades, Black Death, AIDS starvation in Africa, Y2k. Man tends to think it will happen to him in his lifetime as though he is the first one ever experiencing such calamities.
I would share three Gandhi quotes ...
Almost everything you do will seem insignificant,
but it is important that you do it

You may never know what results come of your action,
but if you do nothing there will be no result

We must become the change we want to see
I do not know for certain about their accuracy, but it really doesn't matter. I think Eleanor Roosevelt, and many others, have expressed the same sentiment.

The discussion is never about the many "end times" that have not happened.
Not in my lifetime.

All indications from my understanding seem to put it as extremely unlikely to occur in the next 200 years.
NewAgeNerd said:
We are finally here. After a wait that has lasted millennia, the world as we know it is about to change forever. All the necessary pieces are in play. The Jews have returned to their homeland. G.D's eternal promise has been fulfilled. The righteous, once as numerous as stars in the sky, later decimated by war and injustice, are now on the rise. Everything is moving to extremes.

Jews returned to Israel as a nation over 60 years ago - in the aftermath of World War II, and on the doorstep of the Cold War.

Not sure why you think the current time is more of an end time. Perhaps the commenters above are right about being concerned about what you do in the present, instead of waiting for the future?
mansio said:
The discussion is never about the many "end times" that have not happened.
Sure it is. All those that went before us were positive, 'staked their life on it' positive. And then the clock steadily clicks on. Insanity is doing the same thing over again and expecting different results.
In this day and age, with the threat of nuclear extermination, the end can very definitely come. I fear the day some radical insurgent sets off such a weapon, suicidal or not. Oh, I believe God has control of what is happening, but I think He can still leave room for a widespread incident that would kill thousands, if not millions. If God could allow 100,000 people in Japan to perish in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, who says something like that won't happen again. It could even serve to be a wake-up call for folks. There are verses in the Bible that even suggests the possibility of a nuclear exchange, for example Ezekiel 38,39 and II Peter 3:10-12. Not that I'm a doomsayer, but these are remarkably accurate passages for what can happen during a nuclear incident.

There are many of us who believe in the new epoch bringing a stronger, more loveing and more compassionate God. A God of peace.

How do we know? We know this God through our own possibilities and connection. We understand the ways and workings of our own and planetary consciousness. We understand the consciousness of God.
Please explain "new epoch". Is this another term for "new heaven and new earth".

Oh, I have no doubt that God is a God of Love and Peace. But that doesn't mean that He won't "allow" certain terrible things to happen while we occupy the planet. I DO believe He will, by His Mercy, intervene before we blow ourselves out of existence. I'd like to utopically think that we will all come to a place of perfect Love and Peace. But I don't see us bringing that ideal in light of current conditions. It is certainly possible that we COULD get to the point where we can all come together and get along in some sort of Star Trek confederation. It aint happening in our lifetime. Honestly, we won't do it without God's Compassionate Love in each of our lives.
New epoch, new era, after the end of time, a new time.

Star Treck Confederation?

If you want to talk sci-fi, then we're talking of a phasing in of new intelligence on a higher level. Planetary awakening to love, or Planet neutral.

Planet Mars has been required to leave the ship. We're all gonna be powered by a different to blue.
Ciel, you must not be much of a Star Trek fan. I mentioned Star Trek because in this television series, which takes place some two hundred years from now, there is peace and harmony with all the peoples on planet Earth. We learned to get along with each other and there are no wars amongst ourselves (however, there are conflicts with beings from else where in the universe). But this comes about with no apparent help from any higher intellegence, we seemed to have accomplished this on our own. It is a fictional setting, but one in which Gene Roddenbury, who I believe was an atheist, If I'm not mistaken, had farsight to create. That is why the show was so popular. It created an ideal setting to explore new worlds as a collective, peaceful group.

The kind of new epoch you are talking about seems to imply some kind of whole scale spiritual awakening, perhaps brought about by a higher being. Or certainly a new level of consciousness. But any change to our way of thinking must be whole scale as well. How do we as human beings so diverse and with so much individualism achieve this without some common dimension or dynamic? Something has to set us right.

As far as Planet Mars, I have no idea what you are talking about.
Dondi said:
....there is peace and harmony with all the peoples on planet Earth. We learned to get along with each other and there are no wars amongst ourselves .... But this comes about with no apparent help from any higher intellegence, we seemed to have accomplished this on our own....
Isnt that the funniest with no apparent help...duh...not like spirit is apparent to many... check out the last line fo this version of Paul
Romans 1:19-25
The Message (MSG)
19But the basic reality of God is plain enough. Open your eyes and there it is! 20By taking a long and thoughtful look at what God has created, people have always been able to see what their eyes as such can't see: eternal power, for instance, and the mystery of his divine being. So nobody has a good excuse. 21What happened was this: People knew God perfectly well, but when they didn't treat him like God, refusing to worship him, they trivialized themselves into silliness and confusion so that there was neither sense nor direction left in their lives. 22They pretended to know it all, but were illiterate regarding life. 23They traded the glory of God who holds the whole world in his hands for cheap figurines you can buy at any roadside stand.
Isn't it really fairly obvious to anyone if man ever was able to live in peace and harmony the glory for that enlightened transformation would have to be in source?
Dondi said:
Ciel, you must not be much of a Star Trek fan. I mentioned Star Trek because in this television series, which takes place some two hundred years from now, there is peace and harmony with all the peoples on planet Earth. We learned to get along with each other and there are no wars amongst ourselves (however, there are conflicts with beings from else where in the universe). But this comes about with no apparent help from any higher intellegence, we seemed to have accomplished this on our own. It is a fictional setting, but one in which Gene Roddenbury, who I believe was an atheist, If I'm not mistaken, had farsight to create. That is why the show was so popular. It created an ideal setting to explore new worlds as a collective, peaceful group.

The kind of new epoch you are talking about seems to imply some kind of whole scale spiritual awakening, perhaps brought about by a higher being. Or certainly a new level of consciousness. But any change to our way of thinking must be whole scale as well. How do we as human beings so diverse and with so much individualism achieve this without some common dimension or dynamic? Something has to set us right.

As far as Planet Mars, I have no idea what you are talking about.

Rodenberry was Agnostic. And his "eutopian" dream did not come about through enlightenment and sudden peace. In 1996 (ST timeline), the "Eugenics conflict" began. That's right, in 1962 (when Rodenberry dream of his "Wagon Train to the stars") he saw genetic manipulation of man and animals as a future form of trouble for mankind.

Back to ST the year 2010 man was at WW III, with genetically superior humans on one side (lead by Colonel Thomas Green) and normal humans on the other. By 2020 earth was a waste land except for small pockets of wilderness. Two thirds of the population of earth were gone. The Eugenics war had ended with the defeat of the "superiorly enhanced humans", but at what price? This was followed by a fuedal system of governing.

Even Rodenberry's dream went through a Apocolypse of sorts. In 2061, Dr. Zephram Cochrain developed and tested his "Delta field" theory and (warp drive) ship successfully. The "signature" of that drive caught the attention of "aliens" mining for ore in the Main Asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter, and they came to investigate. They decided to make contact with earth because any species that had "warp technology" was considered "advanced", or had the potential to be. Their philosphy was if they lived long enough to create warp drive, then they survived their Nuclear age; these "aliens" were from the Epsilon Erindani star system (16 light years from earth), and the planet was called (40 Erindani A), or Vulcanis.

What they didn't realise was that it was a one shot deal. There were no other resources around to create another warp capable ship from earth. The knowledge would have died with Cochrain (already an old man).

Earth was saved, and nutured back to health (physically and philosophically), by beings from the heavens...

Roddenberry, never took God out of his Star Trek equation. What he did was concentrate on the human factors (of which God is a part). However the amazing thing is that he thought of all of this back in 1962, and pushed until it became a reality (first start in 1964), then finally realised in the first series in 1966. What is errie is how accurate his "predictions" have come to real life so far...

What ever he dreamed of must have struck a nerve or caught the frequency of man, becase 40 years later Star Trek is known and appreciated world wide.

Not bad for a Los Angeles Motorcycle cop with a dream to send a Wagon train to the stars...


Ah, thank you Q for correcting me on the Star Trek lore. But you made my point about how peace on earth would have to come about, by something outside ourselves. It is ironic that one of the major contributing factors for the strife we experience is caused by the various religious factions, yet most of the time these religious reasons are unfounded by those who are misguided in the understanding of what their religion really stands for. How many wars have been started in the name of religion? Ultimately, we are going to find out the "Truth", but let's not kill each other trying to find it.
Dondi said:
Ah, thank you Q for correcting me on the Star Trek lore. But you made my point about how peace on earth would have to come about, by something outside ourselves. It is ironic that one of the major contributing factors for the strife we experience is caused by the various religious factions, yet most of the time these religious reasons are unfounded by those who are misguided in the understanding of what their religion really stands for. How many wars have been started in the name of religion? Ultimately, we are going to find out the "Truth", but let's not kill each other trying to find it.

I am of the opinion that when religion gets in the way of living, then it is time to rethink that religion. That is not to say the faith should be thrown out the window, but that the religion itself needs an overhaul, or a going back to the origins it came from to see where we deviated.

Faith is a way of living, and religion is a tool to help with that faith, however, a tool can be turned into a weapon all too quickly...

We must remember that faith is a form of inate knowledge, wherein religion should only be used to benignly express that knowledge. When the religion supercedes the faith, then one has a blind dynamo on their hands.

If life is in the palm of our hands, who is holding us? ;)


Quahom1 said:
I am of the opinion that when religion gets in the way of living, then it is time to rethink that religion. That is not to say the faith should be thrown out the window, but that the religion itself needs an overhaul, or a going back to the origins it came from to see where we deviated.

Faith is a way of living, and religion is a tool to help with that faith, however, a tool can be turned into a weapon all too quickly...

We must remember that faith is a form of inate knowledge, wherein religion should only be used to benignly express that knowledge. When the religion supercedes the faith, then one has a blind dynamo on their hands.

If life is in the palm of our hands, who is holding us? ;)



Right, Q. When a religion, or an organization in the name of religion, breaks the love commandments it's time to re-think that religion.

And isn't there something in this, in understanding ourselves and our own spiritual requirements we might also become aware of the superfluous nature of the division created by religious form and faith, unless we can accept God consciousness as real, as unity for all humanity, as one beyond religious definition, pure God, pure source, in transformation combined.

I am in total agreement with your last post. Do you see here we say the same? If we can be more ready to accept another might understand, then we are already half way to arrival. It is true, when we allow God into our lives, there is transformation. Somehow we need to arrive at the point of new neutrality of God.

Perhaps time to be a little less Sirius...........