About the Islam board


Peace, Love and Unity
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The Islam board is for Muslims to discuss issues of Islam, and also for non-Muslims to ask respectful questions about Islam.

Unfortunately, we get a lot of Muslims joining CR with only the intent to proselytise Islam, and do so by copying promotional material from Islamic sites here.

Please be clearly warned that we don't tolerate this behaviour - such threads will be removed, and the posters warned or/and banned.

The same applies across all boards here.
I am Muslim and I am not an extremist . I like the way by which this world can be peaceful with people of different religions . Islam means peace and its a way to lead our life in a peaceful way . The first condition is to surrender to Allah to be a Muslim . all types of crime are prohibited in Islam . We believe that we have a life which will come after our death and then we will be in trial to go to heaven and that will be a perfect trial .
Hello iBrian, l'd welcome extending the rubric to cover anti-Islamic proselytising. Of course, same goes to any dedicated [sub]forum. A thread dedicated to controverting the subject matter is fine by me, but when it's clear that the thread poster will never agree with the subject matter, will always be opposed to it, then l consider it trolling.

Trolling to me is making repeated negative assertions without integrating feedback. Whether the feedback is agreed with or rejected, it should at least be considered.

I'd extend the definition to include a situation where the person posting could never ever see the point in the [sub]forum's dedicated subject even before anything's been discussed, the very nature of the thread precludes all debate, e.g. posting threads like "Are Muslims really innocent?" "Surely Muslims aren't all evil?" or let's push the boat out, "Is the sea really that good?" on a forum about sailing. Such material suggests an implacable dislike which will never integrate feedback. In my experience of interwebs, this holds true.
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Welcome to the forums, @SufiPhilosophy!

You make good points. Interfaith discussion is a middle way between being respectful of other faiths, being assertive of one's own faith, all while being willing to discuss even leading or facetious questions to a point, because it is often these stereotypes which need to be addressed openly before deeper understanding can occur.

Want to introduce yourself, in the Introductions section?
Welcome to the forums, @SufiPhilosophy!

You make good points. Interfaith discussion is a middle way between being respectful of other faiths, being assertive of one's own faith, all while being willing to discuss even leading or facetious questions to a point, because it is often these stereotypes which need to be addressed openly before deeper understanding can occur.

Want to introduce yourself, in the Introductions section?

Hi there, thank you. OK i will intro myself in the relevant forum.
when it's clear that the thread poster will never agree with the subject matter, will always be opposed to it, then l consider it trolling.

Trolling to me is making repeated negative assertions without integrating feedback. Whether the feedback is agreed with or rejected, it should at least be considered.
Bingo, IMO