Namaste Awaiting,
thank you for the post.
oh, indeed... going the vegetarian route can be difficult... especially if you aren't taking a multivitamin. you can get just about all you need from plants, but you would need to take a B12 supplement... of course, that is presuming that the rest of your diet is pretty diversified.
in my own case, when i first became vegetarian, i was really a pastatarian

i wasn't all that keen on most vegetables prior to becoming a veggie... put on a few pounds too many (ok, so..perhaps many pounds too many..) and realized that i had to really change my diet once more..
now, i've got a nice mix of things... and, to be frank with you, there are some really excellent companies out there making great vegetarian food. one of the best is, of all things, a British company! yes, indeed, good British food that isn't Indian!
Quorn is the name of the company and if you can find their products in your area, you won't actually believe it.
the first time i tried it, i had to go to the trash bin and check the box again to ensure that it really was a vegetarian meal!
my boss at work is a vegetarian, but only for enviornmental and economic reasons... he figures that a cow takes an acre of land to feed and only provides a few beings sustenance, whereas an acre of crops can feed a great many more beings.
have a good weekend!