Questions about Islam

I said:
As for the illiteracy of Mohammed - this is indeed the accepted history. If anyone's going to argue that Mohammed wrote the Qur'an with his own hand, I want to see sources.

I've heard that the Arabic word often translated as "Illiterate" could also be translated as "gentile"....
Thus making Muhammad the "gentile" prophet, not the "illiterate" prophet.
mansio said:
Thanks a lot Aburaees.

You explained perfectly my position.
then i appologize. I obviously misread. Thought you were saying something else.
ThePennyDrops said:
Why do you have to believe that one religion has to be superior to another?

They can't all be right. One has to be better than the rest.
Pico, your last statement is precisely why humanity is in the predicament it is in. One does not have to be better or superior. Why can't you learn about a religion and take what you like and use it. If something doesn't sit well with you then leave it. Nobody has it all right. Do you honestly believe that any religion is infallable? All religions are peoples interpretations and understanding of the soul and God over the last 8,000 years. Everyone is just doing the best they can and trying to make sense of it all. Religion is mankinds last great obstacle. Once overcome we will truly be able to listen to each other and understand where the other is coming from. When you free yourself from religion you are free indeed. You are such a slave that you can't entertain a different idea for fear you will be punished.
Pico said:
They can't all be right. One has to be better than the rest.

RUBBISH! Only people who regard religion from an entirely institutional view can believe that. There are many different ways to reach God, people must follow whichever is right for them. This is the problem that I have with Islam and Christianity, they state quite clearly that the only way to God and Heaven is through them, which is quite clearly a man-made concept. Each individual must find their own path, whichever path they choose is God-inspired and should not be dismissed by any person who truly believes.
If God wanted us to all be the same religion, wouldn't we all be the same religion?
didymus said:
Pico, your last statement is precisely why humanity is in the predicament it is in. One does not have to be better or superior. Why can't you learn about a religion and take what you like and use it. If something doesn't sit well with you then leave it. Nobody has it all right. Do you honestly believe that any religion is infallable? All religions are peoples interpretations and understanding of the soul and God over the last 8,000 years. Everyone is just doing the best they can and trying to make sense of it all. Religion is mankinds last great obstacle. Once overcome we will truly be able to listen to each other and understand where the other is coming from. When you free yourself from religion you are free indeed. You are such a slave that you can't entertain a different idea for fear you will be punished.

You talk such, but you don't know me. I have learned about many religions with an open mind, but the only one that fully satisfies me is Christianity. I have asked God for the wisdom to understand His way, and Christianity makes far too much sence about everything in the world to be false. Of all the religions I have learnd about none can stand up to Jesus Christ. Bar none.

ThePennyDrops said:
RUBBISH! Only people who regard religion from an entirely institutional view can believe that. There are many different ways to reach God, people must follow whichever is right for them. This is the problem that I have with Islam and Christianity, they state quite clearly that the only way to God and Heaven is through them, which is quite clearly a man-made concept. Each individual must find their own path, whichever path they choose is God-inspired and should not be dismissed by any person who truly believes.
If God wanted us to all be the same religion, wouldn't we all be the same religion?

You forget that God gave us free will: the choice to choose whichever religion we want. I see where you are comming from in your post, but I trust the word of God more so than that of mere human phiolosophy. Sorry.
Okay, let's remember this is a thread for questions about Islam - if you'd like to discuss religion in general, please move it to a general discussion thread.
Pico said:
You forget that God gave us free will: the choice to choose whichever religion we want. I see where you are comming from in your post, but I trust the word of God more so than that of mere human phiolosophy. Sorry.

The word of God according to you comes from Christ. It's not the same for everybody, and you cannot KNOW for certain that you are correct. You can believe it, for sure, but it is not definite that your view is the only correct one. SORRY.
ThePennyDrops said:
The word of God according to you comes from Christ. It's not the same for everybody, and you cannot KNOW for certain that you are correct. You can believe it, for sure, but it is not definite that your view is the only correct one. SORRY.

As I had stated, of all the religions I've learned about Christianity is the only one that stands up: historicaly, literarily, scientificaly, and theologicaly it holds true about every aspect of life I witness today.

I brought up those questions about Islam because I was interested that maybe Islam would be an epiphany for me, but I have not found a valid, reasonable answer to the quesitons I have pondered, thus reinforcing my faith in the Bible, Christ, and his word. Everything I see and observe about the world goes back to the teaching of the Bible and Jesus. The more I seek, the more Christianity stands firm and above the rest. After all, God said: "Seek, and you will find."

Your quote: As I had stated, of all the religions I've learned about, Christianity is the only one that stands up: historicaly, literarily, scientificaly, and theologicaly it holds true about every aspect of life I witness today.
Of course a Muslim will say exactly the same of Islam.
Pico said:
As I had stated, of all the religions I've learned about Christianity is the only one that stands up: historicaly, literarily, scientificaly, and theologicaly it holds true about every aspect of life I witness today.

Stands up historically, literally and scientifically... In what sense?
didymus said:
Stands up historically, literally and scientifically... In what sense?

Sorry, I guess I'm not allowed to say. It appears as if my reply got deleted for breaking the rules.

I didn't mean to break the rules, I was just explaining what didymus asked. I guess my reasons are too compelling or something...
There is a forum about real discussions. Once the discussion is under way you are moved to that forum.
Sorry about that, Pico - this thread got weaved around a bit and was supposed to be Muslims answering questions on Islam, rather than Christians answering questions on Christianity. :)

I'll get your post moved to the Christian board, and move this thread back to the Islam board, where the resident Muslims can better answer continuing questions placed on this thread.

First, asking God for forgiveness is recommended but we can never be sure if He will forgive us. That is because we cannot command His Will, nor can we know what God will do. We know that His Mercy is great and for this reason, people continue to believe that He forgives sins.

Second, only believing and sinning through behaviors and breaking the laws truly do not go together. Your actions trully portray your beliefs. God knows that and if one trully repents and asks for forgiveness, stopping to commit sin behaviorally/morally/spiritually/etc. then it is more likely that the person will be forgiven.

Third, one does not need to shed blood to earn forgiveness. God in the Holy Qur'an states that a Muslim must not sacrifice anything in anyone else's name, but Only in God's name. The sacrifice in Islam is in remembrance to the son Prophet Abraham savs was about to sacrifice and Prophet Abraham savs, as a reminder to the believers of his great faith in God.

We believe Jesus savs to be Messiah and to be one of the greatest Prophets, but we do not believe him to be god/divine. He was only a human being.

While Revelations (Bible and Qur'an) are from One, True God, He prescribed laws for all of the followers of these Holy Books, but for some he made certain laws that others do not have to follow. For instance, Muslims are commanded to pray five times a day. Jews pray less than that. Muslims do not have to sacrifice to purify themselves constantly from sins. Rather our purification comes from constant praying. Jews were prescribed sacrifices.
Christians seem to have it the easiest for some reason. But that does not mean that these commands come from other than Our Lord. After all, He has a Master Plan for everything, no?
hadith is said by the messanger of God,by Mohammed
Quran is said by God
and in arabic u will find the hadith is a normal arabic
Quran is a holy arabic
not like hadith nor any other words at all
but as u read the translation ,u feel both are the same