Introducing: ME!

Hustle Kong

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This is my first post here on what seems to be a very excellent site.

In the past couple years, I have moved from being able to label myself with specific religions and beliefs, to where it has become almost impossible, since in different senses, I can be considered different things.

But I think Taoism comes closest to how I feel about things. I don't think I could call myself a Taoist though, as that seems to imply a number of things, not all of which I'm willing to claim skill in practicing. I guess I'm a "respecter of the Way". Meh.

My father had a heart attack last spring (doing well now), and it was just after I began reading Watson's translation of the Chuang Tzu. I'm fairly confident that some of the lessons in that book are what helped me to remain level-headed throughout the ordeal, especially when no one else in my family was.

I originally read the Tao Te Ching years ago as a teenager (having recently turned 30). But for some reason in my opinion, the Chuang Tzu seemed to have a more obvious and practical application.

So hello to everyone here, and I am happy to have found this place.
Namaste Hustle Kong,

welcome to CR and the Eastern Religions section.

enjoy your stay :)


thank you for the welcome!

The nerd in me wonders if there was any deliberateness behind making the Taosim board #42...
Hustle Kong said:
thank you for the welcome!

The nerd in me wonders if there was any deliberateness behind making the Taosim board #42...

i can assure you that was not the case :)

