The Day of Judgement


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(A personal view)
Hustle and bustle, astounded humans running in bewilderness and panic, gathering in groups, though deeply perplexed are saying as under;

“Oh, the Day has come and we shall enjoy as we believe and our clergies told us.”
“It seems that, that group is whispering about Paradise but they are fools to talk about.”
“Both groups are silly, how pleasant it will be when both will be damned and pushed to Hell. They will repent and wish to be one of us but now it is of no use.”
“Though they are in big groups but we are sure that only our worships the God will accept and they will be declared heathens.”

“This is the Day we have been denying but this is the reality and life was actually like a dream. We are astonished, why we took that dream as the only reality.”
“Oh, there are so many groups, many became extinct and many we are not aware of.”
“Don’t bother, our Great holiness (personality) is about to appear and we are sure to get in Paradise.”

“Foolish fellows, their Great holiness has to ask permission from ours and he will certainly not grant for not believing in him.”
“The God promised that only the followers of our Great holiness will be blessed with heaven and the God will authorize him to recommend heaven to who so ever he likes.”
“Fie on them, they have been undergoing the ordeal of worship and gained nothing. Had they followed our way this day would not have been heavy upon them.”

Sudden light, big light, much big to describe, all are held in amaze, try to collect their senses though not recover fully.
“Lord, we have been fighting for you and your Great holiness and killed many who were non believers and hostile to us.”
“Lord, they are the liars. We have been fighting against them to establish the supremacy of your real Great holiness and we believe that for our Great holiness you created the universe and we have been offering sacrifices of our lives.”
“Lord, they are the proud and never followed the correct way of worship. We deserve your blessings and you can consult, you know is the next to none but you.”
“Lord, we are here, order them to get aside and make the way for us.”
“Lord, none of them called or invited us sincerely to have a faith in you, so we remained obstinate and inflexible.”

A voice, a deep bottomless profound voice coming from far or near, is not being discerned or exactly defined.
“Humans, you are divided in many groups, each one is a claimant of Paradise, which has no limits, the tastes you never tasted, endless joys and luxuries which you never experienced and all that is everlasting. Had you all been not stubborn, proud and defiant, this Paradise would have accommodated all of you and even then this would have seemed to you much spacious having no limits. I am your creator and I created you on one nature and required all of you to be on one faith but because of your selfish wishes to gain superiorities over one an other you divided yourself into groups. I reminded all of you to be cautious of the devil that is the symbol of pride but you remained defiant and shared his pride in spite of the fact that he is enemy of me and you. I have already promised not to allow blessings of this Paradise to the proud and to all proud claimant groups because they divided one easy and simple faith, twisted according to their desires, evolved many complications and unnecessary ceremonies. I did not want to put you in such difficulties but you yourself invented and tried to impose them unjustly on yourself and others. You are to be pushed to Hell, which I have created for proud, wicked and cruel. Such is the just punishment for non believers as you are. This hell is so spacious that you will never find out its boundaries, you will wish to die but death is no more in this everlasting world. You preferred that temporary world over this. You consumed your life and missed opportunities to repent, but now it is of no use, because you have clearly seen your end result and my providence; now you will not be doing so by your own free will so not accepted. You did not pay heed to advices by my declared and undeclared messengers. They did not demand any reward from you for themselves but only to believe and have faith in me and no more. You killed unjustly, spread hatred, were not merciful and not fed hungry. The less wicked will get less punishment and your leaders or more cruel will have to undergo more or severe as they deserve very justly. It was and is so easy for me to be thoroughly aware of every minutest detail of your actions and intentions individually or in groups.”

“Look there are some patient, un-complaining, serene and wise people. They are not claiming but hopeful and I have promised not to ever leave such people dejected. They are not a part of your divisions and they are not proud of their group or any name of group. They are only mine and their faith is for me only with out any conditions or pre- occupations. In me only they trust. They are not proud of any Great except me. They worshiped me; they loved me, were never proud of their purity, never tried to impose their likings over others, and never placed themselves or any other between me and my people as you did and made divisions. They loved mankind and not hated any one due to any division. They fought but only to protect the innocent or weak from atrocities of aggressive and cruel. All of you individually or collectively did have ability and opportunity to behave as they did but you did not. You were reminded many times naturally or by humans but you did not heed. Why you imposed restrictions on yourself and other people to join your group and act as you liked for my blessings? Was I bound to you or you ever got such promise from me? No; the devil deceived you and you deemed yourself superior than others and this deception will lead you to Hell. I am the God of universe, the God of mankind and not of divisions as you claimed. I am much loving for mankind but many turned cruel and proud.”

“Oh my believers you are mine, so I am yours. Peace is for you. This place of utmost joy and satisfaction is for you. You felt my presence though you never saw me, believed and then remained loyal. I created whole mankind on good/supreme nature but the devil lead astray many and robbed them of their ability to do good deeds. I have pardoned your mistakes. Now you are worthy of such a prestigious place, Paradise. There you will get instantly, delights and joys you will wish for. The devil and his colleagues can not enter so do not bother. In Paradise you will not have even the slightest bothering. You will certainly pray and thank your God for blessing you with such a prize.”
When the wicked ones are cut off, you will see [it] psalm 37;34
The future of wicked people will indeed be cut off ..psalm 37;38
Jehovah knows how to deliver people of godly devotion out of trial, but to reserve unrighteous people for the day of judgment to be cut off, 2 peter 2;9

For those being blessed by him will themselves possess the earth,​

But those upon whom evil is called by him will be cut off PSALM 37;22
Another personal view

There But For the Grace of Gawd

It was unbelievable. I had died, and much to my surprise and embarrassment, here I sit before the proverbial throne of judgement as my entire life is put under the harshest scrutiny. Each and every decision, choice, and action I have taken since I was a child is being played out before me, as the powers that be consider whether it should bring me closer to paradise or perdition.

As the last few scenes of my life play out, it suddenly grows very dark. Fear drives through me like fangs of ice at the thought of what this must mean. A voice resonates around me, as if coming from all directions at once. "You have come very close. So very close indeed" it echoes, "so I have allowed three to come forth and speak on your behalf. Three whose lives you have touched ever so slightly, but not without significant effect."

No sooner than the echoes faded into some unseen abyss, a deep, gruff voice began to speak out of the darkness.

Yeah, I remember one day in da park, kinda crouched behind a statue, all inconspicuous like, tryin' to catch some sleep. I didn't have no home, no work, nuthin' much to speak of at all. He sits right down on a bench practically next to me, shows me a big, fat ham and cheese sandwich he just bought, an' asks me 'Are ya hungry?' Well of course I really was pretty hungry, an' not in any shape to pass up free food. So he shares his lunch wit' me, an' we went for a walk for awhile, him talkin' away about how tragic my life must be. Now my life ain't no great show, but I don't think of myself some kinda tragedy. Anyhows, he brings me to 'dis place, some kinda place for da homeless or somethin', an' he leaves me dere. I guess I musta been tired of da streets, or mebbe just tired of bein' a wanderer, 'cause I worked wit' da people there, an' eventually found myself with a new home wit' some friends I now considers my family, an' I got some work ta keeps me busy. Now, since ya see me here now, ya must know I died, but I tell ya, at least da last couple years of my life were real happy ones. For dat, I's always gonna be grateful.

I sit somewhat bewildered, not recognizing the voice, nor remembering when such a thing occurred. It certainly sounded like something I might have done, but I simply couldn't place this person at all. Before I could ponder this much more, a soft, delicate voice then began to speak.

It was such a long, long time ago, when I was really quite young. Somehow I had become lost, and was fortunate enough to come across this man. He realized my dilemma right away. After giving me a drink of milk, and reassuring me in a calm, soothing voice, he brought me around the neighborhood until he was able to reunite me with my family. I was too young at that time to realize the severity of my situation, it is a very dangerous world after all, and I consider myself more than fortunate to have had such a person come to my aid.

More confused than ever, I struggle to recall when I had returned this lost child to her family. Again, having no doubts of my own ability or willingness to have done such a thing, I simply cannot recall it actually happening. My mind is as blank as the swirling darkness before me. Finally, the third voice began to speak.

Awright, I don't claim to be no saint, and I know some might even consider me a thief. Oh sure, that's me, a real bandit, right? Fact is, I never took nothing unless it looked like it was abandoned or thrown away. And that's about what I was doing when this guy musta seen me, rummaging around his back yard, pretty late one night. I caught sight of him watching me and I think "Oh, great, I'm caught." Sure enough, I no sooner turn to run and some official looking guy catches me and locks me up in his car. I gotta admit, in hindsight, things could have gone a lot worse. I coulda gotten shot, beaten, or who knows what else. In any case, I figured I was headed for a lock-up, right? Nope. I found myself brought to a pretty decent place out in the country, and set up in some living quarters with a bunch of other miscreants much like myself. Now I tell ya, I don't know what this guy said to the officer to cut me such a break, but I won't ever forget how someone who owed me absolutely nuthing actually cared enough to look out for me in some respect.

If I was confused before, I now sat completely dumbfounded. Once again, I had no recall whatsoever of even meeting this man. I was convinced they must have been talking about someone else.

And then, as a booming voice echoed, "Welcome!" the darkness around me was pushed away by a bright, warm, and soothing light. What now stood before me shook me to my very core. I now saw why I was confused before, and quickly realized that everything that was said was true. It was all true.

In my entire life I was never so thoroughly overwhelmed, never so wildly amazed, and never so completely humbled. More unbelievable than the sight of paradise itself, even more incredible than the presence of saints and angels, I could now clearly see the three who testified on my behalf, my three greatest benefactors. My life, my eternal life, my very soul was just saved by a stray dog, a lost kitten, and a wild raccoon.

-- Druweid
Käthe said:

I loved it. May I share it with some other folks?
Absolutely! I do have it copyrighted, but it may be freely and generously shared for personal use. :)

Oh, and I usually present that as being written/quoted by Th' Madman.
Thanks so much. If you have it on a website, it would be best if I could source it that way as I spread it around.
Day—What Is It?

HOW do you picture Judgment Day? Many think that one by one, billions of souls will be brought before the throne of God. There, judgment will be passed upon each individual. Some will be rewarded with heavenly bliss, and others will be condemned to eternal torment. However, the Bible paints quite a different picture of this period of time. God’s Word portrays it, not as a terrifying time, but as a time of hope and restoration.​
At Revelation 20:11, 12, we read the apostle John’s description of Judgment Day: "I saw a great white throne and the one seated on it. From before him the earth and the heaven fled away, and no place was found for them. And I saw the dead, the great and the small, standing before the throne, and scrolls were opened. But another scroll was opened; it is the scroll of life. And the dead were judged out of those things written in the scrolls according to their deeds." Who is the Judge described here?
Jehovah God is the ultimate Judge of mankind. However, he delegates the actual work of judging. According to Acts 17:31, the apostle Paul said that God "has set a day in which he purposes to judge the inhabited earth in righteousness by a man whom he has appointed." This appointed Judge is the resurrected Jesus Christ. (John 5:22) When, though, does Judgment Day begin? How long does it last?
The book of Revelation shows that Judgment Day begins after the war of Armageddon, when Satan’s system on earth will be destroyed. (Revelation 16:14, 16; 19:19–20:3) After Armageddon, Satan and his demons will be imprisoned in an abyss for a thousand years. During that time, the 144,000 heavenly joint heirs will be judges and will rule "as kings with the Christ for a thousand years." (Revelation 14:1-3; 20:1-4; Romans 8:17) Judgment Day is not some hurried event lasting a mere 24 hours. It lasts a thousand years.
During that thousand-year period, Jesus Christ will "judge the living and the dead." (2 Timothy 4:1) "The living" will be the "great crowd" that survives Armageddon. (Revelation 7:9-17) The apostle John also saw "the dead . . . standing before the throne" of judgment. As Jesus promised, "those in the memorial tombs will hear [Christ’s] voice and come out" by means of a resurrection. (John 5:28, 29; Acts 24:15) But on what basis will all be judged?
According to the apostle John’s vision, "scrolls were opened," and "the dead were judged out of those things written in the scrolls according to their deeds." Are these scrolls the record of people’s past deeds? No, the judgment will not focus on what people did before they died. How do we know that? The Bible says: "He who has died has been acquitted from his sin." (Romans 6:7) Those resurrected thus come to life with a clean slate, so to speak. The scrolls must therefore represent God’s further requirements. To live forever, both Armageddon survivors and resurrected ones will have to obey God’s commandments, including whatever new requirements Jehovah might reveal during the thousand years. Thus, individuals will be judged on the basis of what they do during Judgment Day.
Judgment Day will give billions of people their first opportunity to learn about God’s will and to conform to it. This means that a large-scale educational work will take place. Indeed, "righteousness is what the inhabitants of the productive land will certainly learn." (Isaiah 26:9) However, not all will be willing to conform to God’s will. Isaiah 26:10 says: "Though the wicked one should be shown favor, he simply will not learn righteousness. In the land of straightforwardness he will act unjustly and will not see the eminence of Jehovah." These wicked ones will be put to death permanently during Judgment Day.—Isaiah 65:20.
By the end of Judgment Day, surviving humans will have "come to life" fully as perfect humans. (Revelation 20:5) Judgment Day will thus see the restoration of mankind to its original perfect state. (1 Corinthians 15:24-28) Then a final test will take place. Satan will be released from his imprisonment and allowed to try to mislead mankind one last time. (Revelation 20:3, 7-10) Those who resist him will enjoy the complete fulfillment of the Bible’s promise: "The righteous themselves will possess the earth, and they will reside forever upon it." (Psalm 37:29) Yes, Judgment Day will be a blessing to all faithful mankind!