Who is The Fool?


Well-Known Member
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Hello all, 'tis me! Brian!

No, really - my name's Brian and so is...

I've been made to go on a computing course - good for all day internet access, but it's shared PCs and I daren't risk user my admin permissions on these forums.

Good job, too - I created this alias at home this morning, and when I came into the training venue, the PC next to me had a trojan detected. There's a definite security risk on these shared PCs.

With this alias I can safely surf - if the password for this alias is accessed somehow, then the forum cannot be damaged. If I start acting strange, though, then you know what's up. :)

Hello all, I am Brian - I am The Fool. :)

The Fool, of course, comes in two key aspects - foolishness and sacrifice. The latter is best described by the tarot card of "the Hanged Man", which is simply the postive aspect of the Fool - and hence why I'm using the avatar of this card. Perhaps a little pretentious, but it's an aspect I can very much relate to.

Have fun all. :)
You're the fool, fool! :wink:

Welcome and enjoy the board.
You've caught me on that one - Hull is pretty flat.

I'll go find a hill. :)
:rolleyes:hello, brian very interessting conversation, I've been looking for subjects regarding tarot cards&decks,numberology,astrology. can you reply back maybe we can talk
:rolleyes:hello, brian very interessting conversation, I've been looking for subjects regarding tarot cards&decks,numberology,astrology. can you reply back maybe we can talk

Methinks "The Fool" has left the building....like over three years ago.