Post-theistic Christianity "Other view"

earl said:
well actually like any self-respecting cyber world inhabitant, get all my best material, including as re Eckhart, from internet searches, ( i tend to look for God in the computer-"dues es machina"?), too much:p I betcha Thomas could rattle off titles of his published works-he's such a good repository of that stuff. You can though find his "greatest hits" of quotes and other brief snippets on the net. you could start with his fan club-the Eckhart Society @

Enjoy your reading-the guy's insights are awesome. He's still my one and maybe only tether into the "Christian" world. have a good one, earl

Heehee, thank you. :) I guess I'm old fashioned--I love the feel of a good book in my hands. But it's a better start that you gave me the correct spelling of his name. :eek: I will have a look around Amazon. *Thomas, Alethia, if you are reading, any help here?*

earl said:
Time to get off this dang thing-God's trying to tell me something as my computer linkage just went wacko as I was attempting to fix my chronic typos & posted the message twice. Time for some real world adventures:D earl
That's been happening a lot here. Probably related to CR rather than your computer.

Lunamoth, that link to that org. will take you to an Eckhart bibliography which looks to be pretty extensive. Now i'm going to the gym. Have a "god" one, earl
He was excommunicated (after having been warned numerous times over various infractions) because Starhawk is/was employed at the school he founded. That's what I understand anyway. I have Fox's biography, but I haven't read it.

He is now an Episcopalian.

I've attended lectures by him and have quite a few of his books. He's not my favorite modern writer / theologian / philosopher, but he's in the top five.
Re: Post-theistic Christianity

YNOT in Post 4 said:
Hi I, Brian....Namaste

It is difficult for me to do justice to Spong's vision in a simple post, but I will do my very best. His vision is intertwined with many revolutionary ideas and can't be summed up with fortune-cookie precision.

Your observation that a post-theistic Christianity will overturn many core traditions of this faith is certainly an extremely valid one. Spong does not shy away from this charge but meets it head on. He does insist that many will turn away in fear from the notion that the God of old has died. What he substitutes in God's place is not an external deity that intervenes in the world but a "God-experience" that is found in the person of Jesus of Nazareth. This experience consists of 1. living fully, 2.loving wastefully and 3. seeing God as the Ground of All Being.

For Spong, Jesus is the doorway to the God experience. Because he grew up in the Christian tradition, the person of Jesus is a figure of adoration for him and he still calls him "Lord". He doesn't worship Jesus as a divine figure, but he sees him as person (not different in kind, but different in degree) who calls us to transcend our humanity which is all too capable of prejudice and evil.

Spong realizes that his vision may kill Christianity. He doesn't pretend that accepting these notions may not have devastating consequences for the entire tradition and its followers. But not re-interpreting the faith, and bringing it into the postmodern world, will CERTAINLY have that effect.

As I said, very interesting stuff. I'll respond to your post wil when I have a few moments. Thanks guys.

I don't have time to read all the posts right now. I just found this thread because Brian collected a batch of threads from here and there for this new section for Liberal Christianity. Helps me find the interesting threads. Thanks Brian!

Just a few quick comments. First of all, I've seen references to Spong and it was always derogatory. The stuff you're saying about him here sounds like he's exactly what I'm looking for. Ideas on how to have warm feelings for the Christian tradition and Jesus story without having to believe on a dead and resurrected body for salvation.