aloha e bandit - where are you, I feel as though I'm responding to myself on the parsha project .... well that's ok too, but it does limit the perspective a bit .... lol ..... I read something in "Zohar, The Book of Enlightnment" translation and introduction by Daniel Chanan Matt which I found fascinating ....
"If this gift was given by the Blessed Holy One to Moses alone, how could he give Her to another? How could he say that the Children of Israel should take this gift? Ah, but of course He gave Her to Moses, not to anyone else! (I am assuming here that we are talking of the Torah as the gift ... note from Poh)
A parable.
There was a king among his people,
but the queen was not with the king.
As long as the queen was not with the king,
the people did not feel secure;
they could not dwell safely.
As soon as the queen came,
all the people rejoiced and dwelt safely.
So, at first, even though the Blessed Holy One
performed miracles and signs through Moses,
the people did not feel secure.
As soon as the Blessed Holy said
'Have them take My gift: I place My Dwelling in your midst!'
everyone felt secure and rejoiced in the rite of the Blessed Holy One,
as it is written:
'On the day that Moses consummated setting up the Dwelling' (Numbers 7:1)
for the Bridge of Moses came down to earth!
Rabbi Sim'on cired, and said
'Now I know for sure
that the High Holy Spirit is vibrating within you.
Happy is this generation!
A generation like this will not arise until King Messiah appears!
Torah has been restgored to her ancientry!
Happy are the righteous
in this world and the world that is coming!"
Note from Poh .... I looked at Numbers 7:1 which starts with "On the day that Moses finished setting up the Tabernacle, he anointed and consecrated it and all its furnishings, as well as the altar and its utensils. " then we go through rather elaborate offerings from the different tribes for the next 12 days .... and it ends with "When Moses went into the Tent of Meeting to speak with Him, he would hear the Voice addressing him from above the cover that was on top of the Ark of the Pact between the two cherubim: thus He spoke to him."
I can't help but think about tghe 50 days of Omer and Shavuot which is coming up right around the corner (June 1) .... I've posted a few thoughts on this day in other threads .... and it appears to me that when the Torah is given to Moses (Shavuot) for the Jewish people, the parsha in Numbers is telling us about an event that takes place on top of the "Ark of the Pact between the two cherumbim" which is the altar located in the portable tabernacle in our own brains .... I know I'm beginning to sound like a broken record, the Torah does call out to us .... the crown of our head, the place of the king, the place that the annointment takes place (as the energy passes through the base of the brain through the olivares .... the oil that annoints) is nothing if the Torah (the queen) is not present .... the bridge that is formed is the meeting of heaven and earth and that is what opens us to the promised land of milk and honey .... the process of enlightenment which is described in the Zohar tells us how to access this place, as does the Torah in her inner meanings .... and I love this from the Zohar and the Song of Songs "Into this skull trickles dew .... the dew is the flow of emanation above 'manna and wisdom' .... constantly overflowing ... the Head overflows with dew 'Song of Songs 5:2' and the dead are destined to come to life .... In the time to come, the Blessed Holy One will shake the hair of His head, as if it were possible, and bring down a reviving dew and bring the dead to life, as it is said: 'I am asleep, but my heart is awake .... My head is filled with dew'
We are all in a deep sleep, but our hearts are awake and I still think we can reach out even further on this Shavuot by going within ourselves to find that place, that dwelling and meet the queen to complete the cycle .... I don't know if any of this makes sense to others, but it is crystal clear to me even if I am not capable to explaining it well with words .... he hawai'i au, poh