Jokes, jokes, and more jokes ...

I'd fly with this airline anytime!

So true!

Calvin strikes again!

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine
Indeed. We have to confine her for 15 minutes (under a laundry basket with a book on it) when she attacks the other kitties.
Wouldn't work with Tovarish (one of her "nicknames" is "Harriet Houdini", which she earned when she was six-weeks-old.) I had her in a box that I put several books on, yet she always found a way to escape, ending up in cupboards/kitchen drawers/neighbours' doorways/"my" bed/etc. The only places she didn't go were outside and the laundry room!

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine
Wouldn't work with Tovarish (one of her "nicknames" is "Harriet Houdini", which she earned when she was six-weeks-old.) I had her in a box that I put several books on, yet she always found a way to escape, ending up in cupboards/kitchen drawers/neighbours' doorways/"my" bed/etc. The only places she didn't go were outside and the laundry room!

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine
What a cat!

The Harriet Houdini nickname reminds me of something.
When I was growing up we had a little female kitty who was an escape artist. I don't know why we didn't just name her Harriet, which would have made sense, but my mom said "too bad we don't know the name of Houdini's wife" and I had read that her name was Bess, (whom I do not think was an escape artist alongside him like my mom may have assumed) and so my mom named the little kitty Bessie.
What a cat!

The Harriet Houdini nickname reminds me of something.
When I was growing up we had a little female kitty who was an escape artist. I don't know why we didn't just name her Harriet, which would have made sense, but my mom said "too bad we don't know the name of Houdini's wife" and I had read that her name was Bess, (whom I do not think was an escape artist alongside him like my mom may have assumed) and so my mom named the little kitty Bessie.
Tovarish's nickname is from the feminine form of Harry Houdini (I had to forewarn my RL friends, Tyler and America, of her abilities when they volunteered to :kitty:sit her while our previous flat had work done due to a pre-existing problem [the floors had to be replaced throughout the building due to persisting rot [the floors exposed the plumbing pipes, and the pipes constantly leaked.) I think I posted the fiasco pertaining to a doberman who fell through his master's floor into my then-flat!

Anyway, while they were :kitty:sitting, Tovarish "vanished", leaving behind small traces that she was still in their flat (a bit of food eaten, traces of litterbox use, water dish stuff...) She was spotted (finally) in their stand mixer's bowl three or four days later, fast asleep. Tyler nicknamed her "Your d@mn cat"

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine
Tovarish's nickname is from the feminine form of Harry Houdini
Yes, I think that makes more sense, to feminize the name as you did.
For some reason we went with his wife's name Bess...(maybe there was a reason, like knowing someone named Harry or Harriet or something) but the little kitty Bessie -- she was cute.
A coffee truism?
View attachment 3526

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine
It appears I have successfully trained my 5 month old baby to wait until after my coffee to fuss in the morning. He calmly waits for the sound of the Keurig to make me a cup, and then he waits until he sees me drinking the coffee. Then he gets excited. If I don't get him up within a couple minutes of drinking that coffee, he starts to fuss.