Postmaster said:
White people enslaved the blacks brining them in for work and then later on were discriminated by society causing these Ghettos.
This is true.
(IMHO)In most of his song's when he speaks of this it is to get the peole in the "ghetto" to realize the history of the "ghetto" and to change their ways. i.e. stop robbing and killing each other and focus on things that will help end their plight.
Postmaster said:
Was tupac actually a Christian or Muslim? Cause he seemed to take up both theologies.
I Found this interview with Tupac and he talks ablut what religion he is and about what he believes. Thier is a little cussing in the paragraph, but it is his own words on the subject matter. Hope this helps.
I'm the religion that to me is the realist religion there is. I try to pray to God every night unless I pass out. I learned this in jail. I talked to every God [member of the Five Percent Nation] there was in jail. I think that if you take one of the "O's" out of "Good" it's "God," if you add a "D" to "Evil," it's the "Devil." I think some cool motherfucker sat down a long time ago and said, Let's figure out a way to control motherfuckers. That's what they came up with-the bible. 'Cause if God wrote the bible, I'm sure there would have been a revised copy by now. 'Cause a lot of **** has changed. I've been looking for this revised copy-I still see that same old copy that we had from then. I'm not disrespecting anyone's religion, please forgive me if it comes off that way, I'm just stating my opinion.
The bible tells us that all these people did this because they suffered so much, that's what makes them special people. I got shot five times and I got crucified in the media, And I walked through with the thorns on, and I had **** thrown on me, and I had the word thief at the top; I told that *****, "I'll be back for you. Trust me, it's not supposed to be going down, I'll will be back." I'm not saying I'm Jesus, but I'm saying we go through that type of things every day. We don't part the Red Sea, but we walk through the 'hood without getting shot. We don't turn water to wine, but we turn dope fiends and dope heads into productive citizens of society. We turn words into money-what greater gift can there be? So I believe God blesses us, I believe God blesses those that hustle. Those that use their minds and those that averall are righteous. I believe that everything you do bad comes back to you. So everything that I do that's bad, I'm going to suffer for it. But in my heart, I believe what I'm doing in my heart is right. So I feel like I'm going to heaven.
I think heaven is just when you sleep, you sleep with a good concience-you don't have nightmares. Hell is when you sleep, the last things you see is all the fucked-up things you did in your life and you just see it over and over again, 'cause bullets burn. There's people that got burned in fires, does that mean they went to hell already? All that is here. What do you got there that we ain't seen here? What, we're gonna walk around aimlessly like zombies? That's here! You ain't been on the streets lately? Heaven now, look! [he gestures to his plush apartment.] We're sitting up here in the living room, big-screen TV-this is heaven, for a moment. Hell is jail-I seen that one. Trust me, this is what's real. And all that other **** is to control you.
If the churches took half the money that they was making and gave it back to the community, we'd be all right. If they took half the buildings that they use to "praise God" and gave it to motherfuckers who need God, we'd be all right. Have you seen some of these got-damn churches lately? There's homeless people out here. Why ain't God lettin' them stay here? Why these niggas got gold ceilings and ****? Why God need gold ceilings to talk to me? Why does God need colored windows to talk to me? Why God can't come here I'm at where he sent me? If God wanted to talk to me in a pretty spot like that, why the hell he send me here then? That makes ghetto kids not believe in God. Why? So that's wrong religion-I believe in God, I believe God puts us wherever we wants to be at. That didn't make sense that God would put us in the ghetto. That means he wants us to work hard to get up out of here. That means he's testing us even more. That makes sense that if you're good in your heart, you're closer to God, but if you're evil, then you're closer to the devil; that makes sense! I see that everyday all that other spooky ****, don't make sense. I don't even believe, I'm not dissin' them, but I don't believe in the brothers, I've been in jail with 'em and having conversations with brothers; "I'm God, I'm God." You God, open the gate for me. You know how far the sun is and how far the moon is, how the hell do I pop this fuckin' gate? And get me free and up outta here. Then I'll be a Five Percenter for life.
Postmaster said:
What does he mean by?
Baby Capone's, livin wealthy
This means small time "gangsters" are living more wealthy than honest people. Just to enlighten you, Al Capone was America's best known gangster and the single greatest symbol of the collapse of law and order in the United States during the 1920s
Postmaster said:
Pictures of my birth on this Earth is what I'm dreamin
Seein Daddy's semen, full of crooked demons,
I "think" he was tring to picture how he came to this world and tellin the world that his father was not a good man at the time because he was born out of wedlock and under "demonic" conditions. He felt like his father was a crooked man. In short , being born into a demonic world. I could be wrong though.