You didn't agree that the treatment of Baha`i's in Iran is barbaric, i notice.
I also notice that you are challenging, not questioning. ". . . how for the love of God . . ." is a challenge, not a question.
From Baha`i sources is not the issue.
Baha`i sources are clear:
"O PEOPLES of the earth! By the righteousness of God, this Book hath, through the potency of the sovereign Truth, pervaded the earth and the heaven with the mighty Word 60 of God concerning Him Who is the supreme Testimony, the Expected Qá'im, and verily God hath knowledge of all things. This divinely-inspired Book hath firmly established His Proof for all those who are in the East and in the West, hence beware lest ye utter aught but the truth regarding God, for I swear by your Lord that this supreme Proof of Mine beareth witness unto all things...
O servants of God! Be ye patient, for, God grant, He Who is the sovereign Truth will suddenly appear amongst you, invested with the power of the mighty Word, and ye shall then be confounded by the Truth itself, and ye shall have no power to ward it off;[1] and verily I am a witness over all mankind. Chapter LIX.
[1 cf. Qur'án 21:40 ]"
"These, including the Muhammadan Dispensation, have had, in their turn, as their objective the Revelation proclaimed by the Qá'im. The purpose underlying this Revelation, as well as those that preceded it, has, in like manner, been to announce the advent of the Faith of Him Whom God will make manifest. And this Faith -- the Faith of Him Whom God will make manifest -- in its turn, together with all the Revelations gone before it, have as their object the Manifestation destined to succeed it"
(The Bab, Selections from the Writings of the Bab, p. 105)
"For today the Bayan is in the stage of seed; at the beginning of the manifestation of Him Whom God shall make manifest its ultimate perfection will become apparent. He is made manifest in order to gather the fruits of the trees He hath planted; even as the Revelation of the Qá'im [He Who ariseth], a descendant of Muhammad -- may the blessings of God rest upon Him -- is exactly like unto the Revelation of the Apostle of God Himself [Muhammad]. He appeareth not, save for the purpose of gathering the fruits of Islam from the Qur'ánic verses which He [Muhammad] hath sown in the hearts of men."
(The Bab, Selections from the Writings of the Bab, p. 107)
There are many more. I can provide them if you like.
I pointed out to you that it is impossible for a Baha`i to leave Iran today without foreswearing his faith as a condition of departure. How do you react to that?
(The Bab, Selections from the Writings of the Bab, p. 59)
C'mon, all these are from the Selected Writings of Bab - from which book of the Bab were these taken? Is'nt that important? Or are were just happy to accept without question whatever is dished out to us.
I have been outlining right from the outset that there are double standards at play regarding the Bab. Systematically the writings of the Bab are being kept away.
In probably 10 years, no book of the Bab will be available and probably even the position of the Bab altered to suit the new Bahai doctrine. I have been seeing the official Bahai web site for more than 10 years now. How the position of the Bab was changed from the Mahdi to an independent prophet - where did the Bab claim to be an independent prophet in his life?
The only book of the Bab which is available "officially" from the Bahais, despite the Bab himself being a key personality, is Selected Writings of the Bab, which are well, very very well selected writings from Bab from his books which are labelled forged or prejudiced. Yet the Bahais have carefully selected some statements from the Bab and taken it as gospel truth, yet denied the authenticity of those very books from which the statements are taken.
Ironically, one of the miracles claimed by the Bab in his examination of Tabriz was that he was prolific in "revealing" verses. And today just a handful of verses (as claimed by the Bahais) remain in force. What a shame.
Prior to the Bab, Muslims waited for more than a thousand years for the arrival of the Mahdi. And the Mahdi came and went and none of his writings in their original languages remain? What a shame.
Bad luck for Muslims. Neither did the Muslims outside Iran come to know that a Mahdi has come and gone and now even if they want to know what he said, his books are not available. What a shame.
Really poor execution by Allah that He did not make available the writings of his representative the Bab when the revelation of his predecessor - Hazrat Mohammed remained in force for more than 1400 years. What a shame.
Allah protected the revelation of Mohammed for more than 1400 years but could protect the revelation of the Bab for even 100 years. What a shame.
Strange is'nt it. You can call me prejudiced, biased whatever. But ironically, everybody seems to have the books of the Bab except for the Bahais themselves. There are Universites funded by non Muslims which have painstakingly collected the books, researchers like Juan Cole who have hosted the books of the Bab on their web sites, sir, the Bahais dont have these books. Since 1976, they are still translating and deciphering the words of the Bab. The Bayan is absent, Dalaelus Sabah is absent, Tafseer's Kausar which Shoghi refers to in God Passes By is missing and so is Sahifae Adaliyah. Every book of the Bab is a forgery? Every book? I bring you references from 6-7 books of the Bab and I can produce more where the Bab says unilaterally, clearly, unquivocally and without any ambiguity that he is not the Mahdi. And all of these are forgeries. All of them?? Who are you guys fooling?
I dont think you want people to read the books of the Bab. How many Bahais I receive on my web site who have never even heard of these books leave alone know in which language they were written. And it is being drilled into them that these books are forgeries. Amazing media machinery this. Labelling these books as forgeries is a very good way to dissuade people from even considering to read the books.
10 years ago, E G Browne was the undisputed "independent" English historian who brought out the truth of Bahaism to the world through his writings. Now he is labelled a "historian with political agenda". Why? Probably because the Bahais started reading his books and found that E G Browne liked the Babis, but not Bahaullah.
In any case, can you enlighten me of the Bahai proof, apart from the claims of the Bab himself that the Bab was the Mahdi. Also, to add weight to your argument, bring me atleast one Islamic source to prove that the Bab was the Mahdi. That can be a good starting point. Also, it will help me to understand your understanding of the Islamic concept of Mahdi, which is important to me. Not many Bahais I have met even know the meaning of the Mahdi. Such is the drilling given to them by the Bahais. Also, just let me know which books of the Bab are not forgeries.
The members of this forum have been complaining that the topic of the thread is changed and want to close it. I say, close it. Scott wants to ensure that my word is not the last. Frankly, I really do not care if it is my last word or not for it really does not establish anything. The word of Allah will be the last. He repeatedly reminds us in the Quran that we are from Allah and to Him we shall return. Allah will have the last word.
Regards, as always