So the holy spirit is part of the father..thought all three were separate, but one as a whole…?there was 1 god in the old testament, and three in the new…so was the HS created at same time as jesus? In Christianity, doesn’t it matter what sins you do…because jesus has saved you…?if I comit murder…its ok to god, because He sent His son to be crucified, so that I didn’t have to get punished?…wheres the logic? If you don’t think this is true, then what does it mean by, jesus saved our sins?because cleerly, he didn’t if you get sins for killing someone, lets think though,…previous sins…were you alive before jesus?no…no previous sins…the natural thing…so that can be saved you believe…so jesus saves you because your ancestor ate an apple, which you think everyone is born with, but you kill someone…its ok…because god has saved you through His son…to save us from our sins, not save us from natural sin…save us from sins…therefore everyone who believes jesus is god must be sinless…what an easy religion to follow!when I was in it, I got told there were so many things you got sinned for…but obviously you don’t,,,,because jesus has alredy saved you…god may aswell just put us in heaven should He if were going to die sinless…cos that’s where we would go…I wonder if Christianity was thought through really?