Punishment for crucifixtion


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Would those who had anything to do with crucifixtion of Jesus (Judas,people who jeered him,roman soldiers,pilate,jewish priests etc) be punished when they died as they crucified the son of god. Would there actions against Jesus when they were alive be judged by god and dealt with? Many thanks.
Kindest Regards, Penguin!
Penguin said:
Would those who had anything to do with crucifixtion of Jesus (Judas,people who jeered him,roman soldiers,pilate,jewish priests etc) be punished when they died as they crucified the son of god. Would there actions against Jesus when they were alive be judged by god and dealt with? Many thanks.
I don't know, I'm not the Judge. ;)
Only God knows the heart and thoughts of man. Lets say one of the soldiers that assisted in Christ's crucification enjoyed hurting jesus with evil in his heart, im sure that is bad, and if not repented, he will be judged for it. however, the soldier that carried out his duty given to him by his superiors in authority, and he took no pleasure in it, and was sorry to be doing it, but had to do his job because if he didnt he would be punished as well for insubordination. i personally dont believe that man did wrong if he didnt know that was christ.

some may have denied christ out of ignorance or human reasoning.. there time to believe may have not arrived yet, christ will knock on the door until they get it. however, the one that is given the truth by the holy spirit and denies it, knowing it is true, that is unforgivable.
Bearing in mind the idea that the Crucifixion was necessary and inevitable, then does this essential make the whole issue predestined and therefore the soldiers involved had no choice?

Or is it more a case of using the right people for the right job?

Also - if Roman soliders were to taunt Jesus dying, couldn't this be simply due to ignorance, and if so, how would they be judged on those grounds?
I said:
Also - if Roman soliders were to taunt Jesus dying, couldn't this be simply due to ignorance, and if so, how would they be judged on those grounds?

But the Roman soldiers weren't ignorant that violence and fear is wrong however ignorant they were of who Jesus was. They would be judged for committing acts of inhumanity.
Ummmm...the world Was pretty inhuman in those days, so the form of punushment meted out by the authorities in Jesus' case were fairly mundane and ordinary in that context. Of course, today, things have changed, except perhaps in hidden away prisons or war zones.

Surely, when they died and if they stood judgement then what they did would be taken into consideration because they could be facing god/jesus themselves. There would be no getting away from it as god is omnipotent and knew they were there.
"Thou shalt not kill" if they weren't punished in some way then the commandments would be a hypocrite to it's own statements? I don't know much about these things but I have many questions and this is one that has been gnawing me.
Rafey said:
But the Roman soldiers weren't ignorant that violence and fear is wrong however ignorant they were of who Jesus was. They would be judged for committing acts of inhumanity.

They were also essential to bring God's plan to fruition, though, weren't they? After all, can you imagine if otherwise - the Roman soldiers were nice, decided to let Jesus off, and therefore no Crucifixtion or Resurrection? ;)
Penguin said:
Would those who had anything to do with crucifixtion of Jesus (Judas,people who jeered him,roman soldiers,pilate,jewish priests etc) be punished when they died as they crucified the son of god. Would there actions against Jesus when they were alive be judged by god and dealt with? Many thanks.

Great question! I believe Jesus answered it quite clearly. As he hung on the tree, and despite the agony He was in, He said "Forgive them Father, for they know not what they do..." :eek:

How lucky for us that He understood our ignorance, and that His heart was a big as the world.


Rafey said:
But the Roman soldiers weren't ignorant that violence and fear is wrong however ignorant they were of who Jesus was. They would be judged for committing acts of inhumanity.

Are you using the mind set you've been brought up with to make this determination, or the mind set of the times that this occured? Rome was trying to keep a rebellion down in a town they had control over. Violence was everywhere. And Rome was struggling to maintain a kind of quiet and peace, but the locals were anything but docile. Think about it. 40 or so years later, Rome was so fed up with the whole of the local people that they leveled the place, and scattered the inhabitants to the four corners of the earth, then gave the land to another people, and called it "Palestine", or "Pheleshet", which means Philistine.


It is widely believed that the people who persecuted Jesus were under the will (possession) of the Devil. Therefore in other words yes, may God's wrath be upon them!
Azure24 said:
It is widely believed that the people who persecuted Jesus were under the will (possession) of the Devil. Therefore in other words yes, may God's wrath be upon them!

That presumes judgement before the time that the judgement of man will occur. Kind of unfair to judge certain of men, and reserve judgement for others until the end time...I believe God has much more patients than Man for wanting to see justice done. I also believe, God the Father would listen to the pleading of His Son (In whom He is most pleased)...:eek:

