Obtuse Kineticist
Witnessing Evolution (Conjecture)
One of the aspects of some Eastern philosophies that I have found limiting in the evolution of self-awareness is the idea of there being no witness. I have little argument with the idea that the unhealthy ego is an illusion, as is all things of creation. The unhealthy ego is a part of creation itself, and not the true Self. The unhealthy ego is the dream the Self is having, based upon the illusionary perception of separation and limitation.
Accordingly, some Eastern philosophies say that there is only Source. My understanding is that some congregate is becoming conscious, as demonstrated by consciousness evolving perpetually over ten and a half billion years. This conscious evolution is taking place in the arena of matter, from particles all the way to pre-frontal lobes.
The fact that the human body is one of the latest pieces of this long evolutionary chain would suggest that it is not humans who are evolving, but that the marvel of the human form would point towards consciousness inhabiting more and more complex forms as it evolves and expands. Nor should we assume it ends with humanity.What is the thing that is driving this evolution? Is the evolving consciousness the cause of it, or is it an effect of evolution? If we look at the as above so below, we see that we evolve not by choice, but by natural default. Why should it be any different for that which we are a part of?
I think it is becoming evident to some that behind the many cells (of consciousness) there is a wholeness...not a Oneness. This evolving consciousness is awakening within form, which is either caused by evolution itself, or that which is evolving. In this perception is the fact that evolution is the creator, and not a God. Evolution as a natural law or mandate which the expanding consciousness is subject to.
Some Eastern philosophers have always confused what is evolving with evolution itself, saying there is no duality present. Duality is self-evident all the way up, and all the way down, as above so below. Why does a universal truth as such end at the Self? There is a witness, and there is that which is witnessed. Even if the witnessed is illusion, it is nonetheless witnessed. This is the same delusion as claiming no witness in non-duality transcendental states.
How can there be no witness if there is an explanation of these states? How can there be no witness if anything is remarked upon? Even if you discover no-thing, and void in the non-dual state, how do you know you did, unless you witnessed some thing - no matter how subtle it was? I have always wondered at this huge gap in reason in some Eastern disciplines. If there was no witness, a person would have no idea they ever went into any state. "How did your meditation go, Bob?" "Huh, what are you talking about? I didn't meditate? Come to think of it, where did the last two hours go?"
Self-awareness begins with recognizing the unhealthy ego as not the true Self. Our true Self would be that part of the whole evolving into more and more expanded consciousness, and not the self that is attached to form and appetites. The true Self is here now, facing forward. The false Self is here now, entangled its inherited patterns from the past. But the journey does not end there. There is duality involved because evolution it would seem drives Self, and not the other way around.
My best guess to date is based upon an as above so below observation. A masuline aspect and feminine aspect gave birth to me. As a child I evolve through the levels of awareness to self consciousness, and eventually, if I am one of the fortunate few, to Self consciousness. Consciousness as a whole started at the big bang the same - a zygote produced from active and passive principles. It's evolution is what has created all form. The form evolves to more complex to house more expanded Self consciousness.
Overly simplified yes, and yet very possible in its self-evident reflection throughout creation and awareness. The Big Bang, the whole's arrival into evolving consciousness, to my understanding points to all parts having active and passive principles as their creator. There are perhaps other whole's on the other side of the Big Bang. Holons within holons. Organisms as cells as organisms.
I am curious about everyone's perception of evolution. As you can see, it is an area that I have taken quite an interest in, and as the above conjecture points out, I have put together a personal ontology on the subject. What say you about my essay, and your own personal ontology regarding evolution?
One of the aspects of some Eastern philosophies that I have found limiting in the evolution of self-awareness is the idea of there being no witness. I have little argument with the idea that the unhealthy ego is an illusion, as is all things of creation. The unhealthy ego is a part of creation itself, and not the true Self. The unhealthy ego is the dream the Self is having, based upon the illusionary perception of separation and limitation.
Accordingly, some Eastern philosophies say that there is only Source. My understanding is that some congregate is becoming conscious, as demonstrated by consciousness evolving perpetually over ten and a half billion years. This conscious evolution is taking place in the arena of matter, from particles all the way to pre-frontal lobes.
The fact that the human body is one of the latest pieces of this long evolutionary chain would suggest that it is not humans who are evolving, but that the marvel of the human form would point towards consciousness inhabiting more and more complex forms as it evolves and expands. Nor should we assume it ends with humanity.What is the thing that is driving this evolution? Is the evolving consciousness the cause of it, or is it an effect of evolution? If we look at the as above so below, we see that we evolve not by choice, but by natural default. Why should it be any different for that which we are a part of?
I think it is becoming evident to some that behind the many cells (of consciousness) there is a wholeness...not a Oneness. This evolving consciousness is awakening within form, which is either caused by evolution itself, or that which is evolving. In this perception is the fact that evolution is the creator, and not a God. Evolution as a natural law or mandate which the expanding consciousness is subject to.
Some Eastern philosophers have always confused what is evolving with evolution itself, saying there is no duality present. Duality is self-evident all the way up, and all the way down, as above so below. Why does a universal truth as such end at the Self? There is a witness, and there is that which is witnessed. Even if the witnessed is illusion, it is nonetheless witnessed. This is the same delusion as claiming no witness in non-duality transcendental states.
How can there be no witness if there is an explanation of these states? How can there be no witness if anything is remarked upon? Even if you discover no-thing, and void in the non-dual state, how do you know you did, unless you witnessed some thing - no matter how subtle it was? I have always wondered at this huge gap in reason in some Eastern disciplines. If there was no witness, a person would have no idea they ever went into any state. "How did your meditation go, Bob?" "Huh, what are you talking about? I didn't meditate? Come to think of it, where did the last two hours go?"
Self-awareness begins with recognizing the unhealthy ego as not the true Self. Our true Self would be that part of the whole evolving into more and more expanded consciousness, and not the self that is attached to form and appetites. The true Self is here now, facing forward. The false Self is here now, entangled its inherited patterns from the past. But the journey does not end there. There is duality involved because evolution it would seem drives Self, and not the other way around.
My best guess to date is based upon an as above so below observation. A masuline aspect and feminine aspect gave birth to me. As a child I evolve through the levels of awareness to self consciousness, and eventually, if I am one of the fortunate few, to Self consciousness. Consciousness as a whole started at the big bang the same - a zygote produced from active and passive principles. It's evolution is what has created all form. The form evolves to more complex to house more expanded Self consciousness.
Overly simplified yes, and yet very possible in its self-evident reflection throughout creation and awareness. The Big Bang, the whole's arrival into evolving consciousness, to my understanding points to all parts having active and passive principles as their creator. There are perhaps other whole's on the other side of the Big Bang. Holons within holons. Organisms as cells as organisms.
I am curious about everyone's perception of evolution. As you can see, it is an area that I have taken quite an interest in, and as the above conjecture points out, I have put together a personal ontology on the subject. What say you about my essay, and your own personal ontology regarding evolution?