I may ramble here a little--typing out loud, I suppose.
While I think it would be great if the two boards could reunite, I really think it may be too soon. I was not for the idea of the LC board at first, but there really are issues that can more easily be discussed there, and less disruptively than on the Christian board. For me, the LC has helped me understand what the questions are that many folks have on their minds. True, there will always be someone with an agenda to destroy, but most of the time, they seem to get tired of CR before too long--or they change.
There are some sincere folks there in LC. Many of them are my friends, and I understand their desire for a small garden to call home. And I enjoy being allowed to visit--if I overstep, they seem pretty kind, at least for now.
But I can also understand the analogy that Faithfulservant presented, which, by the way and in my opinion, did not call for the apology she made. It is the way she believes, and she makes no bones about it. And she has not gone into another's garden and started pulling up the plants.
And if the Liberal Christians kept going to Comparative Studies or Belief and Spirituality to discuss the attributes of Jesus, then that could overload those boards.
I think that perhaps things should stay the way they are, at least for now. I, um, do, um, however, um, wonder if there should be a subforum for Christian mysticism--which is not entirely the same as Esoteric. But I don't want to cause a fuss. Not going to campaign or anything.