Is Jesus' Resurrection a Fact-Event?

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lunamoth said:
Can we please get this thread back on topic?

moderator, belief and spirituality

You're the mod? Oh God! Hey, that rhymes!

Ever since I started posting on this forum I've been amazed at how thin skinned people seem. It's like you guys are scared to argue or something. C'mon, this isn't fourth grade, let people mix it up a little.

China Cat Sunflower said:
You're the mod? Oh God! Hey, that rhymes!

Ever since I started posting on this forum I've been amazed at how thin skinned people seem. It's like you guys are scared to argue or something. C'mon, this isn't fourth grade, let people mix it up a little.

Chris, if people want to bare-knuckle it over the literal-factualness of Christ's Resurrection, they can go for it. But I hope that they would do so without attacking each other personally. There is a whole lot in this thread that has nothing at all to do with the OP.

Thanks Luna.

Sorry I intervened...but I'm half Italian and have a difficult time keeping my mouth shut.

Cat...I like mixing it up much as the next person...but I believe that Luna and the CoC are right here. Conflict distracts everyone from what we are all here learn from each other.

By the way, and in that vein, I think the stuff that you've posted here over the last two days is great !

lunamoth said:
Chris, if people want to bare-knuckle it over the literal-factualness of Christ's Resurrection, they can go for it. But I hope that they would do so without attacking each other personally. There is a whole lot in this thread that has nothing at all to do with the OP.


So...? Hey, it's interesting: like a soap opera or an auto wreck. Look, congrats on being the Mod, I can't think of anyone better qualified, but please don't start with the micro-management.


You can't bring stuff over here from another forum. People prize their cyber pseudo-anonymity. We're not supposed to be persons who can be held accountable for our words, but rather cyber entities of our own designation.

flowperson said:
Thanks Luna.

Sorry I intervened...but I'm half Italian and have a difficult time keeping my mouth shut.

Cat...I like mixing it up much as the next person...but I believe that Luna and the CoC are right here. Conflict distracts everyone from what we are all here learn from each other.

By the way, and in that vein, I think the stuff that you've posted here over the last two days is great !


Oh, butt out you butt kisser!:) I like Luna more than you do, so quit.

China Cat Sunflower said:
So...? Hey, it's interesting: like a soap opera or an auto wreck. Look, congrats on being the Mod, I can't think of anyone better qualified, but please don't start with the micro-management.
Chris, I'm not into micromanaging either, but I really hope that CR, and this forum in particular, remains a place I want to spend some time.

China Cat Sunflower said:
So...? Hey, it's interesting: like a soap opera or an auto wreck.

Chris, if you want something "interesting," check out these sites:


You can't bring stuff over here from another forum. People prize their cyber pseudo-anonymity. We're not supposed to be persons who can be held accountable for our words, but rather cyber entities of our own designation.


As if that weren't reason enough I checked out ALL the laws and rules and find I did not violate a single one. It must be something personal. I can only guess. But my apologies again for airing dirty laundry here. Sorry.

Fiz, that apology--both this time and the other time--were for you as well as for the long-time members on this forum. I would have contacted you directly but you have posted no contact info on your profile. Do contact me if you need to talk further on this. Just remember to be respectful.

lunamoth said:
Yes, about the Resurrection...

Well, for me personally it is far more meaningful to think of it as a sacred myth. I like myths. They contain hidden meanings for us to mine. If I focus all my energy on how to twist my brain to say I believe Jesus rose from the dead the third day without lying, then I have no energy left to appreciate the beauty of the myth.

The early sunrise. Probably he got up before the sun that day. Fresh, cool air, dew dripping from the leaves, grass wet as rain from the dew, pink sky to the east. All the guard lying on their backs with mouths and eyes wide open. Unconscious.

And himself. He felt newer than the day he was born! He'd seen it all. Life. Death. Hell. Heaven. Earth. Humans. Angels. And here he was--alive to tell the story!

Wow! Anybody who does not believe in this kind of triumph over despair is just not going to get out of life all that humans were meant to get out of it.
RubySera_Martin said:
Fiz, that apology--both this time and the other time--were for you as well as for the long-time members on this forum. I would have contacted you directly but you have posted no contact info on your profile. Do contact me if you need to talk further on this. Just remember to be respectful.


At the risk of being rude (which I can be, and have no problem with), may I suggest that the guard comes down, for both of you? An apology isn't much of an apology if it comes with "exception clauses". "Accusations" on the other hand and/or "grievances" aren't hidden well by "civil" wording...the anger and frustration still project to anyone who reads. Also, may I suggest that this be dealt with in PMs, as this is between two wonderful and thought provoking people, not six billion potential viewers. (which means both parties must allow for Pm within their respective profiles here at CR).

It is time to leave the offering at the alter, and go make amends with one's neighbor, then come back and present the offering...

just my thoughts.


Couple of points on things that have no place here before I close the thread:

1. We don't accuse other members of "spiritual rape" - that's just plain sick. It's also bloody hypocritical for anyone to criticise mainstream Christians for evangelising, only to then evangelise humanism at Christians.

2. OCD and similar MSN communities have absolutely no place here. While there are members from there who are welcome here, I definitely will not allow CR to get embroiled in inter-community strife.

Nuff said.
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