Duality/Polarity --> True Principle or Outdated Axiom?

is god right and wrong?
how powerful is god.
what does he control
does he control angels if they exist
demons if they exist
the devil if it exists?
is god both faithful praisers and unfaithful blasphemers?
is god athiests
he must be?
he is all things or not?
both beleif and unbeleif?
both faith and undying questioning?
my guess is the christian worldview answers no to most of these questions.
it is more and more nonsensical to me.
are the questions even entertained?
rebeliion to god, is this natural for humans?
some forms of rebellion are normal through certain psychological or society featurs.
of course some christians say psychology is the devils work
until their son becomes suicidal at least.
in america and other nations on the cutting edge of modern thought, psychology, sciences, morals... is the chrisitan world view causing untold cognitive dissonance?
what is the sign of the times
whats up with the fundamental christian ressurgence
is the rapture about to come
did we create the end of the world when we created christianity (assuming it is man made)obviously if any world leader tries to unite everyone or claim that god is in the mind, we know who the mind of society will call him.. the anti christ
does god haver a problem with this person or not is the question
or is it our mindframe/psyche/society
is christianity thought control or not.
is the possibility that it is obvious point that it is not right
or does god want thought control to protect us from sometihng?
