Should There Be A Humanist Subforum?


at peace
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Hi, and Peace To All Here--

Might be helpful. What do you think?


On the one hand this is a forum on comparative religion, but I wouldn't consider secular humanism to be a religion...yet again I'm not an expert on classifying such things. But, since we have atheists or near-atheists that participate here on a collegial bottom line is...why not ? Sure, I'd vote for it if there were a poll of some sort. IMHO, tomorrow must include everyone's beliefs just like today tries to.

To be honest, I think we've more than enough boards at present - there's a Philosophy board, a Belief & Spirituality board, and also a Liberal Christianity board where humanism gets a look in. I'm not seeing it as a major topic at CR, but if there ends up being a large number of discussions about a specific topic - such as humanism - then we could always revisit the issue. :)
I said:
To be honest, I think we've more than enough boards at present - there's a Philosophy board, a Belief & Spirituality board, and also a Liberal Christianity board where humanism gets a look in. I'm not seeing it as a major topic at CR, but if there ends up being a large number of discussions about a specific topic - such as humanism - then we could always revisit the issue. :)

I am happy with the way things are. For me, humanism is more a way of seeing life and the world, perhaps, than a religion. But then, religion is also a way of seeing life....I know Christians who use secular humanist values for their everyday life and for understanding the Bible. I guess this raises the question of where is the line between the secular and the sacred? Not sure I can answer that question. For some people the line is very rigid and definite, while others never give it a thought and just live their lives.

Gotta leave some questions for the next generation, huh?
Hi Ruby:

There is an excellent book written by Mircea Eliade titled The Sacred and the Profane. It thoroughly explores the reasons for the dichotomy between the secular and religious. Your University library there should have it.

flowperson said:
Hi Ruby:

There is an excellent book written by Mircea Eliade titled The Sacred and the Profane. It thoroughly explores the reasons for the dichotomy between the secular and religious. Your University library there should have it.


Probably does. Thanks.