Mocking at death

I had cried for the loss of loved ones who were close to me, and for those who died before they got to do what they dreamed. I would feel my heart sink whenever I hear of someone about my age getting killed before they got the chance to go out and pursue something dear to them. I cried for my cousin who seemed to have lived almost two years in and out of the hospital before she died, leaving her two sons who she barely had a chance to be with, and also because she was someone who I felt comfort from just by her presence.

I was shocked that Steve died, and felt for his family but I also admit to an irony that he wasn't killed by a crocodile or something usually deemed aggressive. My heart didn't have any malcontent with this, more like admiration that he did much with his life before his death and the fact that it came quick and instant, not leaving him to suffer.