Fluffy Planets - A silver lining after all?


Gnōthi seauton
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Terra Firma
My comments are based on this news article from SkyTonight.com ... regarding the discovery a new "puffy planet" 450ly from earth. Seems HAT-P-1 is puffier than scientists thought planets should be. And of course, like Saturn, this one definitely floats.

Well I suppose we won't be selling tickets for vacation in the Lacerta systems for some time but this new class of planet is unusual ... and I think it would be interesting to see. It is 20 times closer to its star than Earth is to the sun, and it's the largest & least dense of the ~200 non-local planets that have now been discovered.

I believe life will begin to get truly interesting for a lot of astronomers, as the bridges begin to form across the gaps. "Puffier" and puffier planets, will certainly give way to a new classification of planets altogether - which, like other astronomical bodies (good article here), radiate invisibly, and only invisibly.

Quacks and wackos like me (as well as a good many astrologers, and Hindu cosmologists & philosophers for thousands of years) ... might even start to make sense, finally. Some of the radiation observed & measured from these extremely puffy planets, I predict, will begin to suggest faint indications of order, pattern, harmony and intelligent structure.

And right about the time we start to accept that we're not alone, after all ... the Intelligences whom & which inhabit these puffiest of all planets - will quite possibly let us in on a couple or so, cosmic hints, maybe something along the lines of:
Your village exists here. These systems, indicated in blue, are similar in that they support life at Earth's stage of evolution and development. The systems in green ... they are much younger. Those in orange, support life which is vastly more advanced than you are, something like Humanity as compared with an ant colony.

Oh, and this beautiful, geometric network of systems in purple ... they are, to the rest of the entire Galaxy, as all the earth is to a large aquarium - or a small zoo, if you prefer.

It will be an interesting day when this much concrete fact has been allowed, by the lofty, towering intellects of men & science, to slowly permeate ... and finally "sink in." (And to borrow a bit, from popular science fiction, Guess what? They ain't green. ;))

With any luck, and perhaps a not inconsiderable miracle at this point, it won't be a swamp into which this fact sinks.

So, my head in the clouds, I'm still convinced - that a silver lining's up here somewhere. And my feet? Firmly planet, on that rock below. But the rain's a comin'. And as the locals (here in the South) sometimes say, it's a gully-washer! ;)

Om Shanti Shanti Shanti

Bump due to an article I just read ... of relevance to my earlier post. Findings from the Hubble Telescope suggest the existence of up to six BILLION Jupiter-like planets ... in our galaxy alone! Most interesting. The opening paragraph of the article on theregister.co.uk:
The Hubble Space Telescope has spied sixteen candidate extra-solar planets during a survey of 180,000 stars in the central bulge of the Milky Way galaxy. The findings suggest there could be as many as six billion Jupiter-sized planets in our galaxy.
And people still have doubts and skepticism, that something like `The Day the Earth Stood Still' couldn't happen, or hasn't already. ;)

Dear taijasi--

What would I do without you? I am still reading through the articles. I like the idea of fluffy, puffy, planets with silver linings (as long as the silver isn't coming from polluted rainclouds).

I know you are serious. As well you should be. It takes time for me to absorb your "wacko wisdom".;) What I generally find is that I knew most of it all along. But that is to say that I know nothing, which is the best way of learning. I can only know what my Master deems I am ready to receive.:cool:

LOL--forgive me. Maybe I just wanted to talk to you. I am scrolling back, and reading, and reading, and....

I shall return.:)

As Always,
Hey, Andrew--

I am taking a long train trip this week, and I am trying to print out the articles to read if I don't get a window seat. I got the second one, but when I go to the first one, there are LOTS of articles to choose from. When I type in "fluffy planets" or "puffy planets" I still don't know which article(s) to pick. Can you be more specific with a title so I can print that, too?

Travelling on the Chattanooga Choo Choo perhaps ?

Love that song...never hear it anywhere these days. "Pardon me boys, is that the Chatanooga Choo Choo?" A Glenn Miller song if I remember correctly.

The music of the WWII era was really special. So much terror and sadness going on in the world, but lots of happy music that had universal appeal. Some sort of emotional symmetry balancing within the human community going on there I believe.

Hey, I just thought of something. I'll bet the fluffy planets are inhabited by giant marshmallow beings like the evil giant in Ghostbusters.

InLove said:
Hey, Andrew--

I am taking a long train trip this week, and I am trying to print out the articles to read if I don't get a window seat. I got the second one, but when I go to the first one, there are LOTS of articles to choose from. When I type in "fluffy planets" or "puffy planets" I still don't know which article(s) to pick. Can you be more specific with a title so I can print that, too?


I couldn't find the original, but try this: http://blog.360.yahoo.com/blog-pP3TxNE6cq1vdWxpqgRcPXiTug--?cq=1&p=558

It's wild!

flowperson said:
I'll bet the fluffy planets are inhabited by giant marshmallow beings like the evil giant in Ghostbusters.

HI--Checking in from the wilds of East TX here. Well, kinda wild, compared to what I am used to (which is wild in its own way).

I will check out the link, Andrew. Thanks!

Hmmm...Pardon me, boys, is that the Chatanooga choo-choo?

Hey, flow--you heard the one about Roy Rogers' boots didn't ya?

Roy got himself a new pair of boots one day, and he decided to wear them on a trail ride. While he was riding, he was attacked by a wildcat who had a hold of his foot. So, being the cowboy that he was, he managed to get loose of the boot and leave it behind (probably while singing "Happy Trails" or something.) Anyway, he came home with only one boot. Dale asked him what happened, and he told her about the narrow escape.

Well, apparently the big feline liked the way either Roy or the boots tasted, because while Dale was tending to Roy's wounds, she spied him off in the trees beyond the clearing. So she said:

"Pardon me Roy, is that the cat who chewed the new shoe?"

Giggle, chortle, snort....:D

InLove said:
"Pardon me Roy, is that the cat who chewed the new shoe?"

Giggle, chortle, snort....:D

Why thank you, InLove! I enjoyed this one so much, I've forwarded it on to my parents ... fellow Glenn Miller fans.

