So, since I like you so much, will you bear with me for a moment while I speak my "native Christian language"? Please don't take this as an attempt to proseletyze, okay? That is not what CR is for. But in order for me to properly address your questions, I have to be able to speak freely about my personal experience. So here goes: For me, the things that Christ shows me are the wonders of the universe. Christianity, with all its anachronisms, problems, and even ambiguities, has still served to teach me about this Christ. And I will never deny Him, for He is my Shepherd. But where I diverge from many of my Christian brothers and sisters is here: I will not place limits on Christ. I do not know exactly how He may show Himself to others. I wait with great anticipation to find out. And I want to learn everything I can about how that might be, but I don't know for sure when or how God reveals himself to my non-Christian brothers and sisters. Now, this right here is enough to earn me the heretic's curse in the eyes of many. But this is what I have been shown by the very same Christ of Christian belief. And it is where I stand. Would I still believe this if I had never partaken of religion? I have to say that I don't know how, but I strongly believe that God would reveal "Himself" to me in one way or another. I think either we all search for something beyond ourselves, or this Entity finds us--and I really believe that it is a mutual endeavor, whether we realize it or not. And really, I do trust that we see HIm in the face of others, if we want to.