But JWs don't view there version of the truth as wrong. So to say that they are wrong does nothing to further the discussion. All that will happen is an endless argument over doctrine. You just cannot come out with guns fully loaded. We are to be light into the darkness, not flamethrowers. If you are going to win them, it will be with an attitude of understanding and cordial examination of the text. There is something else you need to understand is that JWs have invested a great deal of their lives in what they believe. For many of them, a forsaking of that will result in ostacizism from their family and friends.
Again, I agree that these people go through persecution after leaving the religion, but thats only a promise that is to be fulfilled if you really are a Christian. Its good to suffer persecution for the Lord's sake. That said however, you seem to think that I am trying to win a JW and that being a light is a contradiction to saying biblical truth openly and honestly. I assure you, it is not.
Yes, but how do you know that a JW doesn't have that desire to serve God.
Because the Bible says so..."There is NONE who seek after God." People who seek after false idols that they make up in their mind and serve that as their god, to try to appease their conscience which knows that there is a God. That is why we have religion, I feel. Yet, true religion begans when God changes a man through repentence and faith in Christ.
I've ashamedly seen more JWs out and about presenting there gospel that I see most denominations doing.
I agree with you here. I'm embarrased by the fact that Chrisitans have the true gospel and seldom go out of their way to share their faith. I see more and more Christians witnessing now though (especially younger people) and I'm pleased by that!
I've met some who are absolutely sincere in their beliefs and have a love for other people. But see, now you are getting away from theology and into a person's heart, which God can only judge. You've even said that only God can change them, so then what is your purpose in deriding their beliefs?
There are many sincere people and if they dont have the true Jesus, they remain sincerely worng. The world is filled with Good people, but Jesus, unlike all other religious leaders/figures etc., didnt come to make bad peple good. Rather, Jesus, the true Jesus, came to make dead men live. He came to make those who are dead in sins alive to God. I dont have to see a person's heart (which I cannot do) to know that NO one seeks God, all I have to do is read God's words. The truth is, unless the Father draws a person to Christ, no one will ever come because by nature, we are all God hating people who do not want to submit to the greatest good - namely, to obey the gospel - die to self and follow Jesus. This is not to say that we cannot do good - we obvious can and do, I'm just saying that we wont choose the godly good or highest good because it opposses our own will.