Questions for Muslims



I know that you believe that in paradise you will have 72 virgins, so here are my questions.

1. Will they always remain virgins in eternity?
2. Are the Islamic woman of the world looking forward to being only one of 72 wives?
3. Will the woman be nagging and fighting for attention?
4. Will they procreate?
5. What is Islam's understading of Heaven?
cyberpi said:
Only 72? You don't know very much then, do you.

Other than Jesus being the God who died and rose to save sinners from sin's wages, no...I dont know much at all. So how many are there...73, 74, 99? Will you answer the questions, please?
Terrence said:
Other than Jesus being the God who died and rose to save sinners from sin's wages, no...I dont know much at all. So how many are there...73, 74, 99? Will you answer the questions, please?
Maybe its best then to find out what a virgin in heaven looks like before you go chasing after one, don't you think?
cyberpi said:
Maybe its best then to find out what a virgin in heaven looks like before you go chasing after one, don't you think?

Sorry if I was confusing you. I'm not chasing virgins in Heaven. To me, Heaven is only Heaven cause Jesus is there. That said though, would you answer the questions please. They were serious questions. I'd like to know how the Muslims think. Please dont be angry...I dont want to get bombed. Just kiddin...I kid a lot. But seriously, answer the questions.
Terrence said:
I'm not chasing virgins in Heaven. To me, Heaven is only Heaven cause Jesus is there.
LOL! Oh, so your one of them.

If you are not chasing them, then why do you ask questions about them? You remind me of the guy who asks his buddy... pssst... "Think she's a virgin?"... "Does she have kids?"... "Was she good?" Sure... you are not really chasing them. I understand. Tell you what... any secrets of Islam are revealed in the Qur'an. Give it a read.
cyberpi said:
LOL! Oh, so your one of them.

If you are not chasing them, then why do you ask questions about them? You remind me of the guy who asks his buddy... pssst... "Think she's a virgin?"... "Does she have kids?"... "Was she good?" Sure... you are not really interested. I understand. Tell you what... any secrets of Islam are revealed in the Qur'an. Give it a read.

I cant read it...I dont speak Arabic. Do you really want me to read the "watered down" english version that the Nation of Islam in America speaks so well of? Come on, tell me. How many virgins do you get and is that all Islamic woman have to look forward to after death?
Terrence said:
I cant read it...I dont speak Arabic. Do you really want me to read the "watered down" english version that the Nation of Islam in America speaks so well of? Come on, tell me. How many virgins do you get and is that all Islamic woman have to look forward to after death?
Maybe you should be asking what the virgins in hell look like... you know, just in case.

Neither did Jesus (pbuh) speak English, right? I actually wrote a program to help myself search and analyze the words and phrases in the Qur'an, across multiple translations and to develop a cross-compilation of the arabic words themselves, because I don't speak much Arabic. The style is different and remember the Arabic today is not exactly the Arabic back then either.

Here are some online versions:

The common translations are: Yusufali, Pickthal, Shakir, and Khalifa... all are significantly different, which is not a good sign. The has 6 translations... the most I've seen. The USC-MSA has the Hadeeth. This CR website has a version too but I'm not sure what it is. I'm tempted to learn more Arabic and just write my own translation with the help of friends. It is a healthy exercise to pull the definitions of words from their context rather than bringing your own perception to it. But, like the Gospels I think a person really has to ask questions in the mind and prayer and get answers from God (swt). So right now Terrence you have a plank in your eye poking fun at Islam... I understand. So there are some resources to remove it, but above all the best way to shed your ignorance of Islam is to have Faith and go to an Islamic center, pray to God (swt) in a way that you are not used to, and talk with people there. Especially on a Friday afternoon it is like the Sabbath for Islam and people have time.

I have read and studied some Hadith for example and have been fully repulsed by some and impressed by others. A lot of Islam, which I will call man's Islam... is written in the various interpretations of various Islamic adherents. If anyone has a problem with Islam, they should join it. If >100 million Europeans or Americans joined Islam, then Islam would never, ever, be the same again. I think a lot of people stand to learn something from it. If anyone really wants to be a beacon for peace, then go do it... make it yours too. Now is a rather opportune time.
Moved thread to Abrahamic faiths forum, because, well it is about Abrahamic faiths.
terrence,seams like your question was asked to like degrade a view of islam.if you read the Quran,all your questions will be answered.we cannot answer them as only Allah s.w.t knows the answers to questions about life after death.women have as many things to look forward to as men, if you raed the Quran you will hear many descriptions of heaven. unlike in the bible. you say heaven is heaven is becasue Jesus is there, nothing to do witht he fact that God will reward you with it as a gift,as God is more important than Jesus, whether you consider him to be God or not
Terrence said:
I know that you believe that in paradise you will have 72 virgins, so here are my questions.

1. Will they always remain virgins in eternity?
2. Are the Islamic woman of the world looking forward to being only one of 72 wives?
3. Will the woman be nagging and fighting for attention?
4. Will they procreate?
5. What is Islam's understading of Heaven?
doesnt a muslim have to blow themselves up or something to get some of these "virgins"?
I'm pretty surprised that this has gone on as long as it has. Intolerance is tolerated at

Terrence and 'Blazn', since you are so insistent on 'understanding', think. How could so many millions of people follow a religion that is the way you indicate? It doesn't make sense. So either millions are delusional, or your assumptions, that you yourself admit are uneducated, are incorrect.

Now, I suspect that you are going to say something like, 'Hey, I'm just trying to understand!' No. You're only fooling yourself. It isn't my place to scold but since no moderators seem keen on doing it, I'll step up. Not to say that I am without fault. If I were more mature, this message would soothe things instead of escalating them - but I'm not, and I'm tired of seeing this abuse of a really beautiful religion. If you want to ask someone a serious question and expect to get a serious answer, ask with respect.
sara[h]ng said:
I'm pretty surprised that this has gone on as long as it has. Intolerance is tolerated at
i dont think so.. i would like to add if someone could explain the terms Shahada and Jihad as it relates to the posed questions.
I know that you believe that in paradise you will have 72 virgins, so here are my questions.
Quran calls them hoor, meaning "having clear white & black reagons of eyes", meaning beautiful eyed . According to arab tradition, it meant very beautiful . Virgin is the word that english speakers use . Why....may be its their infatuation with virgins ...I have got no idea . For some unknown reasons , muslims percieve this concept as love & companionship, & non-muslims as eternal wild sex.

1. Will they always remain virgins in eternity?
God never told us any thing about this .

2. Are the Islamic woman of the world looking forward to being only one of 72 wives?
According to some ahadeeth woman of the world will be the queen of these hoors, & wives of their husbands.

3. Will the woman be nagging and fighting for attention?
According to Quran , people wont hear anything irritating in heaven . So the answer is no .

4. Will they procreate?
No information, most possibily they wont .

5. What is Islam's understading of Heaven?
A place where everything good exists , & all things bad are non-existant.
Sorry if I was confusing you. I'm not chasing virgins in Heaven. To me, Heaven is only Heaven cause Jesus is there. That said though, would you answer the questions please. They were serious questions. I'd like to know how the Muslims think. Please dont be angry...I dont want to get bombed. Just kiddin...I kid a lot. But seriously, answer the questions.
I have been living as a Muslim , in a Muslim country for all my life . When Muslims talk about heaven, they talk about God's blessings & mercy, & every thing else gets included in this concept, God's infinite power, love & mercy. Frankly speaking I never heard about virgins at all, the usual word used is hoor, or "zawjain" ( spouses ) But then I log on to WWW, & here I always get astonished at how much christians/athiests are interested in what Muslims think they will get in heaven . Mechanism of virginity, physiology of regenerative virginity, size of mammary glands, persistent erections, multiple orgasms, homosexuality e.t.c . Then I ask what do you guys get in heaven, they say "our concept of heaven is spiritual". And within a few seconds of "eternal spirituality" , their minds again comeback to "eternal virginity" . If your concept of heaven is so boring, why don’t you join us in our "everything nice" heaven rather than sticking to that "monks & nuns only" concept of heaven . It just shows a problem in the head, people want something, but they aren’t able to accept it . If they didn’t want it , they wouldn’t have been interested in eternal virginity.

BTW I don’t wanna get invaded & killed after being labeled a terrorist either. But then....... my land doesn’t have much petrol......I will survive.

doesnt a muslim have to blow themselves up or something to get some of these "virgins"?
If you study your Islam from Muslim scholar , the answer is no . I cant comment on what others believe
i would like to add if someone could explain the terms Shahada and Jihad as it relates to the posed questions.

Shahada = testimony = anybody who dies testifing the truth. Like lets say some body went to Africa to preach Islam , gets infected with Ebola & dies, he is a shaheed . The same person goes to same place to buy a factory, dies of the same reason, he isnt a shaheed .

Jihad = Struggle in the way of God . Includes struggle with one's self, against the bad things in society, Khutbas, dawah, & also warfare . It needs to be only for God & in compliance to the laws ordained by God . Any struggle done for money, fame etc is not Jihad .
Hope that answers all questions.
These are good questions.
I am a Muslim, so I will try my best to explain our views/answers to your questions.
Before I begin, I want to stress that God knows best about all that is in hear after, and we humans can only assume what might truly happen. With this in mind, here are my answers to your questions:

1) After Adam savs and Eve as commited sin and their sexual organs became visible to them, God Almighty was determined to punish them for their not following His commandment. The emphasis is not on their discovery of their sexual organs (perhaps the knowledge about sexuality itself) is not considered the source of the major sin here, but certainly it seems to be one of its consequences. God Almighty's reaction speaks for itself--there is no sex in Heaven. The Qur'an speaks of virgins as servants and usually, if you look closely at the verses in the Holy Qur'an their beauty is praised and they serve believers with heavenly food, or similar. There is also mention of young male servants, so, think of it as watress/waiter staff in Heaven. Don't know how better to associate it with (God forgive me!)
2 & 3) Women do not have to fight for attention for husbands, because there is no sexual relationships in Heaven
4) There won't be need for procreation because there will be plenty of humanity up there (our souls)
5) Heaven is described in many verses of the Holy Qur'an so please read a few if possible. But it is a place where the believers won't experience any pain, troubles, worries. Their souls will be clean and will have anything they might desire. They will rest in shades and the Heaven will have a beautiful smell. There will be angels greeting them, houris (the virgins) will serve them Heaven fruits/food, they will see waters flowing beneath them and palaces made for them.
In one place Qur'an mentions that the Earth will be inherited by the believers, and God states that He can create another Earth where only believers will enjoy it. Is this alluding to the Heaven on a renewed Earth? I don't know.
Just want to add something here to. Everyone in Heaven, according to islamic teachings, will be young. One hadith mentions an old woman coming to Prophet Muhammad savs asking if she was going to Heaven. He started to answer: "No.." and before he could finish she stormed away crying. He was surprised saying: "no, not old, but she will be young in Heaven."

Houris are mentioned to be created young, beautiful and pure. Perhaps these beings will be a new human nation in Heaven, or simply the souls for young infants who died before going through life on Earth, who never got a chance to marry?

My religion, Islam, puts big emphasis on marriage, and life companions. Even when Adam savs was created, living among angels and near God, he still was lonely (imagine being lonely in Heaven!?) so God created him a companion, Eve as. This tells us that humans need one another. What role will houris have, only God knows fully.

In my homeland community, I've heard Muslims telling me that the houris (the virgins) are actually heavenly birds and the souls of young children who died. The first time I heard that they are virgin women are when I came to the U.S.??? :(
Shahada=The Declaration of Faith, "I bear witness that there is no God but God and muhammad is his prophet"

Jihad = Struggle in the way of God = The struggle to live AS a muslim in a non-muslim world, the struggle with yourself.
kiwimac said:
Shahada=The Declaration of Faith, "I bear witness that there is no God but God and muhammad is his prophet"

Jihad = Struggle in the way of God = The struggle to live AS a muslim in a non-muslim world, the struggle with yourself.

ji·had [ ji hd ] (plural ji·hads) or je·had [ ji hd ] (plural je·hads)

noun Definition: 1. Islamic campaign against nonbelievers: a campaign waged by Muslims in defense of the Islamic faith against people, organizations, or countries regarded as hostile to Islam

2. relentless campaign: a relentless campaign against somebody or something

[Mid-19th century. < Arabic jihād "effort"]
ji·had·ist noun

Has nothing to do with a Muslim living in non-Muslim world...

You are defining an Arabic word using an English dictionary. I am using the accepted Muslim definition of the word which definition has existed for C.1400 years. Would you use an English dictionary to define Shalom?