so when a saved person goes to heaven



do they mourn their comrades in hell?

does god make them forget?

or is the rapture of heaven so great that they no longer care?

or maybe they view the people in hell as their enemy in anticipation of armegeddon?
do they mourn their comrades in hell?

No. They see sin as exceedingly sinful and sees things as God sees things and they glorify God. Moreover, they praise and worship God for they seen how God saved them when they were no better than those in Hell.

does god make them forget?

Nope. They see sin in its true light as well as see Holiness in its true light. They praise God for His Justice!

or is the rapture of heaven so great that they no longer care?


or maybe they view the people in hell as their enemy in anticipation of armegeddon?

Right, you got it! No, Im just messin'. Ummm...ahhhh...was that a serious question, or were you just bored?
when a person goes to heaven they are changed. they no longer have the same desires as men did, they are given new incorruptible forms, and they praise the lord and worship him in his presence, and he is their light. as far as the past, it is no longer part of them. they are no longer married, they are all one family. and they are all glorified saints that god has called them to be.
shadowman said:
do they mourn their comrades in hell?

does god make them forget?

or is the rapture of heaven so great that they no longer care?

or maybe they view the people in hell as their enemy in anticipation of armegeddon?

Hmm..would be a good question to ask Him.. Which side would you want to be on?
the side of the god that doesnt damn you when you fall out of love with him
shadowman said:
the side of the god that doesnt damn you when you fall out of love with him

Either way it is still the same side of God (He is not Janus). Just because we may become emotionally distant from God does not mean He becomes emotionally distant from us.

Lucky for us too, I suspect.
a. it appears to me while some of us answer with authority on is all conjecture.

b. isn't it true that no one yet has gone? ie all of those going to heaven who have passed are still in the lobby waiting for the doors to open?
wil said:
a. it appears to me while some of us answer with authority on is all conjecture.

b. isn't it true that no one yet has gone? ie all of those going to heaven who have passed are still in the lobby waiting for the doors to open?

Some think so, others think differently. Both get their ideas from bible passages on the matter.
wil said:
b. isn't it true that no one yet has gone? ie all of those going to heaven who have passed are still in the lobby waiting for the doors to open?

When Jesus was on the cross with the 2 other criminals, he says to one of the criminals: "I assure you, today you wil be with me in paradise." (Luke 23:43)

After Jesus dies the doors then become open.
Pico said:
When Jesus was on the cross with the 2 other criminals, he says to one of the criminals: "I assure you, today you wil be with me in paradise." (Luke 23:43)

After Jesus dies the doors then become open.

Or is it: "I assure you today, you will be with me in paradise." ?

Dor said:
God does not damn man. Man makes his own choice.

its a nonsensical choice, its confusing. he created all this. he could have done a better job. my parents have more compassion for me than god.
shadowman said:
its a nonsensical choice, its confusing. he created all this. he could have done a better job. my parents have more compassion for me than god.
Well mine sure do not. God is willing to forgive you 100% of everything you ever did wrong. So how does he not have compassion for you?

Ok cause you do not want to make that 1 choice you have to.:(
if a man says i will hit you unless you chose to love me. isnt that a little weird?

almost as weird as your divine creator saying i will send you to a place of unimaginable torment for an unfathomable ammount of time if you dont beleive in me. except that you dont have the opportunity to even hear him say it. and he created a ton of people that view him differently. and are going to be sent to hell for it!
shadowman said:
if a man says i will hit you unless you chose to love me. isnt that a little weird?

almost as weird as your divine creator saying i will send you to a place of unimaginable torment for an unfathomable ammount of time if you dont beleive in me. except that you dont have the opportunity to even hear him say it. and he created a ton of people that view him differently. and are going to be sent to hell for it!
Stay of the world and live the fun sex, booze and all for myself life for 70-100 yrs and die.
Live for him and live with him forever with everything.

Easy choice. Yep I am baffled why anyone would choose to die.
yea im not making that choice. so he doesnt forgive me or love me. according to those rules. i dont like those rules. i know it seems simple to you. and im sure the promise of heaven makes the spirit of god feel quite real.

i dont like the idea of shutting off functions of my thought in order to beleive something that doesnt seem reasonable to me. i dont like that god fucks with our heads and wants to torment those in his "perfectly just glory" and im not moved by "oh hes so good, he gave us jesus, look how much he loves us" he also gave us hell and damnation

comparing him to a human judge is bad, human justice is terrible. criminals should be rehabilitated.

and even if human justice was right, listing how unmercifully god punishes abosultely every transgression does not make me think hes so greatly divinely perfectly just, it makes me think he is a sicko. leave that bs to human justice
Dor said:
Stay of the world and live the fun sex, booze and all for myself life for 70-100 yrs and die.
Live for him and live with him forever with everything.

Easy choice. Yep I am baffled why anyone would choose to die.

because they dont think thats the choice they are making. they dont go along with it. its ridiculous. its criminal. its something the villain would do. yyeah you wouldnt chose todie. but why the **** would god give you such a MESSED UP CHOICE. BECAUSE HE LOVES YOU? im not convinced

and no, i dont want to live for the fun and sex. i had a one night stand, it was ok. now i want long term/marriage... i stopped smoking weed. i drink occasionally a glass or two of wine or beer. i beleive we should love each other and help humanity.
shadowman said:
the side of the god that doesnt damn you when you fall out of love with him

God is a Just and Righteous God.. Let me try to explain it to you..

You were driving your car.. and ran through a School Zone going 95 mph.. You went to court and the Judge found you guilty of being a danger to yourself and the children using the crosswalks.. Do you tell the judge .. "you cant punish me for speeding because you are a Good and loving judge!" No.. that doesnt make sense...because He is a good and loving judge you cannot convince Him to change his are guilty of a crime...

Then imagine a man walks in.. and pays the fine for you and the judge turns to you and says "You may leave... This man paid the price for your crime.. your record is clean."

Does that sound like someone that damns you? Sounds pretty merciful to me. God came to earth in the flesh and paid the price for you so you wouldnt be damned.... Go figure.
yeah that is what some people think that parts of the bible mean = result of my figuring
people like to say god is above human law, yet he operates on the smae dynamic? DYNAMIC IS NOT THE SAME AS "OUT COME IF YOU BELEIVE A CERTAIN THING"