so when a saved person goes to heaven

shadowman said:
people like to say god is above human law, yet he operates on the smae dynamic? DYNAMIC IS NOT THE SAME AS "OUT COME IF YOU BELEIVE A CERTAIN THING"

Gods law is human law.. but how do you think we learned what is just and right and good... God put the law into each and every one of our hearts to convict us...
shadowman said:
yeah that is what some people think that parts of the bible mean = result of my figuring

God blessed us with a brain and common sense.. use it :) Jesus taught in parables so you would seek out the meaning of His words.. Its the same concept.
"Gods law is human law.. but how do you think we learned what is just and right and good... God put the law into each and every one of our hearts to convict us..."

the heathens managed to get a few things right in that regard too huh? gota give credit where credit is due.
Faithfulservant said:
God blessed us with a brain and common sense.. use it :) Jesus taught in parables so you would seek out the meaning of His words.. Its the same concept.

have you read my thread "thoughts on mind prayer and faith"

what do you know about free word/feeling association on the cocept of jesus?
shadowman said:

have you read my thread "thoughts on mind prayer and faith"

what do you know about free word/feeling association on the cocept of jesus?

I think that God will make foolish those that think themselves wise.
ok, but how much are we allowed to use our brains?

and i never said i was wise. i dont really know anything. i know thats what a "wise person would say"

but i still beleive it.

maybe its not what a wise person would say. any way. i used my brain to come up with that. i bassed it off of other people who used their brain as well as my own experience.
shadowman said:
do they mourn their comrades in hell?

does god make them forget?

or is the rapture of heaven so great that they no longer care?

or maybe they view the people in hell as their enemy in anticipation of armegeddon?
the only reason that a little flock of 144,000 will be going to heaven ,is to serve with their king Jesus christ in the heavenly kingdom goverment, Daniel 2;44and they will be serving as kings and preists, when Jesus was made king of Gods heavenly kingdom goverment in 1914 he soon after started to resurrect those ones asleep in death , and they are now busy doing their roles with Jesus christ. so they are to busy to be interested about false doctrines should as litral hellfire.
shadowman said:
ok, but how much are we allowed to use our brains?

and i never said i was wise. i dont really know anything. i know thats what a "wise person would say"

but i still beleive it.

maybe its not what a wise person would say. any way. i used my brain to come up with that. i bassed it off of other people who used their brain as well as my own experience.

God gave us the bible.. If you were smart.. you would read it.. thats my take on it.
mee said:
the only reason that a little flock of 144,000 will be going to heaven ,is to serve with their king Jesus christ in the heavenly kingdom goverment, Daniel 2;44and they will be serving as kings and preists, when Jesus was made king of Gods heavenly kingdom goverment in 1914 he soon after started to resurrect those ones asleep in death , and they are now busy doing their roles with Jesus christ. so they are to busy to be interested about false doctrines should as litral hellfire.

Is that from the Bible???
mee said:
the only reason that a little flock of 144,000 will be going to heaven ,is to serve with their king Jesus christ in the heavenly kingdom goverment, Daniel 2;44and they will be serving as kings and preists, when Jesus was made king of Gods heavenly kingdom goverment in 1914 he soon after started to resurrect those ones asleep in death , and they are now busy doing their roles with Jesus christ. so they are to busy to be interested about false doctrines should as litral hellfire.

Wow.. Your god has limited your people to 144,000? Im sorry.
Faithfulservant said:
Wow.. Your god has limited your people to 144,000? Im sorry.

All the numbers in revelation are figurative and symbolic, not litteral. 144 is 12 (12 tribes of israel) squared, and the fact it's in thousands represents a whole lot of people.

So it means something like all of God's children (Israel is refered to God's Child, and also the people who belong to him.)

Revelation is Apocalyptic writing.
Faithfulservant said:
God gave us the bible.. If you were smart.. you would read it.. thats my take on it.

i wasnt there when he gave it to us.

and i do read it.

another question.

when is the bible being symbolic and when is it not?
Dor said:
Is that from the Bible???
i am not wise enough to make up stories so i always stick to the bible and what it teaches .
Happy and holy is anyone having part in the first resurrection; over these the second death has no authority, but they will be priests of God and of the Christ, and will rule as kings with him for the thousand years." revelation 20;6
Those who sit on the heavenly thrones and to whom the "power of judging" is given take part in what the apostle John calls "the first resurrection." The word "first" distinguishes their resurrection from that of the rest of mankind.
Faithfulservant said:
Wow.. Your god has limited your people to 144,000? Im sorry.
not according to the bible ;) taking in accurate knowledge works wonders to our understanding of Gods purpose for the heavenly goverment , Daniel 2;44 and the earth. 2 peter 3;13
Of Christ, it is said: "With your blood you bought persons for God out of every tribe and tongue and people and nation, and you made them to be a kingdom and priests to our God, and they are to rule as kings over the earth." (Rev. 5:9, 10) This kingdom is to rule the earth for a thousand years to bring the inhabitants of earth into proper relationship with God.—Rev. 20:4-6...............and yes this kingdom is in heaven , it is all set up in the heavens Daniel 2;44 .it was established and born in 1914 inline with bible prophecy and chronology , and the limited number of 144,000 are ruling with Jesus christ, but first they would have to die and then be resurrected by Jesus christ . yes its all happening in this the time of the end.

Notice how your belief clinges on a few symbolic verses. Wouldnt you rather read the New Testament as a brother or sister of Paul?
shadowman said:
i wasnt there when he gave it to us.

and i do read it.

another question.

when is the bible being symbolic and when is it not?
Shadow you seem to already know that every word is symbolic. Not just the bible... every word ever spoken in time is just a symbol. The symbols that I find golden are the ones where people are not able to alter so easily. For example,

Matthew 6:19-21 Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth, where moth and rust doth corrupt, and where thieves break through and steal: But lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust doth corrupt, and where thieves do not break through nor steal: For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.

So with a few symbols from Jesus (pbuh), the JW and alledged born again Christians are revealed as blind and speaking of desires rather than the reality Jesus (pbuh) described. You see, this is a world where moth and rust corrupts, so this is not heaven. Earth might be debated, but today even after the alledged 1914, nobody is able to prevent moth or rust from corrupting. So if you find yourself in a place where moth and rust does not destroy then you might be in heaven. As I read the symbols, according to Jesus (pbuh) this is not it.

So when it comes to symbols, I prefer the ones that people do not corrupt.
Pico said:
All the numbers in revelation are figurative and symbolic, not litteral. 144 is 12 (12 tribes of israel) squared, and the fact it's in thousands represents a whole lot of people.

So it means something like all of God's children (Israel is refered to God's Child, and also the people who belong to him.)

Revelation is Apocalyptic writing.

I take my bible literally..its 144,000 from the 12 tribes of Israel.. they will be virgins and take up the sword of truth.. I dont know what you God believes.. I just trust mine. :) They will ALL be Jewish.