Universe 2 calling Universe 1

seattlegal said:
Was that a cue for me to post one of my favorite quotes?

Hi seattlegal,

If you want to take it as a cue then nothing would give me greater pleasure. I thought I was just posting spontaneous rubbish but I'm quite happy for it to be laid down in the annals of august aphorisms. :D

I know what U571 is, but I was wondering why that universe wasn't contacting ours. It's really conventient that ours is U1, but I bet they tell that to every universe...
They do, except of course in the two cases that everyone knows about:

1. U443.
Here everyone thinks they are in U1, because (oddly) they think there is only one universe. I know, it's incredible isn't it?

2. U31.
Here everyone thinks they are in U32. It's simply a bureaucratic error that would be too troublesome to correct. It has no real effect except no-one can have ginger hair (but nobody knows why).

flowperson said:
BTW. I heard snippets of an hour long interview/call-in show on an NPR station today with Katherine Schori, the Bishop who will be installed as the leader of the American Episcopal Church in November. She is brilliant, quick, well-reasoned, and may I say just that small bit of hearing her speak sense from my radio did alot to brighten my hopes for our collective future. May G-d protect her and guide her on her way safely through the quagmire.

flow....great big smiley face

From what I know I like her too.
