
I did download Ocean, but because it's not in HTML format it's not actually very useful for me - I would have to go through every line of every text to add the required HTML code - and I don;t much fancy that. :D

The aims of this website are extremely comprehensive, but it'll take time to actually be able to representably cover all aspects of such a wide and diverse subject matter.

There's a relaunch cominging imminently - I was hoping to make it for yesterday or today, but I wasn;t able to get the new CR directory finished in time, so I'll wait and relaunch on Thursday 4th - that means all members will get an e-mail telling them about what's changed over the past 6 months since the last update - and also what's about to happen.

As for what to do - I'll include that in the e-mail. :)
html searching

I said:
I did download Ocean, but because it's not in HTML format it's not actually very useful for me - I would have to go through every line of every text to add the required HTML code - and I don;t much fancy that. :D

Perhaps you could make a deal with Trueseeker

barefootgal9 said:
Hi Steven!

Brian is working on it. The lack of the listing isn't because Brian doesn't think it merits it, it's just the logistics of restructuring the boards - hows and whens - which aren't always "at his command."

I am aware. I also have various projects at work and home. I was just attracted to the word "prococious" and thought a diverse reference, really without breaking a sweat, on a variety of topics and situations the Faith has addressed might be appropriate.