What Unity Teaches

It could be called enlightenment, or just consciousness...
That's my point. You confuse the two.

... Move onto consciously conscious, releasing blame and accepting responsibility for what happens in your life. and finally unconsciously conscious...operating at a level where your knee jerk reaction is love, not caring about where your food will come from or what to wear, live...life happens...
This is just psycho-babble.
Nice recap of the New Thought Movement, seems you only missed a couple major players...Ernest Holmes and Emilie Cady
Well it wasn't written for you, I know you only see what you want to see.

But maybe others will see the traces ...
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Me ignoring the differences between traditions? lol....

yup... I do. But I accentuate the similarities, utilize the symbiotic, you know, an interfaith experience!

My belief is much of all religions today is warped by man...not always intentionally, just because we don't have the words or mental abilities to accurately transmit ythrough language all that G!d is... and that those similarities in all religions...is where the value is.

your mileage may vary...
What irks me is Christians without your "Christ Consciousness". :)
I know ... tell me about it!

But I think you've touched on a pertinent point:
Is 'Christ consciousness' and being humane different, seriously?
The answer can only be 'no, there's no difference', because 'Christ consciousness' is all about ideas of human consciousness per se, it's a focus on consciousness as such, rather than what one is conscious of.

To define 'Christ consciousness' is quite easy, you take the basic human norm, imagine its exemplar, and there you go. So really you're imagining 'the best that man can be', and there you have it. It's a thoroughly secular notion. Badging it with Christ is simply a way to give it market appeal.

It's an anthropomorphism – where once God was a grey-beared old man sitting on his throne in the clouds, now He is 'Mind' or 'Consciousness' or 'my Higher Self' or 'my Inner Power' – but really it's the same thing, an anthropomorphic projection. No less superstitious in its own way, no less idolatrous, the only distinction being God has been tipped off the throne and man has taken the seat: Now God is not 'up there' but 'in me'! I am divine ...

God is the generic abstract principle of everything good, and I am its living actuality ... how much more real than God am I!

The acid test: Take 'Christ' out of the equation – and nothing changes – it's a humanist ideal, with the emphasis on the secular and the rewards to be had in the here and now.
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The acid test: Take 'Christ' out of the equation – and nothing changes.
Take 'Christ' out, it removes half the problems. The other half can also be removed by taking out Allah and Mohammad. Or at least don't force it on others. :D
I know! But then I could respond in the same vein about 'humanists' or 'secularists' who want to shove their agenda down my throat. Or the type who declare that religion is opposed to science, the source of all conflict, the cause of more deaths, etc., etc.

Blaming institutions is easy. It's also usually inaccurate. People are the problem.

I try not to define things by the bad. I think that's why many really don't see religion at all, because of the weight of the prejudice against others that they carry.
Well it wasn't written for you, I know you only see what you want to see.

But maybe others will see the traces ...

hmmm so to be clear...

in the thread called What Unity Teaches... you are choosing not to address me but to tell others it is all poppycock??

Whereby when I say anything about the Catholic Church I am Catholic bashing??

Have I got this wrong?
hmmm so to be clear...
in the thread called What Unity Teaches... you are choosing not to address me but to tell others it is all poppycock??
I'm responding to Aupmanyav, I've given up on any hope of a reasoned discussion with you. I thought you thought my post was 'a nice recap of the New Thought Movement'?

And who said poppycock? I said it was populist ... different thing.

Whereby when I say anything about the Catholic Church I am Catholic bashing??
Have I got this wrong?
Well I discuss things from a standpoint of reason and logic, whereas you simply bang on about how bloody awful the Church, Catholics and American Christians are ... any discussion reason and logic you refute on the basis that man is incapable of altruism.
Thomas said "Blaming institutions is easy. It's also usually inaccurate. People are the problem."

Sort of like that old saw "I have nothing against with humanity. It is people I can't stand." Eh? ;)

Your comment interests me in other ways too. Blaming the institution = wrong. Blaming the people = right? Is it not the people who make up the institution the institution? How could it be otherwise? Blaming the institution is the same thing as blaming the people who make up that institution.

I try not to define things by the bad. I think that's why many really don't see religion at all, because of the weight of the prejudice against others that they carry.

Hmmmm. For me, I would say I define things by the balance, or lack thereof of good and bad. And prejudice cuts both ways. When I have spent decades being pre-judged and found wanting because I do not measure up to Christian's supposed values, it is difficult for me not to think little of such people.

My prejudice about being pre-judged is not because it is a religion doing it. It just happens to be the religion that does it where I live. Any secular group who did the same thing would earn my animosity.
Hi Wil –

From a non-denominational metaphysical viewpoint, here's the problems with Unity teaching and its insistence that everything is analogy:

There is only one Presence and one Power active in the universe and in my life: God the Good, Omnipotent. (Foundation Statement)
If 'God the good' is the only active omnipotent presence and power in the universe and my life ... why do we do such terrible things to each other?

But then, if you say 'God is Mind', and 'all is God', then are you allowing that God can suffer a psychosis or some oder of mental breakdown or disability, instability or disorder, as minds do? :confused:

The divinity of Man is found in the Christ, the Image of God, that indwells every person. "Christ in you the hope of glory." (Colossians 1:27)
OK, but 'divinity' is an analogy, isn't it? Man is not actually divine, 'divinity' is an analogous reference to a self-reflective consciousness.

And oops! Quoting Paul? Colossians isn't even a Pauline text, as well you know, it's one of your later accretions and deeply suspect! :eek:

It's like when you feel happy and say "I'm in heaven" or "this is hell", you're not actually in heaven or hell, there is no 'heaven' or 'hell', they're just terms to infer a state of contentment/discomfort.

Prayer and Meditation are our daily connection with God's loving presence through the Christ indwelling.
Whoa, there! 'connection', 'presence', 'indwelling' ... all analogous terms to describe what, exactly? It does seem to end up with analogies chasing themselves round in a circle ... ?

Through the power of thought we can transform your life.
Well, Unity can hardly claim that as an original teaching.

I think Unity is simply saying that 'positive thinking' is the path to contentment?

I would say Unity is a laudable humanist ethos, not poppycock at all. It's when it gets all 'Christian' that it seems to get rather fuzzy and sentimental.
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I was trying to confirm the lines Thomas, thanx for the response.

Does Unity claim any of it to be 'original teaching'?

Principle 1 is an affirmation... we are trying to focus on the good and eliminate bad choices...surely you see that.

Principle 2...yes it is contested text...but it is also Canon eh? We use the whole bible, and not all as analogy, but as the parables, the metaphor, the metaphysic...and hell, some of it is even close to historical... you know as well as I that determining which is literal and which is mythology is not only not easy, but also where most of the disagreement comes from.

Prayer and meditation....quit toying with me...I believe you know what is meant...or are you like our president Clinton and want to know what is is?

We are Christians, as in followers of Jesus the Christ, our elder brother and wayshower.
Principle 1 is an affirmation... we are trying to focus on the good and eliminate bad choices...surely you see that.
If Principle 1 is true, how can there be 'bad choices'?

Principle 2...yes it is contested text...but it is also Canon eh?
LOL. You're telling me it's Canon, like that's supposed to mean something? :D

According to you, Scripture is the fabrication of a dubious ideology. You don't know the people who wrote it, so how can you trust them?
The next day you tell me Scripture is your foundation?

We use the whole bible...
Oh, I know you use it. On this forum you abuse it, deplore it, refute it, ridicule it, undermine it, you rail against its imagery ... have I ever seen you balance that with the smallest tad of respect? No.

And then you trot it out as 'evidence' and 'proof' when it suits you. :rolleyes:

Prayer and meditation....quit toying with me...I believe you know what is meant...
I know what I think it means. I'd like to hear what you think it means.

We are Christians, as in followers of Jesus the Christ, our elder brother and wayshower.
Yet, in your own words, it wouldn't make any difference to you if Jesus had never existed at all ...
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I'm being too fiery again?

OK. Apologies.

Wil? Sorry, forget it. Put it down to me.
I'm being too fiery again?

OK. Apologies.

Wil? Sorry, forget it. Put it down to me.

Nah, I was just trying to clarify...

If Principle 1 is true, how can there be 'bad choices'?
I'll say it again, it is an affirmation. It is what we strive for, not having the 'devil' in our lives, not making bad decisions.

LOL. You're telling me it's Canon, like that's supposed to mean something? :D

You've implied in the past it means something to you. All the scripture means something...does it mean it is literal? Nah, but does it mean it is useful for our spiritual growth and understanding, of course. But so is the Upanishads, the Vedas, the apocrypha...

According to you, Scripture is the fabrication of a dubious ideology. You don't know the people who wrote it, so how can you trust them?
The next day you tell me Scripture is your foundation?

Next day? You know better. McGiver never existed...doesn't mean if I am not in a touchy situation I can't contemplate WWMcD
Oh, I know you use it. On this forum you abuse it, deplore it, refute it, ridicule it, undermine it, you rail against its imagery ... have I ever seen you balance that with the smallest tad of respect? No.
You choose to see what you choose to see my brother, if you actually believe your statement, we are losing grounds for discussion.
And then you trot it out as 'evidence' and 'proof' when it suits you. :rolleyes:

I know what I think it means. I'd like to hear what you think it means.

Meditation is a way to circumambulate your thoughts actions and perspectives, Prayer is a way to change them.

Yet, in your own words, it wouldn't make any difference to you if Jesus had never existed at all ...

Exactly!! You are spot on in that one. It would be handy if we actually found some evidence, would make ton of folks happy, but I've no need wasting my time looking. He exists in my heart, exists in my mind, thru the teachings that are in the book.

Happy all hallows eve my brother, don't let the goblins getcha!
I'm being too fiery again?

OK. Apologies.

Wil? Sorry, forget it. Put it down to me.

It's just looks like one of those head-against-wall moments. I thought I'd say something before a frustration grew into something more fiery. But if you're both good I shouldn't step in.
Meh, after 9 years we know we dance to different drummers... we step on each others toes, he's doin a three beat waltz while I am dubsteppin the contra chacha...

He just wishes I'd pick another dance hall than the one he prefers...

swing your partner dos-i-doe
He just wishes I'd pick another dance hall than the one he prefers...
It's not that, Wil, really.

I just wish you're faith was logical and not so fundamentalist ... you're very outspoken and inflexible, and it shows the rest of us in a bad light. :D