What Unity Teaches

laughing at you?

You telling me that post was not a joke?

You want a logical faith? That is agnosticism... Me fundamentalist? yeah right...

Outspoken ~ uttered or expressed with frankness or without reserve YUP!!!

Inflexible? I've flexed much in my life, change my thoughts and opinions as new information comes to light, or old info begins to make sense... if by inflexible you mean I don't agree with your religious viewpoints in toto... I guess you are correct. But as you are fully aware I played with Catholics a plethora of them, for 7 years, on a weekly basis...oh I flexed mightily during that time... made the best of meetings and campouts with the inflexible....
You want a logical faith? That is agnosticism...
There it is, right there: Faith doesn't make sense to you, therefore it can't be made sense of, full stop.

But as you are fully aware I played with Catholics a plethora of them, for 7 years, on a weekly basis...oh I flexed mightily during that time... made the best of meetings and campouts with the inflexible....
Wil, you're actually using:
1: The Friend Argument, (modified to 'see what I had to put up with') and;
2: The Ad Hominem ('See how horrible they are');
at the same time.

Way to go, Wil.

Problem is, if you came up to me with a smile and a Guinness, I'd be thinking 'He probably thinks about me the same way' ...
They were associates...my son picked the scout troop, I participated... I do have some friends among them, but I wasn't saying I am not a racist because I have a black friend..I indicating that I know more about American Catholicism than you...I've been around it all my life.. you are often a breath of fresh air...here on the congregation level it is infallable bible, infallable pope...right next to the creationist literalists...

I have discovered that you are not a member of that group...

I have faith the sun will rise tomorrow... I have not faith for that which has not been shown to be true....
They were associates...
Water under the bridge, Wil ... they are your brothers and sisters in Christ, by the way ...

I have not faith for that which has not been shown to be true....
Nothing that defines 'Christianity' has been shown to be true.

For something to be shown to be true requires it to be an object of empirical demonstration. The Divine is not accessible to empirical determination.

I'm really sorry, but the knowledge of things of which Christ speaks transcend the empirical. There are no proofs, my friend.

There's more to this world than meets the empirical eye, and not until one 'groks' that does one begin to see and understand.

It can be reduced to the empirical, of course. So can any spiritual insight. But what's left is very thin gruel indeed. Milk, no meat ...
lol, water under the bridge when you brought it up in the previous post....

I took my jab and ran away...don't respond...

Yes they are my brothers in Christ... But my issue, and the reason I didn't wish to join this troop was the lack of Scouts' Own. What is a Scouts' Own? - ScoutDocs

We left for camping Friday afternoon, and had to get up at 6 am on Sunday to get breakfast, break camp, pack everything up and make it back to town so the boys could get to mass so they didn't go to hell. Only if we were X miles away from the home parish and there wasn't another within X miles could they request special dispensation and not make it back.

And even then shouldn't attend the interfaith Scouts' Own, as it was sprinkled with that pagan native american stuff... I heard it for years from 'our' brothers...
Nothing that defines 'Christianity' has been shown to be true. to me Christianity is following the teachings of Christ, doesn't require any dogma beyond that... all can be found in reading scripture..

For something to be shown to be true requires it to be an object of empirical demonstration. The Divine is not accessible to empirical determination.

I'm really sorry, but the knowledge of things of which Christ speaks transcend the empirical. There are no proofs, my friend. tis the best thing, you test it yourself, you change your perspective, you live your life...

There's more to this world than meets the empirical eye, and not until one 'groks' that does one begin to see and understand. absolutely agree.... you saying groking requires faith?

It can be reduced to the empirical, of course. So can any spiritual insight. But what's left is very thin gruel indeed. Milk, no meat ...
I'm a vegetarian....I have meat you know not of.
Unity is positive, practical Christianity. We teach the effective daily application of the principles of Truth taught and exemplified by Jesus Christ. We promote a way of life that leads to health, prosperity, happiness, and peace of mind. Unity has established centers of study and worship throughout the world where people discover and practice the Unity way of life. We address physical, mental, and emotional needs through affirmative prayer and spiritual education. We serve those who seek inspiration and prayer support as well as those who use Unity teachings as their primary path of spiritual growth. We believe that all people are created with sacred worth, and we strive to reach out to all who seek support and spiritual growth. Therefore, we recognize the importance of serving all people in spiritually and emotionally caring ways. Our ministries and outreaches are free of discrimination on the basis of race, gender, age, creed, religion, national origin, ethnicity, physical disability, and sexual orientation. Our sincere desire is to create spiritually aware organizations that are nondiscriminatory and support diversity.
In sunday school, we work to teach kids to think....not what to think. We may have a lesson plan, may have a scripture to work on...but most importantly we want them to leave the class knowing they are loved, and their thoughts and contemplations are respected.

When we are interpreting as to how a particular verse can be used in their lives, plays out in their lives, has meaning to them, there are no wrong answers, no blasphemy, we encourage exploration of the scripture from various directions, circumambulating the text, the content and the context.
So they aren't calling them principles in the statement but ideas, ideas you should contemplate. But encourage to explore and apply....based on your spiritual understandings...

Resonates with me....
We encourage you to explore and apply Unity teachings based on your own spiritual understanding. We believe this spiritual understanding is enhanced through reflective prayer and meditation. The five basic ideas that make up the Unity belief system are:

1. God is the source and creator of all. There is no other enduring power. God is good and present everywhere.
2. We are spiritual beings, created in God’s image. The spirit of God lives within each person; therefore, all people are inherently good.
3. We create our life experiences through our way of thinking.
4. There is power in affirmative prayer, which we believe increases our awareness of God.
5. Knowledge of these spiritual principles is not enough. We must live them.
I'm a vegetarian....I have meat you know not of.

I was a vegan for about 8 years. I did it for religious and health reasons but am not now because my husband has issues with it and its just easier to eat meat than to argue.
I was a vegan for about 8 years. I did it for religious and health reasons but am not now because my husband has issues with it and its just easier to eat meat than to argue.
Completely off topic.... Are you saying your husband won an argument with you a woman (presumed)... as a happily married man, internet high five to him :D
Completely off topic.... Are you saying your husband won an argument with you a woman (presumed)... as a happily married man, internet high five to him :D
lol he usually does win except when it comes to theology but everyday things he wins
That doesn't sound to me like he wins....that sounds like unity.

The choices we make to make things better for all...
Even though it sounds like you missed the Joke, and reflected back something more sincere, I have to agree, but remind you that if he wins or they both win... he's still won.
That doesn't sound to me like he wins....that sounds like unity.

The choices we make to make things better for all...
You could look at it that way. I do however still have my own beliefs just not totally practicing them.