What Unity Teaches

Because you have feet
true, but I dance with people without feet (couple of double amputees).

But I am blessed, because I have feet, can dance, and can kneel when needed.

I apologize if you felt my being able to dance was some jibe at you. I hope you are getting around ok and get the care you need.
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You can kneel if you want to.... I'll dance!
It's comments like this that, against the tenor of your posts, reads as a typical Wil disparaging other people's faith and practice.

It might not be, it's just the way it comes across to me...
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It's comments like this that, against the tenor of your posts, reads as a typical Wil disparaging other people's faith and practice.

It might not be, it's just the way it comes across to me...
Lol, reread the post to which i was responding ...

You wanna suggest I kneel? I'll suggest you dance .... But go ahead and chastise me if it makes ya feel better! I got broad shoulders and am comfortable in my ways.

I rejoiced in the Lord greatly that now at length you have revived your concern for me. You were indeed concerned for me, but you had no opportunity.11 Not that I am speaking of being in need, for I have learned in whatever situation I am to be content.12 I know how to be brought low, and I know how to abound. In any and every circumstance, I have learned the secret of facing plenty and hunger, abundance and need.13 I can do all things through him who strengthens me....

For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven: a time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to pluck up what is planted; a time to kill, and a time to heal; a time to break down, and a time to build up; a time to weep, and a time to laugh; a time to mourn, and a time to dance...

Praise him with trumpet sound; praise him with lute and harp! Praise him with tambourine and dance; praise him with strings and pipe! Praise him with sounding cymbals; praise him with loud clashing cymbals!....

As for me and David, we'll dance!
true, but I dance with people without feet (couple of double amputees).

But I am blessed, because I have feet, can dance, and can kneel when needed.

I apologize if you felt my being able to dance was some jibe at you. I hope you are getting around ok and get the care you need.
Oh no, it's not like that. I can dance, but DO you ever kneel? It doesn't matter to me at all whether you do or not.

It's just an academic question. You are a thoughtful and profound person; you're obviously not some dizzy crystal waving new ager. I'm just interested to know: Do you ever have need to throw yourself down in abject humility and worship, before God? G!D. Whatever?
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Do you ever have need to throw yourself down in abject humility and worship, before God? G!D. Whatever?
No, not as of yet... My relationship with the allness is like climbing up the rocking chair into grandmas lap and ample bosom... For me, bliss occurs....overwhelming at times, the incredulity of it all...and I beam, I chuckle, I dance. Or when I am perplexed, lost in the doldrums, I use those rainbow colored glasses and change my perspective.
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No, not as of yet... My relationship with the allness is like climbing up the rocking chair into grandmas lap and ample bosom... For me, bliss occurs....overwhelming at times, the incredulity of it all...and I beam, I chuckle, I dance. Or when I am perplexed, lost in the doldrums, I use those rainbow colored glasses and change my perspective.
Thank you. Honesty. Respect, brother ...
You will never look into the eyes of anyone who does not matter to God.
Thanks for posting, Wil. My curiousity has gotten the better of me. Your preacher mentions upcoming studies on the Dark Night Of the Soul and The Cloud Of Unknowing (at around 13:44 and 29.17? I believe)... Do you know if these have already been done or still scheduled for future talks? Either way, is there any way that I could gain access to them, via facebook or some other means? I believe the Unity take on these works would represent a unique perspective, sort of like fresh eyes on an old subject. I enjoyed the talk, by the way. Persona: making a sound through a mask. A human phenomena, something we all have done still do. I like that. Ego, used in a difference sense in which we normally use it today, as a holding place of the soul.
That is a recent talk, so it will be upcoming..you can subscribe to our YouTube channel, his talks are posted regularly...that was part 1 I was thnkng of posting part 2 after I watched it.
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The trinity is definitely a thing in unity...

Metaphysical meaning of Trinity (mbd)

God, threefold in Being.

Meta. The divine Trinity is known as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Metaphysically we understand these to refer to mind, idea, and expression, or thinker, thought, and action.

Man is also threefold--spirit, soul, and body; spirit relating to I AM, soul to consciousness (I amconscious), and body to manifestation (I appear)

At this site is the online version of Charles Fillmore's Metaphysical Bible Dictionary...which is deeper meanings of biblical names and places. Also there is another resource there online, the Revealing Word, it is metaphysical interpretations of common English words.

The way I use the book... when I find a troubling passage say about G!d ordering the death of all the women and children of some tribe...but save the virgins for yourself... I look up the words...in MDB the name of who G!d is ordering to do this, the name of the people or tribe being attacked, the RW def for women, children, and virgins... And get a completely different story, a completely different understanding of the passage.

When I first encountered the books I was a solid skeptic, but then I found in the Bible often as the kids who became the tribes were being born the mother saying "I will name you x because it means y", or when towns or wells were named " I name this spot a because it means b". And then later, when my dad died, and I was given an old family Bible... In the back was a glossary if terms...and I found that glossary of terms in a Bible from a conventional church of my great grandfathers to have very similar take on the meanings.

Those things, and a couple others and the comfort of being able to read troublesome scripture in a new light, an enlightening light, that made incredible sense...made the books a valuable resource. My typical test was seeing G!d as love... And if I could not read a sentence and replace the word G'd with the word love... If a conventional understanding didn't read right...I began then process of replacing names, places, and word with the metaphysical definitions and read a.new interpretation of the story. I use concordences to find the relating texts and metaphyze them.
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I'm not here to dialogue the Unity doctrines as such, but I would take issue with the pejorative and ill-founded critique of religions as being 'imprisoned in dogmas and creeds which stifle individuals from discovering their own indwelling divine potential' and such comments as 'not free to question ... hogtied to religious dogma' — It's a pity he resorts to ill-founded stereotypes in defining other religions.

As ever, I find it better when religious spokespersons speak about what they believe without having to straw man what other people believe ...

(And, btw, if Unity thinks it hasn't a creed or a dogma which shapes its perceptions, it's deluding itself)
He says the same in his talk...(that unity does have creed and dogma) and we even have some tradition and pomp and circumstance... Just not as defined or rigorous.

Again thou, you are not stateside, and you speak from the vantage of the learned theologian... Here is the good old USA, be ye catholic or protestant, evangelical, Mormon, JW, whatever... It is often our way or the highway, questioning does not elicit discussion, but quotes like "you gotta believe it before you see it.'.

We have a huge percentage of our country that denies climate scientists...because scientists deny that the world is less than 10 thousands years old...and they believe in a literal chrono from the Bible and a literal world wide flood and a literal Noah put all the animals on the ark...

Those are who he is speaking of, they are not stereotypes, they are real, and they are preached this from the pulpit and taught this in Sunday school from before they.can speak... He is not talking about you.