I stumbled across this site a few days ago, and must say that it is perhaps one of the friendliest forums I have seen on the internet, on any topic. It's great to have such an open-minded, and civil enviroment in which to discuss religion. Many compliments to the admin and creator(s) of this site!
Anyway, some background: I'm a 19 year old Roman Catholic. I've always been very interested in different religions and belief systems, but have always come back to Catholicism. I'm currently a collge student studying Psychology and Philosophy. Well enough intorductions, hope to see you all on the forums!
Anyway, some background: I'm a 19 year old Roman Catholic. I've always been very interested in different religions and belief systems, but have always come back to Catholicism. I'm currently a collge student studying Psychology and Philosophy. Well enough intorductions, hope to see you all on the forums!