The question of prophecies fulfilled:
Actually we have been responding this question of the Bab fulfilling the prophecies of the Return of the Twelfth Imam and the Mahdi.
Here's a summary of the references I've personally posted and I've expanded some of the salient areas to clarify:
Muhammad al-Mahdi - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
and where the Baha'i view is mentioned:
"Bahá'ís believe that the Imam Mahdi has already returned and fulfilled all the prophecies, many of them in a symbolic sense, in the person of Siyyid `Alí Muhammad-i-Shírází, known as the Báb (1819-1850). The Shaykhi movement of the early 19th century claimed to reestablish the connection to the hidden Imam, and on the night of 22 May 1844, the Báb declared that he was the "Gate" to the Promised One of all religions. In 1848 the Báb and his followers began to teach more openly, and the Báb was publicly executed in 1850."
You'll note above how the Shaykhi movement claimed to have reestablished connection with the Hidden Imam? The Shaykhi movement is an important starting point to understand the early Babi history...many of the students of Shaykh Ahmad and Siyyid Kazim became followers of the Bab, thus the connection.
On July 30th 2006 I posted this information:
"On the other hand, the last Imam disappeared in the year 260 of the Hegira; it is at that time that the prophetic manifestation is completed and that `The door of science is closed.' But Mufaddal questioned the Imam Sadiq as to the signs of the coming of the Mihdi and the Imam answered: `He will appear in the year sixty and his name will be glorified.' This means in the year 1260 which is precisely the year of the manifestation of the Bab.
Cited from "The Dawn Breakers" Chapter XIII
Also on July 30th I posted this information:
All the Imams were put to death except perhaps the last, who died as a child, in 260, and was succeeded for sixty-nine years by four successive "Gates" (abvab-i-arba'ih), who were known as his intermediaries. Then there was utter silence in Islam till the rise of the Báb in 1260 (the surih of Adoration states: "From the Heaven to the Earth He governeth all things: hereafter shall they come up to Him on a day whose length shall be a thousand of such years as ye reckon." (32:4). Hence the importance of the "Year Sixty.")
(Marzieh Gail, Six Lessons on Islam, p. 33)
On August 7th I posted this information:
Despite the historical improbability of a Twelfth Imam, the existence of traditions attesting his occultation and eventual return created a kind of messianic determinism, in which a body of speculation represented as Imami akhbar raised fantastic and thus unrealistic expectations about any future religious renewal. Thus, the Bab's identification with the Qa'im/Mahdi is purely formal. But the formality had to be taken with the utmost seriousness."
- Kitab-i-Iqan
by Christopher Buck
Published in Encyclopedia Iranica
Note the words: "...the Bab's identification with the Qa'im/Mahdi is purely formal. But the formality had to be taken withthe utmost seriousness."
Earlier today I made refereences to a site "Islam and the Baha'i Faith" and here is a section of the fulfillment of prophecies:
"One theme that is common among most religions is the promise of redemption, renewal of religion and salvation, through the coming of a Promised One, to "fill earth with justice as it has been filled with tyranny", (or in Christian terminology, to establish God's Kingdom on earth, as it is in heaven). Each group has called this Promised One by a different name: "Al- Mahdi" (the Guided One), "Al-Qa'im" (the One who Rises), "Sahibul Zaman" (Lord of the Age), Lord of Hosts. Muslims are also promised the return of Jesus (PBUH), as do Christians also await the second coming of Christ. Other religions also await their own Promised One, Whom they know by other different names.
All religions also, warn of false prophets. They warn of the "Dajjal" (the Liar, the one who misguides). They warn of the anti-christ.
So how does one distinguish between the truth and falsehood? Are we left on our own to find out? Would it be better to play it safe and reject all claimants?
What should be obvious is that, the very fact that we are warned of false prophets, should tell us that the True One is surely to come, (albeit it would not be easy to recognize Him). Otherwise, if we weren't admonished to believe in such glad tidings, or if the signs and proofs were to be so clear and obvious, the false ones wouldn't think that they had a chance to impersonate Him falsely. They wouldn't even try, because we would not be expecting anyone to come in the first place.
God says that as long as we make an effort to seek His guidance, His mercy will protect us from being misguided by others:
"And (as for) those who strive hard for Us, We will most certainly guide them in Our ways; and Allah is most surely with the doers of good."
- Qur'an 29:69
When Christ warned His disciples about false prophets, He (PBUH) also provided them with a criterion to help them distinguish between the truth and the sayings of those false prophets:
"Beware of false prophets ... Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire. Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them."
(Matt. 7:15-20)
Similarly, we see in the Holy Qur'an:
"Seest thou not to what God likeneth a good word? To a good tree; its root firmly fixed, and its branches reaching unto heaven: yielding its fruit in all seasons."
- Qur'an 14:24
Prophecy and Proof
There are probably some more I could post but as these have already been cited or alluded to I'll close with these.
- Art