Spirit Guided
There was actually a suggestion in a book I read that Jews who feel thusly, not that Jesus is somehow Divine, but who have been touched or inspired by his teachings, are much like the hasidim of a rebbe. Of course that suggestion itself would probably be received as fairly controversial by most in the Jewish community, even those who are more open to people who've been inspired by the teachings of the teachers of other religions. The feelings are very much because of the relationship the two religions have had for most of their history, all of the persecution and discrimination, as well as the way Christianity formed as a sort of "not that Judaism" and, for a religion that has few and flexible definitions about what a jew does believe, it's pretty universally clear on a few things that a jew doesn't. And it doesn't help that today there are missionary attempts that disguise themselves as Judaism in order to target Jews.
Is it hard to be a practicing Jew, Dauer? Judaism seems so strict, with so many traditions. I would imagine it to be quite a challenge sometimes. Then again, I suppose every religion presents its challenges.
What harm are those missionaries, though...other than a thorn in the side? I don't think many practicing Jews ever convert to Christianity, do they? It would seem like more of a nuisance than threat to your traditions. I do understand the contention between the two religions, though. Our pasts will haunt us for many years to come I'm afraid...
Much Love,