How do the Cults explain away this?



Jesus said that "there is none good except God." How do you understand that?
You know what has God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Spirit and power, and how he went around doing good and healing all who were under the power of the devil, because God was with him.
I have all cults in mind: From early heresies such as Arinism to mordern stuff like J. Witnesses and Mormism. Here's where I'm getting at:

If Jesus wasnt good, how then are those cult members who claim they are trusting in him for their propeiation of sin, trust in a blemished sacrifical lamb and be justified before God? What does their version of Solteriology entail?
Namaste Silas,

Hmmm all cults in mind? Like Christianity? Words are meant to be used so all can understand them...According to Websters...(maybe you are using another dictionary?)
cult Pronunciation: 'k&lt
Function: noun Usage: often attributive
Etymology: French & Latin; French culte, from Latin cultus care, adoration, from colere to cultivate

1 : formal religious veneration
2 : a system of religious beliefs and ritual; also : its body of adherents
3 : a religion regarded as unorthodox or spurious; also : its body of adherents
4 : a system for the cure of disease based on dogma set forth by its promulgator
5 a : great devotion to a person, idea, object, movement, or work (as a film or book); especially : such devotion regarded as a literary or intellectual fad b : the object of such devotion c : a usually small group of people characterized by such devotion
So to be clear Christianity fits all these descriptions.

1. Yes
2. Yes
3. Yes (to some of other cults like Islam, Judaism, etc.)
4. Yes, Jesus used curing disease as a main form to prove himself to others and taught his disciples to do the same.
5. Again yes.

So we can communicate, it appears you are referring to all peoples who don't believe as you do, am I correct?
Namaste Silas,

Hmmm all cults in mind? Like Christianity? Words are meant to be used so all can understand them...According to Websters...(maybe you are using another dictionary?)So to be clear Christianity fits all these descriptions.

1. Yes
2. Yes
3. Yes (to some of other cults like Islam, Judaism, etc.)
4. Yes, Jesus used curing disease as a main form to prove himself to others and taught his disciples to do the same.
5. Again yes.

So we can communicate, it appears you are referring to all peoples who don't believe as you do, am I correct?
perhaps you are being sarcastic by using all the definitions to draw parallels to christianity, and think that it is clever. personally i think it is very simple to understand that the term cult being used here is that which is a religion regarded as unorthodox or spurious; also : its body of adherents. unorthodox meaning that which is not inline with the foundational teachings of mainstream christianity.
perhaps you are being sarcastic by using all the definitions to draw parallels to christianity, and think that it is clever. personally i think it is very simple to understand that the term cult being used here is that which is a religion regarded as unorthodox or spurious; also : its body of adherents. unorthodox meaning that which is not inline with the foundational teachings of mainstream christianity.
Namaste BlaznFattyz, not sarcastic, just simply one word we use innappropriately all the time. Cult refers to religion. I provided Websters Dictionary unedited by me. Definitions are in order of usage, and as you indicated he is using most likely referring to the third most popular definition...but again to many people worshipping a G-d/man/spirit born of a virgin is unorthodox.

Orthodox by itself does not refer to Christianity. I have a feeling Orthodox Jews would consider Christianity unorthodox.

The fact that all of us that have a relgious belief are members of a cult bothers many of us in those cults. Like Judaism, Catholicism, Baptists, Muslims, Lutherans...all clearly cults by definition. And when we realize we are of a particular sect of our cult (denomination of our religion) the words bother us even more. Because we are more likely to use these words with disdain, negatively, spuriously (aka not in a way similar to loving ones neighbor) against others belief systems, yet surely not our own.

Am I incorrect by assuming that the true reference is 'those that don't belive as I do'?
Am I incorrect by assuming that the true reference is 'those that don't belive as I do'?
in the context of it being used here in the christianity forum, you would be right to say using the word cult here is that which is not inline with the foundations of mainstream christianity. outside of this particular forum, i would see your point.
Great answers BlaznFattyz! So where are the cultish people anyway? Will you explain how you can have a Jesus who isnt good (since He said that only God is good) and still trust in him for propetation of sins by his being a blemished scrificial sin offering? How are you justified before God by another sinner?
...if jesus was so good, in a conventional sense, he wouldn't have healed on the sabbath, if he was so good the government wouldn't have put him on the cross.. he was supposedly tempted by the devil in the wilderness, so couldn't have been all that pure and holy, otherwise the devil wouldn't have bothered turning up...

i have never believed that jesus' death magically takes away all stain from believers, and I don't think he was a sacrifice, I think he was getting too many followers and was a threat to the state and the church of his day and so they decided, between them, to get rid of him beforwe he stirred up any more aggro. theory, we will all answer for our own sins, supposedly, when the time comes, and all this born again, washed clean by the blood of the lamb gumpf is probably part of the reason why ppl are turning away from the church in droves... I thought the idea was jesus, as man, could intercede with the father on ur behalf because he was man and knew what it was to be a man, unlike this big god thing, which doesn't, then god would listen to his "son", jesus, and go easy on u, rather than cast u into hell regardless...

but hey, thats just my take on it
Matthew 19: 16-22 said:
16And, behold, one came and said unto him, Good Master, what good thing shall I do, that I may have eternal life?
17And he said unto him, Why callest thou me good? there is none good but one, that is, God: but if thou wilt enter into life, keep the commandments.
18He saith unto him, Which? Jesus said, Thou shalt do no murder, Thou shalt not commit adultery, Thou shalt not steal, Thou shalt not bear false witness,
19Honour thy father and thy mother: and, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.
20The young man saith unto him, All these things have I kept from my youth up: what lack I yet?
21Jesus said unto him, If thou wilt be perfect, go and sell that thou hast, and give to the poor, and thou shalt have treasure in heaven: and come and follow me. 22But when the young man heard that saying, he went away sorrowful: for he had great possessions.

Actually, Silas, I find your question worthwhile, although the term "explain away" makes me wonder why you ask. Nonetheless--

In my opinion, Jesus never says He isn't good. He simply questions why the young man addressed Him in this manner. By listing the commandments, Jesus is telling him what he must do in order to be "good" like God, who does not break the commandments. I think it is worth adding here that the religious authorities of the day were, according to the account in the NT, confused about the Spirit of the Law, and its ultimate goal--that being, as Jesus explains elsewhere to them, the adherence to the most important two.

I also consider that since Jesus is, according to Scripture, sent by the Father, then why should He not qualify as the Sacrificial Lamb, especially since He never broke the basic commandments He spoke of?


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...I think it is worth adding here that the religious authorities of the day were, according to the account in the NT, confused about the Spirit of the Law, and its ultimate goal--that being, as Jesus explains elsewhere to them, the adherence to the most important two.

I also consider that since Jesus is, according to Scripture, sent by the Father, then why should He not qualify as the Sacrificial Lamb, especially since He never broke the basic commandments He spoke of?


:) Regarding confused authorities who have power as their goal instead of truth:
Proverbs 23
1 When you sit down to eat with a ruler,
Consider carefully what is before you;
2 And put a knife to your throat
If you are a man given to appetite.
3 Do not desire his delicacies,
For they are deceptive food.
If Jesus wasnt good, how then are those cult members who claim they are trusting in him for their propeiation of sin, trust in a blemished sacrifical lamb and be justified before God? What does their version of Solteriology entail?
To explain further regarding So(l)teriology, (misspelling seems so common is there a reason for this aka old spelling or wishing to enfuse 'soul' into the equation?) And while I can't answer for all cult members I feel our elder brother and wayshower showed us another way, blazed a path. And I don't look for him or the priests to wash away my sins, I've committed them, I look to myself to improve my actions, I don't look to others.
if jesus was so good, in a conventional sense, he wouldn't have healed on the sabbath,

According to Him [Jesus], He is Lord of the Sabbath and does not have to observe it. If he is Lord of the Laws (and I believe he is), He didnt break any law.

if he was so good the government wouldn't have put him on the cross..

Ten times before the cross did His enemies try to kill Him. And for what? Beccause He claimed to be the Son of God and equal with God. Again, I say He told the Truth.

he was supposedly tempted by the devil in the wilderness, so couldn't have been all that pure and holy, otherwise the devil wouldn't have bothered turning up...

LOL! The devil never tempts people he already has, only those who is doing something right.

i have never believed that jesus' death magically takes away all stain from believers, and I don't think he was a sacrifice, I think he was getting too many followers and was a threat to the state and the church of his day and so they decided, between them, to get rid of him beforwe he stirred up any more aggro.

You dont think and thats the problem, friend. You seem to think that you're good enough to please God. I'll show you from two scriptures from the Bible and they're extreem and prehaps offensive to some?

1. "whatsoever is not done in faith is sin" (Rom. 14:23).
2. "all our righteousness are as filty rags" (Isa 64:4-9).

So here's the problem: You think you're good. But apart from Christ, all the good things you do and did were nothing but filty rags. Behold the awesome standard of God! He is perfect and Thrice Holy. The issue with God is not that you are a sinner because you sinned before, but that before Him you've done nothing but sin and God's wrath is due to sinners. Like everyone else, you've broken His Laws, the Ten Commandments and you are already guilty. God so loved the world, however, that He sent His Son into the world to live a perfect life by observing God's laws, and then to die a perfect sacrificial death in order to satisify the wrath of God that is due to those who sin.

Now, those who trust in Christ will have their sins imputed to his body where God punished sin, and they will also have Jesus' rightousness impted to them, so them can be justified as innocent before God. If you think you can gain heaven by your own righteouness, you're saddly mistaken. Heaven is a place that only perfect people could go. Some of us will be made perfect on the grounds of Jesus' perfect life and His perfect sacrifical death that clease us. theory, we will all answer for our own sins, supposedly, when the time comes, and all this born again, washed clean by the blood of the lamb gumpf is probably part of the reason why ppl are turning away from the church in droves... I thought the idea was jesus, as man, could intercede with the father on ur behalf because he was man and knew what it was to be a man, unlike this big god thing, which doesn't, then god would listen to his "son", jesus, and go easy on u, rather than cast u into hell regardless...but hey, thats just my take on it

People who leave the faith has never been apart of the faith in the first place, they only fooled themselves. Being born agian (becoming a Biblical Christian) is a supernatural occurance that God peforms on a God hating sinner. Being born again is like being born the first time in that we have nothing to do with it. About the rest of what you said, after Jesus assended to Heaven, He took His possossiton as our High priest and interceeds for all those he died to save, thus they are kept saved by his prayers and the Holy Spirit's molding of them into Jesus' image. All that said, what does this have to do with Cults man?
Actually, Silas, I find your question worthwhile, although the term "explain away" makes me wonder why you ask. Nonetheless--

In my opinion, Jesus never says He isn't good. He simply questions why the young man addressed Him in this manner. By listing the commandments, Jesus is telling him what he must do in order to be "good" like God, who does not break the commandments. I think it is worth adding here that the religious authorities of the day were, according to the account in the NT, confused about the Spirit of the Law, and its ultimate goal--that being, as Jesus explains elsewhere to them, the adherence to the most important two.

I also consider that since Jesus is, according to Scripture, sent by the Father, then why should He not qualify as the Sacrificial Lamb, especially since He never broke the basic commandments He spoke of?



I agree! I wasnt talking about that, thats obvious to Christians. I was trying to see how the cults understand Jesus saying "there is none good but God." And, if they believe Jesus isnt God and therefore not good, how are they saved by his sacrifice? See what I mean? Hey JWs and Mormoms, answer please.
Yeah, I hold to a reformed and early church view of scripture. In any case, what do you think Calvinism is about and what does it ential?