Is This Like You

When the watchman on the wall blows the trumpet, he's delivered his own soul.

I like to share. When it appears that my brother or sister already knows what I am saying, but chooses to ignore or discount it, I can let it go. It may be that I am wrong, and, at any rate, I must take the beam from my own eye before bludgeoning the listener to remove their mote.

My challenge is having the courage to blow the trumpet loud enough (or get a bigger trumpet:D).

Good point. The watchman and trumpeter is the first one to get shot...better make the first breath count when sounding out. :eek:
When the watchman on the wall blows the trumpet, he's delivered his own soul.

I like to share. When it appears that my brother or sister already knows what I am saying, but chooses to ignore or discount it, I can let it go. It may be that I am wrong, and, at any rate, I must take the beam from my own eye before bludgeoning the listener to remove their mote.

My challenge is having the courage to blow the trumpet loud enough (or get a bigger trumpet:D).

I understand what you're saying but consider that all we can do in Christ is share what we've been given. [We] cannot remove anything from anyone, and that's the beam I think Jesus is talking about. [To think that we can] The Holy Spirit that dwells in us does the work, and when you realize all we have and all we've gained comes from God and not of our own works, that is when you can see clearly and know that all you can do is [share].

Matthew 7

1. Judge not, that ye be not judged.
2. For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again.
3. And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother's eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye?
4. Or how wilt thou say to thy brother, Let me pull out the mote out of thine eye; and, behold, a beam is in thine own eye?
5. Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother's eye.

We all have our faults, and if we restrained our voice in "fear" of that passage, we could NEVER speak, as we will always have our own demons, but that's not the beam. The Beam is attempting to do the work of the Holy Spirit. We can do nothing apart from God, and when we change, it is not by our own works, but by the Spirit that dwells within.

We are just mouthpieces for Christ, and it is not for us to judge anothers "mote", but to build them up with biblical teachings, and share our own revelations, and then to simply let the Spirit to do the work in them as it did in us. We ought to have the courage to speak up, though.

Simply put, don't push, but [share], and realize that you can do nothing [but] share and know that it is the Spirit that convicts and heals.

Did that make any sense at all? We can't change others, only God can do that. We can't even change ourselves, only God can. All we can do is share our thoughts and revelations that were given by God, and hope the Spirit will convict and lead others to this realization. That's my view, anyway . . .feel free to disagree.

btw, when I posted the rhyme it was because I wanted to share my experience, and not because I was judging, or trying to bludgeon others. Not that you were suggesting that, I just wanted to make that clear. :cool:

We all have our faults, and if we restrained our voice in "fear" of that passage, we could NEVER speak, as we will always have our own demons, but that's not the beam. The Beam is attempting to do the work of the Holy Spirit. We can do nothing apart from God, and when we change, it is not by our own works, but by the Spirit that dwells within.

I don't use the passage as an excuse out of fear. I use it to remind myself to be humble and blow God's horn instead of my own.:)
I don't use the passage as an excuse out of fear. I use it to remind myself to be humble and blow God's horn instead of my own.:)

How do we exalt God w/o first experiencing him in our lives? Sometimes a testimony is good, and it's hard to do this [share our revelations] w/o coming off a bit high minded to others, lol! :D Even so, I think poetry is a great medium to touch the heart, and I think/know we should use our talents/gifts to lead others towards God will no matter what others might think of us for doing so.

We shouldn't be in fear of coming off high minded to some, as others will see us for what we are, and where we are coming from. :)

Much Love,

How do we exalt God w/o first experiencing him in our lives? Sometimes a testimony is good, and it's hard to do this [share our revelations] w/o coming off a bit high minded to others, lol! :D Even so, I think poetry is a great medium to touch the heart, and I think/know we should use our talents/gifts to lead others towards God will no matter what others might think of us for doing so.

We shouldn't be in fear of coming off high minded to some, as others will see us for what we are, and where we are coming from. :)

Much Love,


I certainly agree with your sentiment. Thanks.:)