Favourite Poems....

17th Angel

לבעוט את התחת ולקחת שמות
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Have you seen the little piggies crawling in the d
Inlove, Didn't wish to swamp your "I love....." Thread... Sorry about that, I tend to do that.. Too much.

~You will come one day in a waver of love,
Tender as dew, impetuous as rain,
The tan of the sun will be on your skin,
The purr of the Breeze in your murmuring speech,
You will pose with a hillflower grace.
You will come with your slim, expressive arms,
A poise of the head no sculptor has caught.
And nuances spoken with shoulder and neck,
your face in a pass and repass of moods,
As many as skies in delicate change.
Of cloud and blue and flimmering sun.
You may not come, O girl of a dream,
We may but pass as the world goes by..
And take from a look of eyes into eyes,
A film of hompe and... a memoried day....~
"Flimmering." Gotta love it. :)

I kinda like this one--probably one of his better known:


I asked the professors who teach the meaning of life to tell me what is happiness.
And I went to famous executives who boss the work of thousands of men.
They all shook their heads and gave me a smile as though I was trying to fool with them
And then one Sunday afternoon I wandered out along the Desplaines river
And I saw a crowd of Hungarians under the trees with their women and children
and a keg of beer and an accordian.
Yah thats a pretty awesome one! I like how... The most simple... And seemingly plain things can bring happiness eh? Hey, you ever write a poem? I got loads stored up from when I was a kid, perhaps I'll get the dusty folder out and post some on here... I think they are mostly depressing poems though.... *sighs* kids.....
Poems? Ya want poems?

Original material?

Lemmee see now...I gotta think about this. It may take some time. Don't want to embarrass myself too much.

And I gotta take into account that this is my beloved lounge....

I'd love to read some of yours!

"It may take some time. Don't want to embarrass myself too much. And I gotta take into account that this is my beloved lounge.... "

Yuuuup you got your reputation to uphold ;) Heh, Nothing to be embarrased about. A poem is something that is beautiful... No matter what the topic or the contents... You can't look at one poem then compare to another and say one is good one is bad. Poems tend to be peoples experiences and emotions... I'd love to hear some poem by Inlove :D No rush or pressure! If you don't want to write one thats cool... lol. But sure tomorrow I will carry my old poems to work and see what I can filter out of them. :D
Okay--me too!

I guess for now I will jump off CR for a while. I am supposed to be cleaning out another closet, but in truth (InLove looks around for signs of J.H.) I am going to go watch a rerun of "Judging Amy" first. :) (I know you don't watch the telly, but if you ever do, that's a pretty good story to follow.)

A free bird leaps on the back of the wind
and floats downstream till the current ends
and dips his wing in the orange suns rays
and dares to claim the sky.

But a bird that stalks down his narrow cage
can seldom see through his bars of rage
his wings are clipped and his feet are
tied so he opens his throat to sing.

The caged bird sings with a fearful trill
of things unknown but longed for still
and his tune is heard on the distant hill
for the caged bird sings of freedom.

The free bird thinks of another breeze
and the trade winds soft through the
sighing trees and the fat worms
waiting on a dawn-bright lawn and
he names the sky his own.

But a caged bird stands on the
grave of dreams his shadow shouts
on a nightmare scream
his wings are clipped and his feet are
tied so he opens his throat to sing.

The caged bird sings with a fearful trill
of things unknown but longed for still
and his tune is heard on the distant hill
for the caged bird sings of freedom.

17th do happen to listen to StoneSour? Cory has a poets heart, man and one of his most recent songs is frakin splendiferous, lol! :D

Heres partial lyrics to the song I'm talking about: It's called "Through Glass"

I'm looking at you through the glass...
Don't know how much time has passed
Oh, god it feels like forever
But no one ever tells you that forever
Feels like home sitting all alone inside your head

How do you feel? That is the question
But I forget.. you don't expect an easy answer
When something like a soul becomes
Initialized and folded up like paper dolls and little notes
You can't expect a bit of hope
So while you're outside looking in
Describing what you see
Remember what you're staring at is me. . .
Carl Sandberg
Pile the bodies high at Austerlitz and Waterloo.
Shovel them under and let me work -
I am the grass; I cover all.
And pile them high at Gettysberg
And pile them high at Ypres and Verdun.
Shovel them under and let me work.
Two years, ten years, and passengers ask the conductor:
What place is this?
Where are we now?
I am the grass.
Let me work.
And...Robert Frost...

Two roads diverged in a yellow wood

and sorry I could not travel both

And be one traveller, long I stood

and looked down one as far as I could

to where it bent in the undergrowth;

Then took the other, as just as fair,

and having perhaps the better claim

because it was grassy and wanted wear;

though as for that, the passing there

had worn them really about the same,

And both that morning equally lay

in leaves no feet had trodden black.

Oh, I kept the first for another day!

Yet knowing how way leads on to way,

I doubted if I should ever come back.

I shall be telling this with a sigh

Somewhere ages and ages hence:

Two roads diverged in a wood, and I --

I took the one less travelled by,

and that has made all the difference
I see this thread has taken off. :cool: (By the way, there are three or four existing poetry threads in the lounge, but there is always room for another. Just thought I'd mention that, in case anyone wanted to look around.)

Well, I don't know about posting my stuff here on the same thread with folks like Sandburg and Frost. Most of mine is pretty old--wrote a lot in the 80's (which means I was very young at the time:rolleyes:;):D. And most of my stuff has at one time or another been accompanied by music, so mostly, it rhymes. There is some I won't post here, either because it is maybe too provocative, or was written to a particular person at a particular time, or it involves a lot of religious speculation or politics. Okay-never mind-there's nothing left! Just kidding.

Anyway--here goes one of them that might work here:

Shadows On The Light

You know, I couldn't sleep last night
For want and need of a friend;
My mind's eye stuck; it wouldn't shut,
And the storm rains trickled in.
In a vision I saw my brother
By the gate on the other side,
Considering a way and then another
Perhaps to come inside.
Within my grip I held the key
And never had the thought
Of stepping to the wrought-iron door
And twisting free the lock.

Loneliness is deaf to hear its own footsteps in flight;
And deafness casts fear on the darkness
And shadows on the light.

The winds blew from the east last night,
Shaking up the trees;
The waters raged like beasts of fright,
Stirring up the seas.
In a vision I saw my brother
Reaching out his hand--
In a heartbeat, the flood lay cover
And swept him away like sand.
Too late, emerging from myself,
Too late I had the thought
Of stepping to the wrought-iron door
And twisting free the lock.

Loneliness is deaf to hear its own footsteps in flight;
And deafness casts fear on the darkness
And shadows on the light.

(copyrighted material, 1986)
By the way (this is on my heart to say), on one of those other threads which has some great stuff on it, I messed up and posted something totally inappropriate for the location. I was fairly new then, and maybe I did not fully understand how to behave at the time. Just wanted to say that. (Sorry, Vaj). That's why I am being careful on this one.

Needed to apologize.

Oops! Was this for original poems? I may be in trouble...:eek:

(Starts digging through old scratchings for something worth posting)

"Loneliness is deaf..." Really love that line InLove:).
Hey Prober--thanks!

I don't think it has to be original (I posted Sandburg earlier, too.) Just any poetry you like or you have written. Angel just started with Carl as a spin-off from another conversation. I look forward to some of your stuff, though, if you'd like to post it. :cool:

InLove, I Loved your poem! It was wonderful! The rhyme scheme was excellent, the line breaks fitting, and the way you strung the words into such meaning, beautiful. :)

Here's an old favorite of mine. I wrote a few years ago while thinking about the families of lost soldiers.

‘Casualties Of War’

The stench of moth balls
arose from the chest,
containing war time relics,
and full military dress.

His dog tags were tucked
safely away in a box.
I found the medal of honor,
and his olive drab socks,

pictures, and letters
to my dear Ma Maw,
and the American flag
that buried my Paw.

War time treasures
both bitter and sweet.
The war took his life
before we could meet.

Some tears were shed
when I opened that chest
I’ve now seen my paw
at his heroic best.

He died for liberty,
so we could be free
Yes, he was a hero
if only to me.
Time snap midnight horror
headlight Mary Magdalene
crazy paranoia
police are always watching me
maintain, maintain, maintain

Angel of the highway
dumpster urination scene
concrete revelation
in a plastic reverie
maintain, maintain, maintain

Robot brain contortion
a tiny kernel left of me
pregnant with complicity
maintain, maintain, maintain

Drinking fountain kerosene
envelope and crystalline
don’t think we’ll make it home alive
better let the addict drive
Maintain, maintain, insane

17th do happen to listen to StoneSour? Cory has a poets heart, man and one of his most recent songs is frakin splendiferous, lol! :D

;) I hear yah Cage.....

Prober! Some nice ones there!! Wow... Alot more posts in this thread than I expected......

Inlove... I have gone through the poetry book I made and out of the 47 poems have found some that are suitable to put on this forum... Keep in mind they are pretty... "dark" I went through that stage as a teen. *shruggs*.

Unobtainable liberation f rom this loathsome revolting sphere,
desire of eradication or for the expiration, footsteps of fate,
forevermore subsisting amidst cryptic shadows of fear,
to dream of love except to exist with hate.

Parasitical sphere cancers prolong suppression,
for wisdom is understanding, cipher inherent numeral,
for thine is that of beast and indignation,
to take flight from the sphere is to part from the infernal.

For I am but an aggressive anthropoid,
for I am an almighty primitive predator,
to exist in sin and indulgence within the sphere of void,
rejecing mandate obligations to divine creator.

fly or fry within cerebrum seems free will decision,
thou upon the sphere they all shall burn an eternity,
for you and I shall fry in retribution,
flee upon promised paradise or banished to darkness, scandal.

For thine is the kingdom, the power and the glory forever nevermore.


I am what the vulnerable chid as he lays in his bed fears at twilight.
I am the bump in the darkness that makes your heartbeat race,
I am that blood-curdling scream of suffering that echoes in the night,
I am that odd sound behind the couch that makes you hide your face.

I am that cancer scan you fear to see,
I am the uncontrollable urge in your throat that makes you sick,
I am that pit in your stomach when you see that corpse,
I am that feeling when you see a homeless person not worth spit.

I am the poverty in that third world country,
I am the black plague in English history,
I am the weapon snuck on a plane by an Iraqi,
I am that influence in Nazi Germany.

I am that passionate rage where you cannot stop,
I am the ticking clock on a time bomb,
I am the smell of flesh and rot,
I am the diesease that can prolong.

I am all that you are.

Deformed exterior verdict concludes to surpass interior empathy,
Masses gather with no discretion to glare towards malformation,
As told ere the devil receieves no sympathy.
Be they own shepard not another's sheep, the art of nonconformity.
For those with lack of openness and intelligence are the oddity,
Dare to label the strong as the monstrosity.

For you are the faint and sickly.
For you are the feeble and puny.
For you are the spineless and unsteady.
For you are the weak and flimsy.
For you are the soft and shaky.
For you are the cursed and rickety.
For you are the disgraced and cowardly.

You are forceless, powerless, nerveless, gutless and sluggish.
How can you be so lucid you foul flaccid worm..
You are placed under all of these insignia.
For we are the all-powerful and shall watch you burn.
You carry these names upon your shoulders, I will gladly carry irregular.

As The cloak of nightfall descends upon the sphere,
Sense becomes unmistakeably defined.
A lack of light, yet a mass of fear.
Shortcut through a backalley badly timed.

The drunk, the homeless and the drugged surround.
Rape and death percentage high.
Within the distance screams for help, sinister sound.
The end of the world seems nigh.

Sound that traces your every step forces you to watch your back.
The hair-raising cold that freezes your breath.
Old ladies constantly mugged and violently attacked.
Incredible rate of car theft, the only wish to return to your haven without threat.
Alas you're being watched with every step.
My personal guarantee, every step, I bet.

An almighty uprising of scorn,
You shall be vanquished with this storm,
For I am the righteous, from my touch you shall burn,
Within the stench of the rancid corpse you are a worm,
Exestince that prevails I spurn,
Any hope of victory shall drown,
To your false messiah your loyalty is bound,
Demonic powers for I am the hell hound,
All that rise to fly shall be brought to ground,
All that attempt to stand up shall be brought down,
Look everywhere for aid it cannot be found.

Even your mere insignificant presnce I detest,
Is it a sin to laugh as you take a final breath?
I wish to stab, hack and slice till nothings left,
To sit in my victory for my trophy, your head.
To lay idle in feast of your flesh, which I slice merrely from your chest,
Your body destroyed and disgraced, you shall never lay in rest.

I warned you before hand... And these were the suitable ones... I have tried since... In my more "happy" phase lol to write more poetry.... But I can't, as a teen I could pull a poem off the top of my head... Now If I try I cannot... Why is that you think???
Ok... Just tried to make a more light poem.. Havent written one for years... Be soft on your judgement of it.... lol

My Dog.

This small innocent creature with hefty ears and soppy eyes,
A package of pure energy and hyper joy, yet come night by my feet she lies.
Returning from work every eve, my humble home lay to waste, bless her as she hides.
So much to take in and learn and understand and oh how she tries.

Many moons many suns pass, this small package is no longer that,
Broad and strong, putting my legs to sleep when she slumps down upon my lap,
Still the excessive energy and panting, playing and destroying, with the occasional nap.
A heart bigger and warmer then most humans I have ever known, even loves our cats.

I will forever love her as I know she loves me,
Devoted to her pack, her family, with true loyalty,
Even though when coming home from work every night I dread what destruction I shall see,
But she is one of the family, my dear, dear, Dizzy.
Wow, I Love it when others share their poetry. 17th, you got some dark one's here, lol! They're very good, though! ;)

Here's another one of mine I call it "Generations"


Without hope, and lacking love,
like warmth in a winters breeze,
frustrated, and bitter she cries
pushing away everyone she see’s.

Black streams taunt her reflection
as she wipes every tear away.
Still hoping she will meet a man,
that will somehow want to stay.

Two children hers, age 6 and 9,
know fully their mothers pain.
So desperate for a loving touch,
Yet, disappointment is all they gain.

Lost in limbo, she deny’s the joy
that her children could surely bring.
Refusing the blessings of parenthood;
out again for a one night fling.

Left all alone the children play.
Yearning for a loving home.
Together they make a family,
beneath their play house dome.

Katie, (Nine) the caring mother.
Tommy, (Six) the working dad.
Sing lullabies to their dolls.
A comfort they wish they had.

With tears in their swollen eyes,
they make themselves a bed.
Hand in hand they fall to sleep.
Cold visions within their head.

Nothing changed in their lives;
the cruelty of bitterness sown.
They now follow mothers example,
with needy children of their own.

Time snap midnight horror
headlight Mary Magdalene
crazy paranoia
police are always watching me
maintain, maintain, maintain

Angel of the highway
dumpster urination scene
concrete revelation
in a plastic reverie
maintain, maintain, maintain

Robot brain contortion
a tiny kernel left of me
pregnant with complicity
maintain, maintain, maintain

Drinking fountain kerosene
envelope and crystalline
don’t think we’ll make it home alive
better let the addict drive
Maintain, maintain, insane


“Reflections of an Addict” (Parts I & II)

Part I

“The Rose”

In the failing bloom
of a wilting rose
I find the reality
of what my life has become.

Petals fall
They dry
They crumble in the cool winters breeze.

The beauty that once was
hides her passion
behind the passion of another kind,
replaced by nothing less
than total emptiness.

I bid you all to witness
the future of a foolish soul
as I gaze into this dying flower
reflecting on what I have become.

I realize now...

I was never beautiful at all.
Only in my own mind.

Thorns prevail against the flower.


They stand firm
causing pain
to all who dare to hold my hand

Addiction is my end
It was the end of those who loved me

Ugly and now alone...

Why would anyone want to hold
a dead and lifeless rose?

Part II


And I remember yesterday.
It seems so long ago.
My life was full of promise,
full of hope,
and full of opportunity.

Easy dreams graced my days,
and rainbows shared
their pots of gold.
My sunset demeanor
gave me life,
and filled my youth
with brilliant color.

I remember long ago . . .
Funny, it seems like only yesterday.
Life reached out
before my eager feet
waiting for each step to take.

Walking tall, and unafraid
even as bold
as a raging bull,
I took each step
in confidence
believing in all I was.

Isn’t it funny how things can change
in what seems like a drop of a dime,
and how such confidence
can be turned inside out,
leaving a vibrant man
as cold as stone?

No more pots of gold,
or easy dreams.
No sunset demeanor
to color my days.
No more hope
to set the walking pace,
and no more boldness to carry on.

I’m empty.