Heaven: Inter-faith Comparisons

Nick the Pilot

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Tokyo, Japan
Hi everybody!

Is anyone interested in comparing the idea of Heaven as it appears in the different religions? I think it would be fascinating to see what ideas we have in common. What do you think?
To me heaven is life on earth, where we have been spiritually filled, and free from inner torment. Internal peace, and everlsating freedom.

Theosophy teaches that Heaven exists, although it is different than the Heaven of orthodox religions.

Heaven has been described as places of rest, while Nirvana has been described as a place of great activity.

-- Different Levels of the Afterlife --

Theosophy teaches of seven (actually 14) levels of the Afterlife.

1. People who were true leaders while on Earth
2. People who felt genuine devotional feelings while on Earth
3. People who engaged in intellectual activity while on Earth
4. People who felt happiness while on Earth
5. (At the Earth's surface) Varied discomfort. Cravings for physical pleasures
6. (Subterranean) Suffering. People who were cruel while on Earth
7. (Subterranean) Only the worst specimens of humanity.

People first gravitate to the level most suited to them, burn off the vibrations at that level, and move up to the next level. When all of the undesireable vibrations have been burnt off, they spend time in Heaven. (People can spend time in Hell, Purgatory, and Heaven in the same afterlife.)*

-- Heaven Above vs. Hell Below --

All of the major religions describe Heaven as above and Hell as below. There is truth to this idea.

Hell actually is a place geographically below the Earth. Heaven is an actual place geographically above the Earth.

“Some ... people tend to hover round their earthly homes [after death], in order to keep in touch with their friends of the physical life and the places which they know; others, on the other hand, have a tendency to float away and to find for themselves, as if by specific gravity, a level much further removed from the surface of the earth. The great majority of the denizens of the astral world spend most of their lives comparatively near to the surface of the physical earth; but as they withdraw into themselves, and their consciousness touches the higher types of matter, they find it easier and more natural than before to soar away from that surface into regions where there are fewer disturbing currents.” (Charles Leadbeater, The Inner Life, page 155)

“The average person passing into the heaven-life, for example, tends to float at a considerable distance above the surface of the earth, although on the other hand some of such men are drawn to our level. Still, broadly speaking, the inhabitants of the heaven-world may be thought of as living in a sphere or ring or zone round the earth. What Spiritualists call the summer-land extends many miles above our heads, and as people of the same race and the same religion tend to keep together after death just as they do during life, we have what may be described as a kind of network of summer-lands over the countries to which belong the people who have created them.

“People find their own level on the astral plane, much in the same way as objects floating in the ocean do. This does not mean that they cannot rise and fall at will, but that if no special effort is made they come to their level and remain there. Astral matter gravitates towards the center of the earth just as physical matter does; both obey the same general laws. We may take it that the sixth sub-plane of the astral is partially coincident with the surface of the earth, while the lowest, or seventh, penetrates some distance into the interior.” (Charles Leadbeater, The Inner Life, page 156)

*Astral atoms are described as having specific gravity, just as physical atoms do. The denser astral atoms are said to “sink” more towards the Earth, and the higher-level, finer astral atoms are said to “rise” to the top of the astral globe that interpenetrates our physical globe. Astral entities (dead people) gravitate to the level equal to the preponderance of their astral atoms, causing the “bad” people to “float” at a lower level, and vice versa.
Interesting thoughts on heaven, Nick. In your belief, do those who die, immediately go to whichever level they are destined? In my belief, and it is not shared by many Christians, is that when we die we are simply re-born into the world we leave behind, and experience the same until peace on earth is established. That is when we become truly free from our inner demons,as there will be no negative outside influence to spark inner torment. Until then, we experience the Kingdom only as much as we have embraced G-d, and allowed his Spirit to mature in us.

Theosophy teaches that Heaven exists, although it is different than the Heaven of orthodox religions.

Heaven has been described as places of rest, while Nirvana has been described as a place of great activity.

-- Different Levels of the Afterlife --

Theosophy teaches of seven (actually 14) levels of the Afterlife.

1. People who were true leaders while on Earth
2. People who felt genuine devotional feelings while on Earth
3. People who engaged in intellectual activity while on Earth
4. People who felt happiness while on Earth
5. (At the Earth's surface) Varied discomfort. Cravings for physical pleasures
6. (Subterranean) Suffering. People who were cruel while on Earth
7. (Subterranean) Only the worst specimens of humanity.

People first gravitate to the level most suited to them, burn off the vibrations at that level, and move up to the next level. When all of the undesireable vibrations have been burnt off, they spend time in Heaven. (People can spend time in Hell, Purgatory, and Heaven in the same afterlife.)*

-- Heaven Above vs. Hell Below --

All of the major religions describe Heaven as above and Hell as below. There is truth to this idea.

Hell actually is a place geographically below the Earth. Heaven is an actual place geographically above the Earth.

“Some ... people tend to hover round their earthly homes [after death], in order to keep in touch with their friends of the physical life and the places which they know; others, on the other hand, have a tendency to float away and to find for themselves, as if by specific gravity, a level much further removed from the surface of the earth. The great majority of the denizens of the astral world spend most of their lives comparatively near to the surface of the physical earth; but as they withdraw into themselves, and their consciousness touches the higher types of matter, they find it easier and more natural than before to soar away from that surface into regions where there are fewer disturbing currents.” (Charles Leadbeater, The Inner Life, page 155)

“The average person passing into the heaven-life, for example, tends to float at a considerable distance above the surface of the earth, although on the other hand some of such men are drawn to our level. Still, broadly speaking, the inhabitants of the heaven-world may be thought of as living in a sphere or ring or zone round the earth. What Spiritualists call the summer-land extends many miles above our heads, and as people of the same race and the same religion tend to keep together after death just as they do during life, we have what may be described as a kind of network of summer-lands over the countries to which belong the people who have created them.

“People find their own level on the astral plane, much in the same way as objects floating in the ocean do. This does not mean that they cannot rise and fall at will, but that if no special effort is made they come to their level and remain there. Astral matter gravitates towards the center of the earth just as physical matter does; both obey the same general laws. We may take it that the sixth sub-plane of the astral is partially coincident with the surface of the earth, while the lowest, or seventh, penetrates some distance into the interior.” (Charles Leadbeater, The Inner Life, page 156)

*Astral atoms are described as having specific gravity, just as physical atoms do. The denser astral atoms are said to “sink” more towards the Earth, and the higher-level, finer astral atoms are said to “rise” to the top of the astral globe that interpenetrates our physical globe. Astral entities (dead people) gravitate to the level equal to the preponderance of their astral atoms, causing the “bad” people to “float” at a lower level, and vice versa.

So just exactly how does he know this?

You asked,

"In your belief, do those who die, immediately go to whichever level they are destined?"

--> I would not use the word destiny. It is an affinity — people congregate with same-minded people.

"...when we die we are simply re-born into the world we leave behind, and experience the same until peace on earth is established."

--> Theosophy does a little "better" than that. We create our own world, correct all the evil and make it good, then live in that world. That is my Heaven, and I am looking forward to it!

"That is when we become truly free from our inner demons,as there will be no negative outside influence to spark inner torment."

--> I agree, once all of our negativity is burnt off in Purgatory. (Otherwise, it does not make sense.)

"Until then, we experience the Kingdom only as much as we have embraced G-d, and allowed his Spirit to mature in us."

--> To some extent, I agree. The more devotional thoughts we think on Earth (if we are the devotional type — I am not), the more time we spend in Heaven.


James, why you use G-d instead of God?

You asked,

"So just exactly how does he know this?"

--> He was psychic, and spent time on each level, observing the conditions on each level.

You asked,

"In your belief, do those who die, immediately go to whichever level they are destined?"

--> I would not use the word destiny. It is an affinity — people congregate with same-minded people.

"...when we die we are simply re-born into the world we leave behind, and experience the same until peace on earth is established."

--> Theosophy does a little "better" than that. We create our own world, correct all the evil and make it good, then live in that world. That is my Heaven, and I am looking forward to it!

"That is when we become truly free from our inner demons,as there will be no negative outside influence to spark inner torment."

--> I agree, once all of our negativity is burnt off in Purgatory. (Otherwise, it does not make sense.)

"Until then, we experience the Kingdom only as much as we have embraced G-d, and allowed his Spirit to mature in us."

--> To some extent, I agree. The more devotional thoughts we think on Earth (if we are the devotional type — I am not), the more time we spend in Heaven.

James, why you use G-d instead of God?

Good question, but I'm not sure? Sometimes when I write it comes out God, and other times G-d. I haven't a clue as to why; it just happens that way.


You asked,

"So just exactly how does he know this?"

--> He was psychic, and spent time on each level, observing the conditions on each level.

And he did not take his cam phone.

Seriously though,
Was he in a trance or was it an "OOBE" (out of body experience)?

I have experienced what I thought was an "OOBE" and I did not go anywhere. I just floated around the house and outside for a while and came back to my body. Some people tell me that it was just a dream, but I have had dreams that seemed real, this was not anything like it.

He did it in OBE's not trances. Trances are where the person are not in control, and other entities take control. Such trances are against Theosophical teachings.

People who do not believe in OBE's will tell you it did not happen.

It definitely sounds like you have an OBE. What triggered it? Are you going to try it again?
I do not know exactly know what triggered it. I can tell you what happened, and you can tell what its all about, because I am clueless about the finer points of OBE's.

Here we go:

I was about 13 or 14 and came home after school. I remeber it was extremely hot that day (in Louisiana). I had some yard work to do with my mother and had not really drank a lot of water. After the work was done, I began to do my homework and stopped to take a rest. I laid on my bed. The next thing I remember was looking down at my body and wondering "What the hell". I got my senses and looked around. My bedroom door was open and I saw my mother in the kitchen. I floated toward her, because I wanted to know if she could see me or not. I called her, and she looked around when I called her, but it was like she "thought she heard somthing and dismissed it
". So I decided to have some fun and fly around for awhile. I went in the living room and looked in the mirror and then I went out the door. I went outside and "played" for a while, turning flips and looking at thing form above. I went back into the house to look at my body again to see if I was still there and before I could turn back and have some more fun, I felt a pulling(like something sucking me back) and I hit my body and my physical body jumped up out of bed. I literally stood on my feet when I hit my body. I remember feeling kinda light and weird afterward. Thats all I can remember.

It definitely was an OBE, triggered by your apparant dehydration.

Theosophy teaches that we travel to the astral often — every time we go to sleep. Astral travel is usually something we dismiss as a dream. The fact that you kept complete recall (and that you were completely conscious during the experience) makes me call it an OBE.

I have never had an OBE, so I do not know a lot about them. No doubt there numerous OBE Forums out there, should you pursue it further.

Has your OBE altered your opinion of religion?

It definitely was an OBE, triggered by your apparant dehydration. ?

Yep. Thought that might be it, but was not sure.

Theosophy teaches that we travel to the astral often — every time we go to sleep. Astral travel is usually something we dismiss as a dream. The fact that you kept complete recall (and that you were completely conscious during the experience) makes me call it an OBE.

I have never had an OBE, so I do not know a lot about them. No doubt there numerous OBE Forums out there, should you pursue it further.

I just might do that.

Has your OBE altered your opinion of religion?

I really do not see religious "dogma" as a big deal.

I do however feel that their is more "than meets the eye" when tring to understaning our true nature and GOD. i.e religion in and of itself does not have all the answers.

however, I have come to understand a little about the separation between the physical and spiritual. When I had that experience, I did not feel as if I had more control of things than when I was in the physical. It did not give me any more "insight" to the nature of things then when I was in my physical body. I just "exsisted" in a different form. i.e. the difference between being naked and clothed. Naked people can tell you certain things about the weather just as a clothed person can tell you certain things about the weather.

I feel that "all" have to answer to GOD in some form or fashion. Even spirits answer to GOD.