Is that suppose to be taken literal, Silas? If so, then very few Christians EVER fulfill such a command. I prefer to see it as a metaphorical death, representing being born again.
You need to understand three very important words: Context, contex, and contexto (spanish for context). Its not about what you would prefer to see, but rather what God thorugh His word has said and revealed. Everyone who is born of God will die for Christ, either by being murdered, or living life of continual death via persecution, and having it play out in some of the ways I mentioned, i.e., losing family, friends, house, work, food, etc., all for the sake of Jesus. Futhermore, dying for Christ can be seen in every believer who does battle with sin. The denying of self kills me, God knows!
You said yourself that we are judged by everyword that comes out of our mouth. I'm new in Christ in as much as I've only recently been born again. I've read the scriptures, and I must admit that i am found lacking when it comes to an intellectual understanding of them. I know where my heart is most of the time, but like yesterday, I strayed from the heart, and was abased for it. I exalted self, and it lowered my place. I know because I feel it deep inside.
I thought about you last night and I want you to know that if in fact that you believe the gospel, you are saved, providing that you hold to the truth your entire life. If you fall away, you would prove to have never believed. Therefore, I want to both incourage you and warn you to make your calling and election sure. I dont know your heart and I dont want to judge you. However, I can say that if you do not understand the gravity of your wickedness before God, at least to some degree, you really do not understand why you really need a Savior. In that case, you really cant be trusting in Christ alone for your salvation. I would encourage you to make sure and also to do what the Bible says, namely to "count the cost." Know that coming to Christ means dying to self and becoming a slave of Christ and of righteousness.
I have to appologize for my transgressions against you, Silas. I have been viewing you in a light that is not worthy of Christ. It's not for me to think more highly of myself than you, and that is what I've done. (My confession to you)
Dont sweet it, bro. You're right, I'm not worthy of Christ!