Sin and Redemption

Prober : I don't believe that it's His son, as in "progeny". I believe Jesus is spoken of as His son in the way that each of us is God's son (or servant).
inhumility : That is the same as I believe, but other Christian posters on CR like our freinds Silas, and Pico do not.

I would like to ask my frieds Silas and Pico : do you also believe as I and Prober believe that Jesus only in a metaphoric sense was Son of God, not literally?
What are your denominations in Christianity, please?
I am an Ahmadi - a peaceful faith in Islam

I believe Jesus is who he says he is: Search for a Bible passage in over 35 languages and 50 versions. - Passage Lookup: John 10:22-30;

Which is who Peter says he is: - Passage Lookup: Matthew 16:13-19;
*note* Peter, James, and John (each wrote books in the new testament) were Jesus' top 3 guys; they made up Jesus' high council who and were the ones who knew him the best and Jesus trusted with the most secrets. Peter himself was Jesus' number 1 guy.

Which is who the demons says he is: Search for a Bible passage in over 35 languages and 50 versions.

Jesus is not God's son as in his offspring. The word "Son" used to describe teh "Son of God" means the one entitled to all the rights an pirvelages of.

My denomination would be Prodestant, or maybe Baptist, i guess.

Hi--some Christians, myself included, believe that Jesus is who He says He is, and that embraces the metaphorical sense as well as the literal. I don't yet know enough about Islam to know where the commonalities may lie, except that Islam recognizes some Truths spoken by Him. Silas and I do not agree on everything, however. Just posting this to hopefully help with further understanding, and not to preach.

Salam Alaikum,
First of all JesusYeshuaIssa never died on Cross, so that premise is proved untrue.
As I read it, the gospels show him alive and speaking after he was on the cross, but before he ascended to Allah (swt). Also in the gospel, Isa (pbuh) says that nobody takes his life except as he lays it down. So the Qur'an is true. I see no truth gained in denying that he was ever on the cross. If it were not true, then there will be a last day that everyone knows.

Secondly, there is no established relationship between sins of one person with the sacrifice of another person. Religions are deep routed in the human psyche; no other religion is known to have knowledge of such sacrifice of a Son of God being brutally killed for their sins i.e. Hindus, Sikhs, Jews, Zoroastrians, Muslims etc; all are humans if at all it should have concerned their sins GodAllahYHWH must have told them also about it.
Per the gospel it was the opposite (John 3:19)... to condemn brings condemnation. Also, Isa (pbuh) taught that there was no other way for a person except to repent and seek forgiveness. While the guilt will surely ensue, it does communicate to those who do not understand that Isa (pbuh) loved them, so that they might repent. Like patience and constancy, the sacrifice of time and opportunity, it communicates to the very soul that the prophet that was rejected was true and sincere.

Thirdly it presents a very cruel concept of God who cannot forgive sins of the human beings without sacrifice of his Son. All human beings are said to be created on the image of God, could a Christian friend here imagine of killing his son like this? So, human conscience rejects it totally. They say God is love, contrary to this if one accepts this concept that would mean God is cruel, He could not be kind and loving to his son, so how could He be kind and loving to others?! A point to ponder, please.
In Qur'an 3:55 it is seen that Allah(swt) willed to terminate Isa (pbuh). To serve Allah(swt) can definitely require sacrifice. Remember the story of Ibrahim (pbuh). Also:

Yusufali 6:162 Say: "Truly, my prayer and my service of sacrifice, my life and my death, are (all) for Allah, the Cherisher of the Worlds:"

Yusufali 108:2 Therefore to thy Lord turn in Prayer and Sacrifice.

Not of war, but of sacrifice to convince others to save themselves from their own sins... enjoining others to a Truth.

As for those who say that Jesus (pbuh) is God (swt), and remain convinced of their right to exclude hearing others... I think Allah (swt) is the only convincer... and does so after steps are taken by a person. Otherwise... it is just not possible.
Hi--some Christians, myself included, believe that Jesus is who He says He is, and that embraces the metaphorical sense as well as the literal.

It is very essential in comparative study of religions, that one has clarity of one's beliefs and concepts, only then meaningful dialogue could take place. Prober has spelled his concepts well and so have I. Please don't mind, to say that it is metaphorical and literal is paradoxical. What is written in the NTBible is neither from GodAllahYHWH nor from JesusYeshuaIssa. It is written, as stated by scholars, by unknown writers approved by Church and then ascribed to disciples. It therefore becomes important that whatever is written in them must also be supported by reason, rationality, further human sources of knowledge and sciences. Only then a clear picture would emerge which would be truthful and real, worth human believing and convictions.
I am an Ahmadi - a peaceful faith in Islam