is it really possible for god to "forget" he is god?
If Jesus was God, then he would definately know he was God. If God did not know he was God, the universe would be in a state of chaos - or cease to exist at all. God cannot suffer any form of senility, confusion or partial knowledge about a matter. God is all-knowing, and therefore incapable of confusion or partial knowledge. As for being "divine" - well, which defenition of divine? He could be divine in the "Being in the service or worship of a deity; sacred." context. But to say that Jesus - a man who ate, slept, drank, coughed, sneezed, had to learn to walk - and many things best not said - was god, is absurd.
It is clear in the Gospels that Jesus Christ preached monotheism to the Jews by quoting Deuteronomy 6:4 ( "The Lord our God is one Lord" ) and this is also expressed in other New Testament verses (Mark 12:29, Mark 12:32, John 17:3, 1 Corinthians 8:6). However, never did he say "I am the Lord your God", but said "The Lord OUR God is one Lord". Clearly, Jesus is demonstrating that he is also one of the creation.
Besides, to suggest that Jesus is God is to call the Prophets Isaiah a liar:
"I am the Lord, and
there is none else : there is
no God besides me : I girded thee, and thou hast not known me:
That they may know who are from the rising of the sun, and they who are from the west, that
there is none besides me.
I am the Lord, and
there is none else : I form the light, and create darkness, I make peace, and create evil:
I the Lord that do
all these things." - Isaiah 45:5-7
Clearly we see God is emphasizing there is "
NONE BESIDE HIM " (refering to partners, or sons, or sub-deities, or divine beings)
by stating this three times (and who said God was subtle?) and that he has created all things (alone, with no help).
The idea of splitting God into three persons is a violation of monotheism (which Christ preached)- which advocates that:
1) There is ONE GOD
2) God is ONE
To say all three are the "One God" will not change the fact that it does not equate to one God. Infact, even the Hindus say that all their many polytheist gods form one God (Brahman? Brahma? I forgot his name).
My point is that Jesus preached that there is ONE GOD, he prayed to ONE GOD (he did not sit upside down praying to himself). Jesus, being the messiah and a prophet, and being given wisdom from God would most definately known he was not God. The Bible narrative is obviously edited to support Jesus as being divine - and it would not even suprise me if his followers eventually began worshipping him. This is nothing new. Paul - a wolf in sheep's clothing (as Jesus told us about) probably brainwashed them all with his smart mouth. A good man dies, they build a grave or a statue to commemorate him, then this turns into a shrine of respect and then eventually they're worshipping him. I'm just glad that God is merciful not to punish Jesus for this whole nonsense - as he is very much innocent of it all.
Another point is that God - being the eternal, absolute creator and sustainer of all things - cannot be "kept in a bottle". He cannot be "kept within walls", he is beyond all the universe, let alone the dishonour of being kept inside a human being (who ate, drank, slept, urinated, etc) - things which God does not do!
The idea that Jesus taught us that the divine is to be found inside of us cannot be supported by anything but a shroud of new-age speculation to try to accomodate great religious icons as being of the same belief/teachings as new-age cults at the moment. Jesus was a devout monotheist (so much so he'd probably be sent to cuba if he were born in america in this century), so the idea of him being a new-age hippy (remniscent of john lennon) with long hair, smoking pot and telling us all we're divine beings is lunacy.
people who are not god, usually know theyre not god unless theyre mad and jesus was not mad.
Sorry if I flinched off topic (or was alittle forceful of my view, hehe) of whether jesus "KNEW" he was god. The fact that I am not god makes me aware I am not God. That would be my Point