the islamic god, and the christian God are not the same, what do you think?

so if my God is the same God as the Jews and the Muslems, then how come they have different ways of going to heaven?
my son calls me dad, my mom calls me son, my sister- brother, my niece- uncle, my friend- friend. They all see me different, have differing relationships, have different perspectives, have different knowledge of what I can and do do....but it is all me.
Its all a matter of perspective. Odds may not believe it at this moment...but odds are, had you, the exact you, been born and raised in Suadi Arabia...or born of Jewish'd think differently....I wonder why?
yeah but as a christian i dont see how muslems can belive their form of heaven when it is all about indulging in fleshly desires, as there form of heaven, paradise, they talk about there will be virgins to have there way with, and beable to indulge in food, well when i go to heaven, i am looking forward to being with my father in heaven, because as a christian i am considerd an heir to the throne, tho i will never rule the throne of heaven, because God is everlasting, the only reward i look forward too is being with God, and nothing else, expessially virgins, i don't even know why anyone could belive that if you were to belive in the ten commandments which all three religions should, that would be adultry to lust over women, let alone be pleasured by them in heaven, wich isent there not suposed to be sin in heaven, o yeah thats right, theres not...........
so you would think, but it dosent because thats whare it splits off, because as a christian i know that ways of the other religions do not agree with my Gods plan,

do you really? Before Christians existed, Israelites and those from the tribe of Judah existed. Their God is our God. (father God). Their God comes from the Torah and the Tanakh (their Bible is the Pentateuch, first five books of the Old Testament).

I'm not certain you even know your own religion. Not saying you don't know your own faith (not my place, or intent).

Your faith comes from the ways of the Jews, like it or not. oh, and welcome to CR.


so if my God is the same God as the Jews and the Muslems, then how come they have different ways of going to heaven? because i know that the muslems belive Jesus was just a prophit, and the Jew say that he wasent the messiah becuase he didn't fufill what he was suposed to do, but then in christianity Jesus says that "I am the way the truth and the life, no one comes to the father exept thrue me" well then what is right,....... i firmly belive Christianity is the true way, ........................

That is called "faith".
yeah but as a christian i dont see how muslems can belive their form of heaven when it is all about indulging in fleshly desires,
The other view is that, all these things are just mentioned by Allah as a metaphor to give us an indication that Paradise will be a place of immense pleasure and peace, and the reality of it is like something we cannot even comprehend in the slightest.
Did you miss this part of the quote when you asked in the Islam column about heaven?
yeah but as a christian i dont see how muslems can belive their form of heaven when it is all about indulging in fleshly desires, as there form of heaven, paradise, they talk about there will be virgins to have there way with, and beable to indulge in food, well when i go to heaven, i am looking forward to being with my father in heaven, because as a christian i am considerd an heir to the throne, tho i will never rule the throne of heaven, because God is everlasting, the only reward i look forward too is being with God, and nothing else, expessially virgins, i don't even know why anyone could belive that if you were to belive in the ten commandments which all three religions should, that would be adultry to lust over women, let alone be pleasured by them in heaven, wich isent there not suposed to be sin in heaven, o yeah thats right, theres not...........

Have your READ the Qu'ran?
yeah but tho the jews claim that they are the same Jews as when Jesus was around, but they diden't accept Jesus soo there for i feel they might have been, .... led astray by there own ways, but i may be wrong, i really only have a minumul about of information about Jews, but my main foucus is really on muslem belifes, but Jesus clearly states that he is the only way to heaven, sooo if you dont belive Jesus is who he claims to be, well,

Jesus was 100% man, and 100% God, some may say that that dosent really make seince well then thats the point, you cant fathom it,
Did you miss this part of the quote when you asked in the Islam column about heaven?

well if it was a metaphore used by God, Allah, him self i dont think its true, because then God would be leading you to temptaiton wich is somthing that he does not do, wich is stated in the bible,
Have your READ the Qu'ran?

what about it, you leave me on have you read the qu'ran? what does it say that proves what anything i said was wrong........ i have spoke with muslems about the subject and they dont say that they are heirs to the throne, they say they are his subjects kinda like slaves, but as a christian i am a child of God, and what i do for him is as what i would do for my worldly father, I have a personal relationship with God, I talk to him in prayor often thrue everyday life, and he guids me everywhare i go, and my muslem freinds i kno. are like what are you talking about? relaitonships?, soo my point exactly
well if it was a metaphore used by God, Allah, him self i dont think its true, because then God would be leading you to temptaiton wich is somthing that he does not do, wich is stated in the bible,
me thinks it actually says Jesus prays that G-d does not lead us into least most translations are that way..
what about it, you leave me on have you read the qu'ran? what does it say that proves what anything i said was wrong........ i have spoke with muslems about the subject and they dont say that they are heirs to the throne, they say they are his subjects kinda like slaves, but as a christian i am a child of God, and what i do for him is as what i would do for my worldly father, I have a personal relationship with God, I talk to him in prayor often thrue everyday life, and he guids me everywhare i go, and my muslem freinds i kno. are like what are you talking about? relaitonships?, soo my point exactly

lol, speak your mind clear.


me thinks it actually says Jesus prays that G-d does not lead us into least most translations are that way..

Jesus is God in a human form, like i said he was 100% man and 100% God, as in physicly he was fully man, and spiritualy and mentaly 100% God, soo if he prays that God dosent lead us into tempation then God wont lead us into temptation, the devil is the one who leads people to temptation and God is simply lets you choose, and is there for you when you do fall into temptaion,
I do what I do for God because I want to do what i do for God, not because i have too,

Let me rephrase...not wise to get off on the wrong foot. We do not proselytise here. We discuss. As long as you talk the way you mentioned above...all is great. That is what you believe, and we (CR) appreciate your belief. Once again, welcome.



Let me rephrase...not wise to get off on the wrong foot. We do not proselytise here. We discuss. As long as you talk the way you mentioned above...all is great. That is what you believe, and we (CR) appreciate your belief. Once again, welcome.



arguing, conversating, debating, all is disscussion, am I wrong? if thats whare you were goin at?

exchanging of words is all disscussing,

seems like you wer just getting allittle annoyd at what i was saying i guess
its not like I am trying to make anyone convert, but I am Just speaking my belives and pointing out how Christianity is the truth,.............. but i am willing to step on some toes, metaphoricly speaking
arguing, conversating, debating, all is disscussion, am I wrong? if thats whare you were goin at?

exchanging of words is all disscussing,

seems like you wer just getting allittle annoyd at what i was saying i guess

Clearamericanboy...are you challenging me? I said what I said because that is the CR Code of Conduct. Plain and simple. Let Me introduce myself. I am Q, your local moderator. I would not ken that we should get off on the wrong foot. Not my intent. We simply need to consider others who have varied opinions on faith. Considering the fact that this thread is in the comparitive studies area, that in and of itself means it is open to debate, and not subject to personal guffas. (personal attacks). I hope you will find this place both enlightening and fun, and educational.

Once again, welcome to CR.


i wasent challenging you, but still ... ok whatever nevermind i'll leave it alone, o and thanks for the welcome, ......... but i think there should be a thread for challenging belifes,... just throwing that out there, unless i might have just over looked it, I didn't see one,
i wasent challenging you, but still ... ok whatever nevermind i'll leave it alone, o and thanks for the welcome, ......... but i think there should be a thread for challenging belifes,... just throwing that out there, unless i might have just over looked it, I didn't see one,
Hmmm, not here at CR. Challenging beliefs is akin to smacking someone in the face.

Best bet is to start a thread with "I opine that..." In otherwords, no challenges. We discuss. We do not attempt to convert, nor show how another religion or faith is wrong (not supposed to anyway). Else how would we discover what others believe? :eek:

Once again, welcome.


true ture, but if we don't press our own faith, and compare to others how they may be wrong, we are not upholding the value of our religion in the sense that your suposed to gain followers, and i understand that, this is a place just for refference discussions but, im just soo used to speaking out and picking out little things in every day discussions, and im sorry about that, ill try to hold my tounge, when it comes to certain things like that,......