Okay, well--
Wil, I look forward to your visit. Maybe there will actually be a Banana over Texas. If not, we will go to Six Flags Over The Same. It might not be as exciting, but we gotta do what we are given to do. Either way, perhaps it will be educational and fun.
I apologize ahead of time if this thought offends anyone at all, but I have had this in my head for a while now, and I just have to ask. I saw where there were lots of employment opportunities involved in the Banana project. One of the job descriptions, if I remember correctly, has something to do with "bamboo engineering". Oh forgive me, please, but I keep wondering where in Canada will we find these people???? (Sorry, Kal--my dad for most of his adult life was involved in the aerospace industry, and there was a friendly rivalry between the U.S. and Canada--so don't take anything I say too personally, okay?) I love Canada--I'm a musician, and Canada truly knows how to rock!
Well, that said--lolololol!