Sorry Im confused also.. Probers post sums up pretty much how I feel about the Lords return and living in the kingdom of heaven in the now. Maybe Q misread it?
I opine that time is what is alotted us, not to be wasted wishing for a quick end. God has plans for us, and expects us to act on those plans, and not worry about tomorrow. I think life is fantastic, regardless of our particular position at a specific moment...the alternative is what sucks.
Think of your life if you will, as a "talent" given you by the master...what do you plan to do with that talent?
Like my wife's ferrets, and the lowly bird of the sky. They know not self pity, nor the impending end. They ask for nothing from anyone, but give all they have to that wich gave them their life and purpose. And they go to their grave never feeling sorry or remorseful for themselves.
I'm not berating any of you. I'm simply expressing my opinion of life and what it means to me. Yes, I want to see God face to face, but I am in no hurry, because I have a job here that He expects me to do to the best of my ability, first. And He expects me to be "pleased" with what He has given me, right now, and here.
I love life, mine, yours, everyones.
The way I see it, humanity "may" be wicked to the core, but life is not. It 'tis, the most precious commodity we posess...not to be discarded or dis-regarded. (gets off the soap box)
now on to our regular broadcast...