23 month old daughter talks about heaven

Hi Earl,

Thank you for welcoming me :)

Your eldest grandson is typical of the story contributions that I have received for my book Heaven Talks To Children. But that is exceptional that he was able to read thoughts in addition to being able to spirits. Yes, I do agree that many times those special abilities diminish as the child gets older. Sometimes a child will turn off to a gift if they feel different from other children. I am so happy that you believed your grandson. You may even want to ask him if he is still seeing spirits. It could be that he is but may be suppressing his gift. He may really like to talk to someone he trusts (like you!) about it, if he is.

Also, it is helpful for children to know how to protect themselves from spirits who may be scaring them too. Simply calling upon God or Jesus when this happens will help them and empower them.

Thank you and God bless you, ChristineMarie

Welcome ChristineMarie. Would be interested to read your book. Yes, there are countless, credible stories of young children's natural ability to sense "spirits" or remember past lives or evidence various psychic abilities. Our eldest grandson when between 2 and 3 could see "ghosts" and seemed to read thoughts. No longer evidences that and for most it seems that with age and getting "rooted" in this realm, those abilities diminsh. earl
Hi Nick, Thanks for explaining that this was not your post, but a post from someone else, whereby the link to that post has been removed. It sure was a great story though! :):):) If you happen to find that link I would like to post to it.

Have a great day. God bless you! Christine Marie

23 month old daughter talks about heaven

I am the mother of a 23 month old little girl, April. She has made some comments recently that have absolutely floored me. She speaks better that any 2 year old that I know. In fact she is probably speaks at about the level of at least a 2.5- 3 year old. I know that every parent thinks this about their child, but it really is true in my daughters case.

Before I go on to my story I would like to give a little background info about some things that happened a few months after April was born. Right around the time that she turned 5 months old some strange things started happening. I wont go indepth about the things that occured, but I will say that there was definately "paranormal" activity going on. At one point I was sure that I had a ghost living in my home, and I have never been someone to believe in ghosts or things of the like.

April's father lives in a neighborhood close to a strip of shops of a major thoroughfare. (Her father and I dont reside together.) In that strip of shops is a catholic store with a 5 foot statue of Jesus with his arms raised in the window. When April asked me who the man was in the window a few months ago, I told her that it was Jesus and that he loved her. The next time that we drove by the statue April excitedly said, "Theres Mr. Jesus"! I laughed to hear her say this because I had not refered to the statue as "Mr. Jesus", nor does she attend bible school, nor does she refer to anyone or anything as a Mister. It kind of surprised me that she remembered what the statue's name was. After we got home I called her father to ask him if he refered to the statue as "Mr. Jesus" and he said that he also had not refered to the Jesus statue with that term. We both kind of just laughed about the fact that she decided to add the Mr. part all on her own.

As a couple of months went by April continued to greet "Mr. Jesus" everytime that we drove by him. Then 2 weeks ago while April and her father were walking by a Catholic church in his neighborhood he said to her, "April, that building is called a church. That is where people go to talk to Mr. Jesus." April then responded, "I talked to Mr. Jesus." To which her father said, "When did you talk to Mr. Jesus?" What she said next amazed him. She said, "When I was in heaven." Her father said he repeated the initial question about 5 times after that to see what her response would be, and it was the same everytime. More notable is the fact that when she made the statement it was in a matter-of-fact tone, almost like she was saying, "what are you, stupid?". Also she asked her father to take her into the church, and when he told her that they couldnt go in she threw a tantrum demanding to go into the church.

Earlier this week after April and I were having some mommy-daughter play time I grabbed her put her on my lap and said to her, "Did you talk to daddy about Mr. Jesus in heaven? What is heaven like April?" When she responded she was talking so fast that I couldnt understand what she had said. She repeated her self and what I heard her say was, " I came All the way down the tunnel." As she was saying this to me she made a downward vertical sweeping motion with her hand. She repeated herself one more time to make sure that I had heard what she was trying to say. I was stunned for a few minutes.

I would like to hear from parents of children that have expressed these kind of things at or around the age of 2 years old. It just seems to me like at this age children are still learning how to talk, and they almost can still be considered babies. How is this possible at such a young age? Any relayed stories and or advice would be appreciated.
He also seemed to have some precognitive abilities then as well as an ability to simply know ordinary things outside of ordinary channels for picking up information. For instance, we have this little bathroom at the back of our house whose right sink faucet doesn't work. Well, when he was 2 and not yet even been in that bathroom, I'm sitting back there-er doing my business:p-and he waltzes in for the first time, points to the right faucet and says "that doesn't work" and waltzes out. earl
Hi Earl,

Another thought may be that your grandson may be getting information from his angels and spirits around him :) He sounds adorable!

God bless you, ChristineMarie
Hi Earl,

Another thought may be that your grandson may be getting information from his angels and spirits around him :) He sounds adorable!

God bless you, ChristineMarie
Well, I'd certainly agree on the adorable front. The lad's 10 now. I tend to believe the "veil" is thinner on the front end and the back end of life. My first wife died after months in the hospital of Fanconi's Anemia. About 9 days prior to her death she had to be revived. During that interval her deceased mother came to her and among other things told her that it wasn't her time yet but they'd be together soon. From then til death she had several more "conversations" with her. She toward the end would drift in and out of consciousness and once when coming to began to regale me with a spontaneous remembrance of a past life which to her explained why she had so much physical suffering in this life-a "learning lesson." She was raised traditional Catholic and did not believe in such "New Age" stuff nor even knew of some of these notions. Wonder what our beliefs about reality and "religion" would be like if we took seriously the insights of preschoolers and those on death's doorstep.:) earl
When I worked with hospice patients, I saw a lot of what you describe, Earl. My grandfather, as he died very slowly from an autoimmune disease, also went in and out, talked with spirits and his deceased father and best friend, etc. It does not particularly seem to matter what religion someone is; the events are quite consistent person to person. Some call it "nearing death awareness" for those people that die more slowly and have more time to integrate what is beyond with their current life.

I do think people are most open to possibility in the beginning and the end (as a general rule), and I wish this openness remained during the bulk of life, as it seems to temper judgment, fear, and a number of other negative tendencies.
When I worked with hospice patients, I saw a lot of what you describe, Earl. My grandfather, as he died very slowly from an autoimmune disease, also went in and out, talked with spirits and his deceased father and best friend, etc. It does not particularly seem to matter what religion someone is; the events are quite consistent person to person. Some call it "nearing death awareness" for those people that die more slowly and have more time to integrate what is beyond with their current life.

I do think people are most open to possibility in the beginning and the end (as a general rule), and I wish this openness remained during the bulk of life, as it seems to temper judgment, fear, and a number of other negative tendencies.
Yeah Kim, it seems life is a game of spiritual hide and seek where we're more in the know when we first arrive and when we're on the way out. Too bad the vast bulk of us, (most certainly including me), need to stumble about in the dark between those 2 points. But, hearing of and believing in such "realities" when I remember to pause and reflect on them does reorient me to better spiritual awareness. Just wished I had the experiential awareness to bolster the belief system as I believe nothing entirely replaces experience for waking one up.:) earl
When I worked with hospice patients, I saw a lot of what you describe, Earl. My grandfather, as he died very slowly from an autoimmune disease, also went in and out, talked with spirits and his deceased father and best friend, etc. It does not particularly seem to matter what religion someone is; the events are quite consistent person to person. Some call it "nearing death awareness" for those people that die more slowly and have more time to integrate what is beyond with their current life.

I do think people are most open to possibility in the beginning and the end (as a general rule), and I wish this openness remained during the bulk of life, as it seems to temper judgment, fear, and a number of other negative tendencies.

I can certainly relate to this - when I was unemployed I was put on a government scheme to care for elderly blind people.

One time, I felt an overwhelming sense that one of the newer residents was surrounded by presences, and that mentally he was asking if he had been a good man, and they were comforting him. It was as if he was making final mental preparations for death.

Nothing was spoken, and like all the residents he just sat there, so there were no obvious cues.

The feeling was too powerful to ignore, though, so I walked up and sat by him, and simply held his hand.

After a while, the sense of the presences seemed to fade away, so I let go. He simply turned around and said "Thank you."

He never spoke of it, and carried on as normal.

I left a couple of weeks later. He died just after.
In this foreign language video the words beiying and daw / daw-ong translate as afterlife and heaven / god respectively. This hyper intelligent child has had the concepts explained to it and is giving his response. Amazing intelligence for an infant!!

[youtube]<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/5P6UU6m3cqk&hl=en&fs=1&rel=0"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/5P6UU6m3cqk&hl=en&fs=1&rel=0" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>[/youtube]
I've worked as a therapist in community mental health centers for about 30 years. In that time, you hear a lot of things. Always interesting to me how some of my more traditionally-minded colleagues attempt to make sense to themselves of things young children tell them. Not uncommon to hear young children share some things along the line of what has been discussed in this thread. Had a 5 y.o. girl brought in a few years ago by mom who was freaked because the little girl was telling her that her deceased grandma visited with her every night. Her very traditional Catholic therapist didn't know what to make of it because it sounded "nuts" to her but knew the kid was too normal to be psychotic. fortunately, didn't push drugs on the kid. In more recent months here, 1 of my other colleagues has worked with a 9 y.o. girl in foster care, who, like many there, has gone through some tough experiences but who tells her that her "angels" have long communicated with her, buoying her spirits. Also she's working with a 7 y.o. kid who speaks of her deceased cousin communicating with her. While this colleague I don't think is as "New Age" as me, (never discussed her beliefs with her), she is at least doing her part to stand up for the "normalcy" of these experiences, telling the first kid's foster agency, who want to ship her off to an outside psychiatrist to get at what's wrong with her to have this experience, that such is wholly unnecessary and the experience is a healthy one and in the latter telling the kid's mom pretty much the same thing. Seems to me that such experiences suggest that even when one thinks that they are very alone, we may never be as alone as we think and may have any number of unseen forces rooting for us from the sidelines.:) earl

I think I posted a link before to the website that specializes in children who have memories of previous reincarnations.

Past Life Forum - Powered by vBulletin

At that site, they posted some guidellines to help parents determine if what the child is saying is authentic or not. I remember two things. One is when the child is very dead-panned, unemotional, and matter-of-fact about what they are saying. The second is when the child's story does not change over time. When a child speaks in these two ways, there is a better chance that the child is being truthful. These and a couple of other things (I forgot the other things) help us recognize that the child is being truthful.

It would be interesting to apply these principles to what you and your fellow therapists are hearing from the children.
hi nick, just came across this cos of christinemarie's post; l came across this fun link thru stumble and was amazed at my son's past live description that he had lived in japan, because when he was a baby he did have eastern eyes!

Past Life Analysis

I plugged in my birthdate and it came up with...

I don't know how you feel about it, but you were male in your last earthly incarnation.You were born somewhere in the territory of modern Turkey around the year 1625. Your profession was that of a farmer, weaver or tailor.

While I appreciate its concerns for my feelings, I can't help but roll my eyes over it and other posts regarding this subject. At least they gave me a simple past life. Not everybody could be Genghis Kahn.

It's one thing to appreciate the unknown and mystery, it's another to attribute these things to past lives, angels and spirits. But I've found is that people are desperate to believe and will cling to anything as evidence to support this view.

As for babies talking about the afterlife...

They have been exposed day after day to concepts that their family believe in and talk about. They are smart enough to take on a language in this short life. Why would anybody be surprised that they're able to take on some other things as well?
I plugged in my birthdate and it came up with...

I don't know how you feel about it, but you were male in your last earthly incarnation.You were born somewhere in the territory of modern Turkey around the year 1625. Your profession was that of a farmer, weaver or tailor.

While I appreciate its concerns for my feelings, I can't help but roll my eyes over it and other posts regarding this subject. At least they gave me a simple past life. Not everybody could be Genghis Kahn.

It's one thing to appreciate the unknown and mystery, it's another to attribute these things to past lives, angels and spirits. But I've found is that people are desperate to believe and will cling to anything as evidence to support this view.

As for babies talking about the afterlife...

They have been exposed day after day to concepts that their family believe in and talk about. They are smart enough to take on a language in this short life. Why would anybody be surprised that they're able to take on some other things as well?
Well, CZ, one wouldn't expect you to believe anything you haven't experienced for yourself that breaches the predominant materialist paradigm.;) earl
Well, CZ, one wouldn't expect you to believe anything you haven't experienced for yourself that breaches the predominant materialist paradigm.;) earl

Let's just say that I'm curious why nobody here thought that while a baby is learning a new language they may also be picking up on numerous other cues from their surroundings as well.

That certainly seems rational to me.
Of course babies pick up on other cues in their surroundings. That doesn't really explain children whose surroundings are training them into not believing in reincarnation, yet they may still eventually conclude they have had a past life.

I have various reasons for believing I have had past lives and I remember some limited bits of information about it. It's just the explanation that makes the most sense to me given my life's experiences from early childhood until now. More to the point- it's the most helpful explanation and allowed me more mileage out of it for personal growth.

But to each their own. The one thing that I find a bit problematic are the parents that are always telling a kid who might have something like this going on to stop "imagining" things. But then, I find the tendency of parents to treat their children like idiots who are devoid of any capacity to contribute to their own growth process repugnant.