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What constitutes reasonable faith?
I've listed several lines of reason why I believe in the historic Christian faith. Christian ought not to think that they are following something blindly. Not that we do not have doubts once in a while, but we ought to be anchored such that our faith doesn't waiver.
1) Biblical Longetivity - The Bible has stood the test of time. Many attempts to destroy it have failed. Documentary evidence attests to the veracity and validity that what we hold now has not changed through the passage of time, as indicated by manuscriptural evidence such as the Dead Seas Scrolls for the OT, the over 5,000 ancient manuscripts of the NT, and other evidences.
2) Archeological evidence - Attests to the existence of ancient nations, cities, peoples, and artifacts that are mentioned by the Bible, some having been discounted by scholars before their discovery.
3) Israel and the Existence and Survival of the Jews - The mere existence of the Jews and the nation of Israel give credible credence to the cultural backdrop of an acient nation of people who claim to be chosen by God to bring forth His existence to the world. On May 14, 1948, Israel became a nation again after some 1700-1800 years of Jewish exile, the only ancient people ever to form into a nation and to revive an ancient language. How did such a small group of people survive for so long?
4) The Big Bang and the First Cause - After studying the issue, I'm convinced that evidence suggests a "fine tuning" of the universe that began with the Big Bang and extends to this day, which has set up conditions for life on earth. Frankly, looking at the statistical evidence, I don't see how it could have come about without some intellent force behind it.
5) Creation and Evolution - Again, even with the all the evidence seemingly in support the idea of evolution, even if it is true, with all the complexity and diversity of life, I cannot believe that there is no intellent force behind it all. Something has got to be guiding it, as statistical evidence suggests.
6) Biblical prophecy - Messianic and Apocalypical Prophesy specifically. Jesus has fulfilled over 300 OT prophesies, including time, place, and method of birth, and time, place, and method of death. But I'm more inclined toward end-time prophesies, specifically beginning with the re-birth of Israel in 1948 and the geo-political and economical landscape of the times as indicators of the coming drama as depicted in the apocalyptical literature.
7) Near-Death Experiences - Many would discount them as the product of an oxygen-deprived dying brain. But there are several accounts that cannot be explained, such as people blind from birth seeing colors, conversations being heard in a remote location where the patient could not have known what was said, descriptions of things nearby (such as a red shoe on the roof of the hospital) that the patient had no previous knowledge of. One case cited of a woman whose her heart was stopped brainwave function was flatlined in order to perform a delicate brain operation that she was later able to describe in detail the instruments used and hear the OR conversations, even though her ears were plugged.
7) Cloud of witnesses - From biographies and testimonies of those who have had the Christian experience and how it has changed their lives. This includes people I've known, aquaintences, churchmembers, friends, and family, who can attest to a personal interaction with what they believe is God, coupled with amazing instances of intervention in their lives as a result.
8) Personal Testimony - The most important evidence I have. I have known a Love that I could not have imagined could be felt. I have found a sense of forgiveness, healing, and acceptance in my own heart towhat I believe is a Presence in my life in what I call God, through a relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ. With it I have learned to love with a love was never before able to share. And I feel a deep kinship and love with those who have discovered this phenomena also. My life has changed in many dramatic ways. I do not in the least proclaim perfection, but I am drawn to it and discovered experientially the positive impact from being obedient to God's Word and commandments. True, my experience is subjective, but that is so for every person. And when I find people with like experiences as mind when it comes to a relationship with God, it isn't a subjective as it seems.
I'm sure I could come up with more. Taken each of these separately, I might be inclined to be rather skeptical, as indeed I have in the past. But when all of these are taken together in consideration, I find that there is fairly solid basis for my faith.
Is your's a reasonable faith?
I've listed several lines of reason why I believe in the historic Christian faith. Christian ought not to think that they are following something blindly. Not that we do not have doubts once in a while, but we ought to be anchored such that our faith doesn't waiver.
1) Biblical Longetivity - The Bible has stood the test of time. Many attempts to destroy it have failed. Documentary evidence attests to the veracity and validity that what we hold now has not changed through the passage of time, as indicated by manuscriptural evidence such as the Dead Seas Scrolls for the OT, the over 5,000 ancient manuscripts of the NT, and other evidences.
2) Archeological evidence - Attests to the existence of ancient nations, cities, peoples, and artifacts that are mentioned by the Bible, some having been discounted by scholars before their discovery.
3) Israel and the Existence and Survival of the Jews - The mere existence of the Jews and the nation of Israel give credible credence to the cultural backdrop of an acient nation of people who claim to be chosen by God to bring forth His existence to the world. On May 14, 1948, Israel became a nation again after some 1700-1800 years of Jewish exile, the only ancient people ever to form into a nation and to revive an ancient language. How did such a small group of people survive for so long?
4) The Big Bang and the First Cause - After studying the issue, I'm convinced that evidence suggests a "fine tuning" of the universe that began with the Big Bang and extends to this day, which has set up conditions for life on earth. Frankly, looking at the statistical evidence, I don't see how it could have come about without some intellent force behind it.
5) Creation and Evolution - Again, even with the all the evidence seemingly in support the idea of evolution, even if it is true, with all the complexity and diversity of life, I cannot believe that there is no intellent force behind it all. Something has got to be guiding it, as statistical evidence suggests.
6) Biblical prophecy - Messianic and Apocalypical Prophesy specifically. Jesus has fulfilled over 300 OT prophesies, including time, place, and method of birth, and time, place, and method of death. But I'm more inclined toward end-time prophesies, specifically beginning with the re-birth of Israel in 1948 and the geo-political and economical landscape of the times as indicators of the coming drama as depicted in the apocalyptical literature.
7) Near-Death Experiences - Many would discount them as the product of an oxygen-deprived dying brain. But there are several accounts that cannot be explained, such as people blind from birth seeing colors, conversations being heard in a remote location where the patient could not have known what was said, descriptions of things nearby (such as a red shoe on the roof of the hospital) that the patient had no previous knowledge of. One case cited of a woman whose her heart was stopped brainwave function was flatlined in order to perform a delicate brain operation that she was later able to describe in detail the instruments used and hear the OR conversations, even though her ears were plugged.
7) Cloud of witnesses - From biographies and testimonies of those who have had the Christian experience and how it has changed their lives. This includes people I've known, aquaintences, churchmembers, friends, and family, who can attest to a personal interaction with what they believe is God, coupled with amazing instances of intervention in their lives as a result.
8) Personal Testimony - The most important evidence I have. I have known a Love that I could not have imagined could be felt. I have found a sense of forgiveness, healing, and acceptance in my own heart towhat I believe is a Presence in my life in what I call God, through a relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ. With it I have learned to love with a love was never before able to share. And I feel a deep kinship and love with those who have discovered this phenomena also. My life has changed in many dramatic ways. I do not in the least proclaim perfection, but I am drawn to it and discovered experientially the positive impact from being obedient to God's Word and commandments. True, my experience is subjective, but that is so for every person. And when I find people with like experiences as mind when it comes to a relationship with God, it isn't a subjective as it seems.
I'm sure I could come up with more. Taken each of these separately, I might be inclined to be rather skeptical, as indeed I have in the past. But when all of these are taken together in consideration, I find that there is fairly solid basis for my faith.
Is your's a reasonable faith?