On J.Krishnamurthy....

I do understand. I'm a great admirer of Krishnamurti. What I'm suggesting, though, is that his experience with Theosophy, and his thought process in deciding to walk away were essential in forming his later philosophy. Without that experience he would not have come to that later realization.

Well, I don't think so, because the Buddha, Ramana Maharshi and others too have said similarly the same thing. And I firmly believe ,from his own observations on his life, that he indeed was enlightened like the above ones.
With or without that experience, he would still have come to the same realization.

Also Devamrutha, a young and recent enlightened master of modern India, too has stated the same thing in his own way , and denounced organisation and organised religion.
The Dragon and Krishnamurthy

Bruce Lee was a contemporary of Jiddu Krishnamurthy, whose philosophy influenced Lee's. Lee referred to Krishnamurti in the book The Tao Of Jeet Kune Do.

Man, the living creature, the creating individual, is always more important than any established style or system.

---Bruce Lee

Truth has no path. Truth is living and, therefore, changing. Awareness is without choice, without demand, without anxiety; in that state of mind, there is perception. To know oneself is to study oneself in action with another person. Awareness has no frontier; it is giving of your whole being, without exclusion.


All fixed set patterns are incapable of adaptability or pliability. The truth is outside of all fixed patterns.


When there is freedom from mechanical conditioning, there is simplicity. The classical man is just a bundle of routine, ideas and tradition. If you follow the classical pattern, you are understanding the routine, the tradition, the shadow — you are not understanding yourself.

A "spiritual relative" perhaps...

"The emergence and blossoming of understanding, love and intelligence has nothing to do with any tradition, no matter how ancient or impressive - it has nothing to do with time. It happens completely on its own when a human being questions, wonders, listens and looks without getting stuck in fear, pleasure and pain. When self concern is quiet, in abeyance, heaven and earth are open. The mystery, the essence of all life is not separate from the silent openness of simple listening."

— Toni Packer

Springwater Center: Silent Meditation Retreats in Upstate New York

may i humbly suggest that if anyone would care to see whether the man speaks the truth or not, to read "freedom from the known". its a very short cheap book and gets straight to the point and gives a great introduction to what he was saying. free from the library...

i like what he spoke about as he never "told you what to do" but merely pointed out the obstacles to truth, like tradition and culture, which colour your vision; that you must come to each and every problem fresh without the burden of the past. i beleve some call this the great negation. you can't really disagree when someones not trying to persuade you to anything.

"it is not freedom we are concerned with but conflict, freedom is the ideal but conflict is the reality."

you cannot know love only the obstacles to it like anger, jealousy and ambition; in the understanding of these the other is. some don't like this because it requires self investigation as opposed to being given a formula or method.

"who the teacher is, is not relevant, what is relevant are the teachings"

give it a whirl, i dare you, j...